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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛俺英文里也得夹点中文,不然,表达不了中文的原意,可是我标注
了那些中文的英文意思了 。

You can mix Engish marriage with Chinese marriage that's 无所谓, but
you can not mix your English article with your Chinese article ,,, that's not
无所谓 (i don't know how to say this , in English, looks like it means
whocares), and it's hard for our mouth to read. Sometime if you could not
think up Chinese in one time the way of saying, you should ask one
down, or you should wrote down your understanding to this word, and
then note it in English at its back. I always think there are TWO reasons,
no more no less, that you mix English and Chinese in your article.
Reason one : is come from '臭显's reason. Reason two : is come out
your habit, so more, laziness is also the reason. the first reason shows
off your 浅薄 (means thin, fit, not fat, or similiar), the second one shows
off your 草率 (i don't know how to say this , in English), in one words,
those two seems all not good, to reader, not responsible, not enough
严谨 (i don't know how to say this , in English)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 请勿英汉夹杂.
    • 严重支持! :-))
      • 就你混的最厉害,还严重支持???
        • 是啊是啊, 问题最严重先跳出来自我批评一下, 省的大家砖头伺候了. 不过我在改善中啊, 没看出来俺的进步么? http://jiaozi.ok100.net
          • 看出来了. 你又多了个网站放饺子.
          • 这个点击数的区别很明显哇。
        • 她只严重支持第一句话....哈哈
      • 转转风向,叫它中西合璧,如何?
    • 对,应该是法汉夹杂:P
    • 呵呵,随想:在这里经常碰到这样的情况,英语汉语一块儿说,有的时候粤语也加近来了,真PF那些三种语言一块儿说的人啊B-)
      • 有一小朋友,人家逗他数数,他数:呀个,TWO个,三个
      • 就是。尤其家里有来了一年以上的孩子,不就是成天中英文搅在一起说。有些人爱揣度他人,总认为别人爱显呗。
    • 有点儿过于苛刻了,在这边呆的时间越长,两种文化越容易混杂,有些时候某些词是自然而然跳出来的。
      • 握手,萝卜秧
      • 是啊, 现在"萝卜秧青菜梆各有所爱" 总是脱口而出, 还有"一个萝卜秧一个坑", 实在没办法. :-))
    • 俺试着用英文也批判一下这些人,可是
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛俺英文里也得夹点中文,不然,表达不了中文的原意,可是我标注
      了那些中文的英文意思了 。

      You can mix Engish marriage with Chinese marriage that's 无所谓, but
      you can not mix your English article with your Chinese article ,,, that's not
      无所谓 (i don't know how to say this , in English, looks like it means
      whocares), and it's hard for our mouth to read. Sometime if you could not
      think up Chinese in one time the way of saying, you should ask one
      down, or you should wrote down your understanding to this word, and
      then note it in English at its back. I always think there are TWO reasons,
      no more no less, that you mix English and Chinese in your article.
      Reason one : is come from '臭显's reason. Reason two : is come out
      your habit, so more, laziness is also the reason. the first reason shows
      off your 浅薄 (means thin, fit, not fat, or similiar), the second one shows
      off your 草率 (i don't know how to say this , in English), in one words,
      those two seems all not good, to reader, not responsible, not enough
      严谨 (i don't know how to say this , in English)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 无所谓,No big deal. 如何?
        • ;-) 这地方好玩,想扳着脸都不成,我倒是觉得异族通婚是BIG DEAL,那得下多大决心呀,至于英汉混杂,俺光呵呵,还不行吗?
          • 嘿嘿,我是说无所谓翻译成No big deal,合适否?谁管你呵呵不呵呵 :)
      • 臭显== show off ?
        • 这个,这个,这个,,,别跟俺叫真,俺中文多半瓶,英文少半瓶,MIX到一块,还是半瓶,
          不过我真觉得,SHOW OFF 比较贴切,臭显太口语化了,不然还可以倒过来查查汉英字典,;-(
      • 你老兄真逗,来篇汉译英,也不怕累着.我用'臭显'显的我的文章通俗易懂,生动活泼. 呵呵 :))
    • 求各位也别夹以下东东更是不中不洋令人费解: DX, LP, LD, JP, PF, FB, SLX, Sign, KAO, Up, Hands, ppl, zt(ZT, zhuan), nod, agree(total agree)....
      • nod + sigh + totally agree + hands + Kao + .......
    • 有些专业词汇是在这边学的,脑子里根本没有中文相应的词,有些专业词汇,就是查字典也只是解释,也没有相应的词。
      • 正确,如果用中文给俺出高数的题,80%可能看不懂
      • 这些专业词汇,从英文回中文还是比较容易的,将来回国买本财经词汇英汉辞典就行了。// 有一次和一个同学电话讨论问题,听她满口“分录”,我弄了半天才明白她说的是“Journal Entry”。:D
        • What do you call estate freeze rollover?
          • 瘦猪,可以给你写信请教报税的问题吗?
          • Sorry, I have no idea. :">
        • Could you tell me how to say "amortization" and "depreciation" in Chinese.
          • 折旧或分期摊销
        • 怎么翻Credit Limit?别用饿肚这个词,听着特别扭!信用____
          • 我觉得信用额度这个词儿蛮好听的啊。:D
            • 听起来土。。。
          • 叫"可用余款",听起来是不是爽多了?
      • 我也同意,有些词汇就是源于英语,各地翻译成中文后反倒令人费解,还不如直接英文来的方便!人家英文也有好多外来语,这样才让英文成为词汇量最大的语言之一,这叫尊重来源!同时英语说的再痛快也不如中文,夹缠不清也就成为必然了!
    • 1,支持。2,另外恳请注意,如果要写英文,请稍微多注意一下单词的拼写。在Rolia上,光Corolla的拼写,我就已经厚着脸皮给人纠正过四次了。
      • cocola, lolola, lalala, colalo, lololo
      • dnc 曾被错拼为Herc....
    • 我喜欢看汉英夹扎的消息.一是有时会学到新词,二是在这样语境下对该单词的理解和记忆都加深.前提是写的人要很有责任心,保证用词准确,拼写无误.当然这是指"消息"类的贴子.拼音简写也很好啊,有趣味.
    • 无所谓。(既然有人觉得无所谓,就会有人迎合这些人的口味,就会该怎么写还怎么写,就会照样有人回贴叫好议论纷纷。不管怎么说,谁 CARE 呀?