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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

poor you

Can he take care of your baby because he often go back to China? I think you can hire a babysitter or send your baby to daycare center because you can make money. Leave him, leave this coward. He is not nice to you and fears to face difficult. Do you think he loves you? I don't think so. If he really love you, at least, he could encourage you when you are exhausted instead of blaming or depressing. Do you really think it is worthy for keeping your marriage just because he probably can take care of your child? One more thing, do you love him? If so, nobody can help you for we prefer to destroy a temple rather than to ruin a marriage.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 我痛苦得似乎精神都要崩溃了。来加两年来,我的LG一天都不工作也不读书,OK,我来打工,看在他能帮着照看孩子的份上。可他每天骂个不休啊。
    当初是他要来的,是他说他会找个工作的。痛苦的日子无人助我。看我早上6点就得起床,不到7点就得出发,他会说“活该!” 每次只要在这里呆2个月,他就要回中国。回去他又要来,为了想见孩子。--那时他是真诚表明回来会工作的,当然来了以后又开始拒绝工作,恶性偱环,周而复始。为了孩子我可以忍受这些,可忍受不了他日复一日的恶劣态度啊。
    • hmmmmm........
    • i can not understand his activity? what's the reason? it is too easy to attribute everything to him
      • He just wants to go back China, then he can still stay at home, I will work for a foreigner company and make more money, I can also hire a maid to do housework---like we did before we came to Canada.
    • fire him!
      • 同意
      • Yes. He said he missed his son, of course, he can take care of our son. The our poor son need a person to take care. How hard life.
        • poor you
          Can he take care of your baby because he often go back to China? I think you can hire a babysitter or send your baby to daycare center because you can make money. Leave him, leave this coward. He is not nice to you and fears to face difficult. Do you think he loves you? I don't think so. If he really love you, at least, he could encourage you when you are exhausted instead of blaming or depressing. Do you really think it is worthy for keeping your marriage just because he probably can take care of your child? One more thing, do you love him? If so, nobody can help you for we prefer to destroy a temple rather than to ruin a marriage.
      • 我靠,我终于明白了原来FLG是 Fire Lao Gong的意思呀
        • 倒也
    • You are very good and hardworking lady. I can not belive that such kind of lazy hasband exits. Get divorce as soon as you can!
    • 那是有点离谱,回一次国得1000加币吧?把你挣那点钱都花了
    • 但愿那只是一处电影,你说呢?一个男人如果破罐子破摔,没有极大的触动和感动是难以改变的,也许,你还能做点什么
    • 就当你已经离婚,就当他是透明人.做自己事的同时找新的出路吧.
      • 谢谢各位。我们之间当然已没有任何感情可言。我唯一的希望就是他能去找份工作,两人都上班,日子才不会太拮据。如果他去上个班,与外界接触,就不会每天骂了。但他说:“永远别指望我会为你打工!“
        • 我看不是你不想和他过了,就是她不想和你过了,那就说:咱们的电影---THE END---. 还扯什么呀?
        • 坦白的讲,我来了一年多了,劳工压根就没想过要去找工作,英语学的也是一塌糊涂.我也不指望他了,虽然他还总在责怪我没上进心,不找工资更高的工作.我只能在心里叹息一声,然后继续去过自己的生活.
    • 在中国文化里,家里大事得男的说了算。比方关于加拿大的去留问题。好多女的愿意在加拿大,男的不愿意,家庭就完了。当然也有例外,家里大事女人说了算的也有,这样的家庭要想稳定,唯一的条件就是男的没本事。自己选吧
      • 如果你想让你老公听你的话,你最好找一个没本事的老公,如果你老公不是那种人,你又想替他做主拿主意,你完了,他会离开你的。别听楼上瞎说,你离开你老公,痛苦的是你不是他们。你老公并没有错,我想他只是更喜欢在中国而已/
      • 我家大事都是领导说了算 :-))
    • divorce-----------single mother-------------government will take care of your child and you.
    • 移民加拿大,真是婚姻生活的鉴定器。
    • 这个故事是firehorse相同故事的不同版本.从小习惯被教育成家庭主力的男方,和习惯当弱势群体的女方一旦角色颠倒后,形成都难以接受的角色落差。看远一点,每个人都会遇到困难.重要的是无论多困难,两个人还在一起,毕竟这一生还这么这么长...