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谢谢大家的信息. 这两天无意中逛到一个老外的坛子, 其中一个是讨论蒙校的. 现在很多学校是打这个牌子, 实际上 很多学校的质量很差, 有些不好的学校 "Stay away from Royal Cachet, Mindtech, Marandar,Trinity, and Learning Fun". 所以上来告诉大家下.

另外, 按照那论坛上面的讨论, 真正遵守Montessori method的学校, 应该是2-6岁的小孩混在一起的(age mix), 而不是像现在有些蒙校那样,按2-3, 4-5 那样按年龄分班的. 教师和学生的比例应该是1:8. Unionville Montessori School, 也有提到就是按年龄分组的. 所以不是true Montessori. 按年龄分组的好处就是容易管理, 比例提高到1:12以上,所以节省师资. 所以有人说Unionville Montessori School是不错的学校, 但是如果你的目标是寻找true Montessori, 就应该找别的蒙校, markham有些比较小的学校还是值得试的.
我现在有点搞不清楚是不是true Montessori好过那些adapted Montessori?
汇报完毕, 欢迎大家讨论啊...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 住在McCowan/Hwy.7 (Markham). 想送宝宝去DAYCARE, 请问这附近有什么好的吗?另外.mantessori学校怎么样啊? 好象到处都有这个牌子.骗人的吧??
    • one in 16th and kenndey
      • 能说详细点吗? 是daycare还是MONTESSORI?全天的 月费是多少啊? 我家对面有个child care center要$940/月.
        • MONTESSORI..
          • 请问你有他们的联系电话或者网址吗?在网上查没有找到位于这里的.
            • just northwestern of the intersection, a small new building..I forgot school name
              • unionville, you need wait almost 1 year to get position
    • MONTESSORI 当然有好也有坏,先在网上找好地址和学校介绍,之后一定要去看,去比较才能知道谁好谁坏。之前我也没觉得有什么好,可去了之后才发现,有些蒙校又小又烂有些老师态度也不大好,可有些学校,你一进去就已经觉得很舒服了。
      • 谢谢你的回答! 能给我你觉得好的吗? 我家宝宝20个月.请问费用一个月要多少?
        • 14,000左右
          • 晕倒! 一个月要这末多?
            • 没有那么贵, 你问的是一个月, 好一些的有1千元1个月的,一般的是7 或8百多些. 有好多是包午餐的, 我去看过一家在STEELES 和YONGE附近的, 很不错, 是我看到过的感觉最好的。几乎没有印吧人的,除了白人就是中国人最多了。而且又大又正规又漂亮,.当然也是我看过最贵的一家
            • 2岁半以下的孩子,在蒙校,上全天的大概是14,000/年.
    • 了解这附近情况的朋友还请指点下啊...谢谢! :-)
      • 16TH 和 KENEEDY的应该是说 Unionville Montessori School, 我女儿在那里上学, 但是我女儿已经5岁了,这么小的孩子应该是上 Pre-Casa的, 你去看看有没有位置,这间算是比较大口碑还不错的学校。 为了给女儿找学校, 我们看了好多,你一定要自己去看才行。
        • 请问,你说的是4486 16街那家么?谢谢
          • 是啊,就是这家。这家是最大的,起码有个学校的样子,设施也是挺好的。我们看了足有超过10家的学校,最后还是选择在这里了。
        • Unionville口碑是不错,唯一的弱点就是公认的老师比较cold,小孩子在那里待一段时间后就不是很会笑了
          • Teachers are cold and Kids will not smile after a while.Ths school is still good?
            • I donot like this school, 口碑是不错 does not mean the school is good
      • My daughters are there too, i am pretty happy about the school. you can pm me if you have question about the school.
    • 推荐"Wesley Christian Academy" - 提供午饭, 学的东西可能没有M校多, 但老师很 NICE, 孩子很HAPPY.
      • 这家我也去看了,是不错啦,可惜没有位置了,我们去参观学校的时候能感觉出来老师很NICE, 华人的孩子挺多的,我去参观的时候有个新生小男孩,把我当他的妈妈了,抱着我就不松手,还跟我商量着让我带他回家,呵呵,很可爱。
    • 谢谢大家的信息. 这两天无意中逛到一个老外的坛子, 其中一个是讨论蒙校的. 现在很多学校是打这个牌子, 实际上 很多学校的质量很差, 有些不好的学校 "Stay away from Royal Cachet, Mindtech, Marandar,Trinity, and Learning Fun". 所以上来告诉大家下.
      另外, 按照那论坛上面的讨论, 真正遵守Montessori method的学校, 应该是2-6岁的小孩混在一起的(age mix), 而不是像现在有些蒙校那样,按2-3, 4-5 那样按年龄分班的. 教师和学生的比例应该是1:8. Unionville Montessori School, 也有提到就是按年龄分组的. 所以不是true Montessori. 按年龄分组的好处就是容易管理, 比例提高到1:12以上,所以节省师资. 所以有人说Unionville Montessori School是不错的学校, 但是如果你的目标是寻找true Montessori, 就应该找别的蒙校, markham有些比较小的学校还是值得试的.
      我现在有点搞不清楚是不是true Montessori好过那些adapted Montessori?
      汇报完毕, 欢迎大家讨论啊...
      • 是的,我去看了几家学校,确实有些是是所有年龄都混在一起的,有些却分的很明白,其实我觉得到底是不是真的蒙校并不是最重要的,至少我选学校的时候不全看这些,卫生环境,教师态度,在校生的意见... ...
      • Royal Cachet今年5月开学到8月底,表现实在是很差(主要是管理差,CASA老师还是很好的),很多家长complain。在有组织地抗议后,最近有明显改进。
    • 小孩子还是让他玩玩乐乐比较好,上啥课啊??我就比较反对mantessori这种方法,真假都一样
      • 今天去参观了个蒙校, 小的, 校长给我讲了些蒙的概念. 基本上老师是不弄课堂教的, 他们只是OBSERVER, 观察每个孩子的PATTERN, 给孩子演示教具或某一概念, 由孩子自己模仿,犯错误, 自我改正, 学习发挥,
        呵呵, 强调孩子是会自己学习的, 不需要大人指手画脚, 限制孩子的自由发展.
        这样听起来, 不存在上课的事情啊...
      • 对许多孩子来说,蒙校那些‘道具’比普通的玩具好玩多了
        • 你是小孩子?你怎么知道的?而且就算你是小孩子,你觉得你喜欢蒙校那些"道具",可你是怎么知道你的那么"许多"小朋友们也喜欢???小孩子天性就要让多活动,我看着蒙校那些小桌椅板凳就好笑:"咱来北美,不就是不想自己的孩子也看到这些吗?如果要搞这一套,国内比这里牛多了"
          • 我对孩子的学校选择就是学校干净整洁, 教室明亮, 活动场所大,设施齐全,老师爱孩子就足够了,其实每个学校的管理和水平是不同的,当你踏入学校的饿那一刻已经感觉到了。
            这几点Unionville 都达到了,我们看了这么多学校,只有Toronto Montessori School 和Unionville 各个方面都很好的,TMS是最好的,可惜没有位置了。
            那些小小的学校孩子去了都没有上学的感觉,很多都没有活动的场所,或者一个小小院子,不象学校,老师也就那么几个。对哪个学校有没有达到MONTESSORI的标准,其实很难判断。学前的儿童其实就是国内的幼儿园, 孩子开心,身体好最重要。假如一定说要达到MONTESSORI的标准,那就去TMS排明年的期吧, 他是TORONTO所有MONTESSORI学校老师的培训基地,他一定会达到所有MONTESSORI的标准。
            • I can tell you, TMS is the most expensive Montessori School and have the best hardware, however, some parents said, the software is not good enough,.Iif you have enough money, for sure, it's a good place, and better than the ones with half price
            • 是啊. 看了TMS的网站确实明确的说所有孩子是在一起的(AGE MIX), 不过学费是真贵啊, 还要DONATION,新学生一次性还要额外交2500, 抢钱啊...:-( 学校的设施好象也很棒...
              • TMS和UNIONVILLE 是一样的, 分TODDLER和CASA,三岁以下在TODDLER, UNIONVILLE是Pre-casa和CASA,三岁以下在Pre-casa。这两个学校好相似, 连带snack的方式都基本一样。
                • Unionville的CASA就要求买UNIFORM了吗? 一般制服要多少钱啊?
          • I'm not a kid, however, I know many little kids like Dora just as my own little one. Also I know many kids love the Motessori 'toys' just as ours.
    • 今天听牙医说, YONGE AND STEELS有家蒙校很不错, 有朋友去那里参观过吗?
      • is this one? http://www.cmschool.net/contact.htm
        • 查了下...离我家比较远.孩他爹说不要跑那么远...
          • I went here today, it is really nice one. I live around 16th& woodbine. also far from this one.
          • you can try one called Smart Start Montessori school, should be around your area. I saw somebody said this one is good from one english forum
            • CMS is nice. My son was there 5 years ago. And many of my friends have the child in CMS and they all feel good. It's cheaper than TMS
              • Agree!
      • 就是在YONGE和STEELES,很棒很棒的,我去看过,可惜我家离的很远,不然我肯定把孩子送去那里。去看了那家之后再看其他的,简直就没得比了。至少在我心理,那家是排第一的。不论是环境,硬件设备, 安全, 卫生,管理,系统各个方面都很棒.
        • 那你后来究竟选哪里的学校了? 赫赫, 偷点懒,你们最后选中的学校应该优先考虑...:D
          • I am still thinking about this one, they open one new class, a few more space, they introduce french 15 minutes every day to this new class.
        • have you visited Richmount hill montessori school? Want to know how about this one?
    • How is CMS comparing with TMS?Please don't talk about money, any detail comment? My son is currently in TMS.
      • how about TMS?
        • TMS is good, this is my son's second year there
          last year he was in Toddler's, even though they were saying 3 teachers for 20 kids, but we end up with 4-5 teachers in the classroom. and 90% of his classmate moved up to the children's house. teachers are nice, caring and very experienced, good qualification. they have mainly playing program for the 2-3 yrs old.

          As for this year, my big concern is the low ratio for the class, 20 to 1, even though the teacher will spend more time with the yonger one.
          • 20:1??? you still say it's good?
            • SO grandma at home as 1:1, is that the best?
    • My son is in CMS Yorkmill&Leslie campus. He likes there.We like there because..
      1. He gain weight within weeks.
      2. He learned a lot, more like to DO things by himself: paper cuts, drawing, eating...
      3.He is more outgoing, say hi to everyone.including strangers we met in the mall.... even rabbit or dogs ;)
      4.He went to bed on time, before he will not sleep unitl 10:45pm......
      5.Teachers in his class are very nice...... etc.
      • FYI: pre_casa/casa class: ratio 1:8
        • Do they give notes or report everyday for eating or sleeping?
          • No, That is one of the defects what I don't like there. they said they don't do that because they are school not daycare.......
            • any other defects with CMS?
              • 2 defects so far: 1. No daily report; 2. Teachers in his class have Engish accent.
                • YONGE and steeles的那家有DAILY REPORT ,
                  • Thanks a lot for the info. We can not go there, too far from home.
                  • Is your kid in CMS Yonge & Steels? There's 1 space there in toddler room, tomorrow I have to pay in order to keep the seat. Do you mind give me a call at (416) 803-5746 to share with me a little bit things there? Thank you.
          • Sometime we have to ask to make sure he is eating okay. He doesnot have any problem with sleep.....
      • Thanks a lot for the info. How old is your son? I am looking for a toddler room for my daughter.
        • 2.5 years old
          • So he is in toddler room, right? Can you let me know how many toddlers in that class now? Ratio? Thank you!
            • He is in pre_casa class: ratio 1:8 (3 teachers, 23 kids)
              • 他去了多久了?一开始是不是也哭?还有,你娃以前是不是懂点英文?
                • No, He cried a lot and he only speaks chinese.Good thing is he really likes one of his teacher... as long as he saw that teacher, he stop cring......one of the defects that they have is they don't previde daily report.........
                  • 我家这个也不懂英文,老师都说没问题的。到时候自然就会好了,她在家也都是讲中文,临上学之前只教过她说PEE PEE , 第一天去接她的时候估计是不会和老师要水喝, 见到我就说要喝水。
                • 我家娃哭,这个星期刚去的,才两天,不过总体表现算很好了。早上到学校就开始哭,我一离开她就不哭了,今天第二天,去接她的时候老师说她之后都没哭过了,吃的好睡的也好,眼睛也明显没头一天哭的那么肿了,真希望有一天她主动和我说,妈妈我想去学校。
                • His teacher can speak a little bit Chinese, so he did not suffer during his first weeks.
              • According to CMS receptionist, CASA has ratio of 1:12. RHMS is 1:14
      • may I know what is CMS and TMS?
        • Toronto Montessori school and Central Montessori School
      • Many of my frineds had the same feeling as me: suprised to see big progress, not only in math & English, the progress were from everywhere
      • how old is your son? I am headache with my son's school too.