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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Life it seems, will fade away 生命恍惚,似将消退
  Drifting further every day 日日游离,渐渐远去
  Getting lost within myself 心灵深处,迷失自己
  Nothing matters no one else 事无牵挂,人无可依
  I have lost the will to live 生有何欢,吾已不明
  Simply nothing more to give 孑然一身,再无气力
  There is nothing more for me 想来俗世,于我无涉
  Need the end to set me free 唯盼尽头,往登极乐
  Things are not what they used to be 今时往日,世事无常
  Missing one inside of me 故我何在,面目全非
  Deathly lost, this can’t be real 奈何迷惘,难以置信
  Cannot stand this hell I feel 譬若炼狱,更复何为
  Emptiness is filling me 空虚如疾,布满身躯
  To the point of agony 如折如磨,通彻心扉
  Growing darkness taking dawn 黑幕滋生,天地失色
  I was me, but now he’s gone 真我远逝,空余傀儡
  No one but me can save myself, but it’s too late
  Now I can’t think, think why I should even try
  Yesterday seems as though it never existed
  往事如烟 恍若隔世
  Death greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye
  死神相迎——就此作别更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / metallica 首屈一指的重金属乐队 尤其是那首fade to black前奏部分,据说有歌迷听到这首歌而自杀,并且在遗书上点名写着葬礼上要播放这首歌曲。
    • 歌词
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Life it seems, will fade away 生命恍惚,似将消退
        Drifting further every day 日日游离,渐渐远去
        Getting lost within myself 心灵深处,迷失自己
        Nothing matters no one else 事无牵挂,人无可依
        I have lost the will to live 生有何欢,吾已不明
        Simply nothing more to give 孑然一身,再无气力
        There is nothing more for me 想来俗世,于我无涉
        Need the end to set me free 唯盼尽头,往登极乐
        Things are not what they used to be 今时往日,世事无常
        Missing one inside of me 故我何在,面目全非
        Deathly lost, this can’t be real 奈何迷惘,难以置信
        Cannot stand this hell I feel 譬若炼狱,更复何为
        Emptiness is filling me 空虚如疾,布满身躯
        To the point of agony 如折如磨,通彻心扉
        Growing darkness taking dawn 黑幕滋生,天地失色
        I was me, but now he’s gone 真我远逝,空余傀儡
        No one but me can save myself, but it’s too late
        Now I can’t think, think why I should even try
        Yesterday seems as though it never existed
        往事如烟 恍若隔世
        Death greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye
        死神相迎——就此作别更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 实话实说:比较听不懂。:)))
    • 《fade to black》是METALLICA最经典的歌曲之一,它前面那一段吉他旋律已成为了经典的和玄范例
    • Metallica 是我女儿最喜欢的乐队之一, 不知道她是真的喜欢还是装酷.
      • 我家马驹倒是不爱介个。。。。昨晚咱爷俩一起听了马勒的一个东东,他说他还是更喜欢勃拉姆斯的。。。:)))
      • 扮酷是因为喜欢才扮的,对不?
    • 再不顶一下对不住自己了
      • 你是真喜欢还是装酷? ;)
        • 扮酷是因为喜欢才扮的,对不? -april2006(moksha);
        • 不过如果以你对古典如醉如痴的标准要求我们,可能是扮的成分多余喜欢的程度。满意了?赫赫
          • 我主要是怀疑我女儿周围可能有些男生喜欢重金属音乐.
            • so? 你看不上那些玩重金属的男孩?
              • 怎么会? 很多喜欢重金属的都喜欢古典.
                • Except me。。。
                  • 喜欢重金属的喜欢古典, 反之不然. :)
                    • en.好奇问一句,你喜欢京剧吗?我认识一个老老歌剧迷,对京剧也同样着迷,不解。
                • I meant that I like classic music but dislike heavy metal music。。。
                • 看看,还是绕回到你的古典了,赫赫
                  • 那是, 虽然现在爵士, 摇滚, JPop, KPop, CPop的彩旗到处飘扬, 但古典的大旗是不会倒的. :)
    • 真的很喜欢那种来之心底的激情呐喊,每一个手指在絃上的拨动,都那么恰到好处
    • Ecstasy Of Gold!!!!
    • 我顶!