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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛7 Money Saving Ideas

#1) Raise your deductible.

Your "deductible" is the amount you pay when you make a claim before your insurance company pays. The disadvantage of raising your deductible is that when you do make a claim, you’ll pay more. The advantage is that your insurance costs yearly go down. Go a number of years saving money without making a claim and your ahead. This tip can be applied to collision and comprehensive sections of your insurance policy.

#2) Drop your collision and/or comprehensive insurance on older autos.

Sometimes it’s just not worth paying for these kinds of insurance- if your car is not worth that much to begin with. That’s because the amount you pay for the deductible plus the amount you pay for the insurance may not be more than the value of the car itself. An auto dealer or certain automotive magazines can help you determine the value of your auto.

#3)Buy a "lower profile" vehicle.

Part of what determines the coat of insurance is the kind of vehicle you drive. Some are favorites for thieves. Some are more expensive to repair. Generally these vehicles will cost more to insure. It pays to do your research before you buy.

#4) Take full advantage of low mileage or distance discount rating—Some insurance companies give discounts to people who drive less than a pre-determined number of miles each year or drive certain distances to and from their place to work.

#5) When you move, consider the cost of insurance

Yes, the cost of insurance varies from place to place, even right here in York Region. Some areas can be considerably higher. Keep your broker informed and this may save you money. The right territory!

#6)Make sure the rating and use of your vehicle is correct.

Many manufacturers offer similar model names for vehicles and insurance costs can vary. Even 2 or 4 doors or the wrong model can effect the cost .

#7)Have your broker check other insurance company discounts

Insurance companies try to reward good risks. That’s the kind of driver they want. A lot of companies offer discounts to drivers who also have other kinds of insurance with them such as their homes. This is called a multi-policy discount. Other discounts available might be - multiple vehicles, anti-theft devices, retirees, drivers education, abstainers from alcohol, age, and distance to university/colleges for students. To name a few. Check with your broker to all that are available---- it will save you money!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 各位DX,车辆保险是什么时候买呢?车行也能帮忙搞定吗?前一段看有帖子说新司机买不着保险的,可让俺这个菜鸟吓了一跳,不至于要求驾驶年限吧?
    • 可以买,但是要耐心找.RBC好象很容易,但是服务一般,很马虎,在我买保险的头十天已经发现他们出了很多错.
      • 都出了什么错呀?能不能跟俺说说,让俺也长点知识。另外,RBC是什么意思呀?谢了
        • 目前已知的错:
          1.为了表示先生和太太是一家人, 他们让先生随了太太的姓.
          2.输入错误数据, 划不到帐, 造成的后果是车保险在生效三天后被取消了, 当天更正错误后马上又恢复了, 取消和恢复的时候他们都正式通知了所有能通知的地方.
          3. 因为他们提供的车主名是错的, 办下来的车照也是错的.
          4. 把有错的文件寄来后我马上通知了他们, 他们表示马上会把正确的文件寄来, 两周了, 我还在等.

          以上是目前已知的错, 供参考.
          顺便说一下, 这家保险公司的价格是我能找到的最便宜的, 是不是便宜没好货就不知道了. 多问几家吧.
          • 你的状况?保费多少?我在其他地方询到的都是$1900,无全科,只第3保,各位是否互相参考一下?
            • RBC: $2800/year. It will kill me. 哪位有更便宜的推荐?
              • Monnex
              • 全保. RBC: 2069, 按月付款. Monnex : 2800多(忘了多多少了,是在已经买了房屋保险再买车险给5%折扣后的价,), MONEY ORDER, 一次付清.
    • 买汽车保险的七大窍门!(转贴)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛7 Money Saving Ideas

      #1) Raise your deductible.

      Your "deductible" is the amount you pay when you make a claim before your insurance company pays. The disadvantage of raising your deductible is that when you do make a claim, you’ll pay more. The advantage is that your insurance costs yearly go down. Go a number of years saving money without making a claim and your ahead. This tip can be applied to collision and comprehensive sections of your insurance policy.

      #2) Drop your collision and/or comprehensive insurance on older autos.

      Sometimes it’s just not worth paying for these kinds of insurance- if your car is not worth that much to begin with. That’s because the amount you pay for the deductible plus the amount you pay for the insurance may not be more than the value of the car itself. An auto dealer or certain automotive magazines can help you determine the value of your auto.

      #3)Buy a "lower profile" vehicle.

      Part of what determines the coat of insurance is the kind of vehicle you drive. Some are favorites for thieves. Some are more expensive to repair. Generally these vehicles will cost more to insure. It pays to do your research before you buy.

      #4) Take full advantage of low mileage or distance discount rating—Some insurance companies give discounts to people who drive less than a pre-determined number of miles each year or drive certain distances to and from their place to work.

      #5) When you move, consider the cost of insurance

      Yes, the cost of insurance varies from place to place, even right here in York Region. Some areas can be considerably higher. Keep your broker informed and this may save you money. The right territory!

      #6)Make sure the rating and use of your vehicle is correct.

      Many manufacturers offer similar model names for vehicles and insurance costs can vary. Even 2 or 4 doors or the wrong model can effect the cost .

      #7)Have your broker check other insurance company discounts

      Insurance companies try to reward good risks. That’s the kind of driver they want. A lot of companies offer discounts to drivers who also have other kinds of insurance with them such as their homes. This is called a multi-policy discount. Other discounts available might be - multiple vehicles, anti-theft devices, retirees, drivers education, abstainers from alcohol, age, and distance to university/colleges for students. To name a few. Check with your broker to all that are available---- it will save you money!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 小心上当!全加学联已经减不了保险了,到现在也没签到一个保险公司。