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I can't remember what I filled in at that time.

1. I don't think you need that. Just give them your address same as your friend. It is enough for you to get all the materials you need.
2. There is a specific instruction about that in the KIT. I can't remember it now. Sorry, maybe you check it again.
3. N/A or 0
4. Just put all the money you spent on rent. About the inverstment expense, it is EXPENSE, not the money you put in. Sth. like commitions, transaction fee.
5.not sure.
It is all personal advice. The best way for you is to call CIC call center.
Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请教zhu等各位DX关于填表IMM1344A和IMM1283F的几个问题,问题可能麻烦了点,但实在是搞不懂,还请一一详细答复,敬请见谅,再次不尽感谢!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1。在IMM1344A表中,Section H: Consent该怎样填好?是同意还是不同意?如果同意的话,Canadian representative填我在温哥华的朋友如何(也是技术移民,且有工作)?因为我想回国等待,到时候我的地址以及电话都填他的,请他帮忙帮我把申请材料寄给移民处理中心,以及接下来的信息反馈都到他那里,不知道这样做会有什么影响?

    2。在经济评估表IMM1283F中,在Box3A中,右上角的Number of people该怎么填?我就担保我妻子,总共就我们两人。


    4。在Box9中,Rents and mortgages on non-principal residence,根据它的解释,我的理解是不是就填0?因为象我们绝大多数移民都是租房且也只可能在一处租房啊。Rental Expense又是指什么?是不是填我从登陆之日算起,到目前为止我的所有租房开销?Investment Expense又是指什么?是不是我如果投资了1000$的基金,就填1000$?

    5。在Box9中,是不是所有项目都只填我还未交的款项或欠款,而不应该填我已经支付的款项?比如象房租以及医疗保险等(我已经一次性支付了1年的医疗保险)。因为如果还要填这些我已经从存款里支付出去的开销,那不是最后计算结果和我全部收入的差距越来越大?但这些开销其实就是从我的存款中取出消费掉了的啊。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • I can't remember what I filled in at that time.
      1. I don't think you need that. Just give them your address same as your friend. It is enough for you to get all the materials you need.
      2. There is a specific instruction about that in the KIT. I can't remember it now. Sorry, maybe you check it again.
      3. N/A or 0
      4. Just put all the money you spent on rent. About the inverstment expense, it is EXPENSE, not the money you put in. Sth. like commitions, transaction fee.
      5.not sure.
      It is all personal advice. The best way for you is to call CIC call center.
      Good luck!
      • Many thanks to you!!