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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

As someone who loves the classic music, not professionally trained as musicologist, are we really loving the tagging, the labeling, the ranking, the single dimentional comparison, or

do we chooose to personally connect with these music and simply share with one another how we each personaly feel and relate them to our individual experience and mentality?

I do not think the music is finished when it is composed, or when it is played to the last note, what we feel, we comment, we apply, or how we bring them into our life, is all components of the life of music. Let's enrich the experience and pass it on with our touch and grace and pass it on, pass it on...

If we let our personal feelings and judgement be overshadowed by gong-ming-oriented mechanical comparison, do we let our ears still listen for more, and more, and more for different experience each time, or are we willing being deafened by our preoccupations?

Is it really so exciting just to be a prisoner of our own defence?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 贝多芬的交响曲有高度吗?
    老迷举的例子有问题。贝多芬的交响曲怎么说也不能算他最好的东东吧,除了第九称得上旷世之作外,其他的都马马虎虎了。 比如那个备受推崇的“英雄”,分明就是剽窃+拼凑的产物。 贝五末乐章的铜管齐鸣,用英文形容就是bland and shallow。 贝七的末乐章简直就是一个group orgy,这样的音乐用“伟大”来形容合适吗? 贝六“田园”总算不闹腾了,勉强可以做复习时听的背景音乐吧。 贝一贝二就更不值一提了,有了莫扎特和海顿,还用听这两首吗? 有人说贝多芬的innovation无人可比,这种说法显然是“伟大论”的遗毒,同时代也并非只有贝多芬一人是改革者。 至于贝多芬的公认的杰作,应该还是他的钢奏和弦四吧,另外还有《庄严弥撒》(这是他本人的观点)。 所以拿贝多芬的交响曲和勃拉姆斯的交响曲作比较,在下以为不是很恰当,要比就要拿贝的lieder和勃的lieder相比,拿贝的钢琴音乐和勃的钢琴音乐比,拿贝的choral work和勃的choral work比,拿贝的歌剧和勃的。。。比。
    • 你否论”备受推崇的英雄” 却接受“公认的杰作,。。。钢奏和弦四”。到底是什么标准?
    • 人间自由公道在,这算是一个Proper rate老贝的人,有些虎头蛇尾。。。
    • 年轻人受了后现代颓废思潮的影响, 只谈音乐语言, 不谈艺术的目的, 见树不见林。
      • 年轻人是受某些人不良风气的影响,这里有人就爱把话往大里说,怎么说的吓人就怎么说,尤其是把老贝说的神乎其神,年轻人气不过,就成这样了。。。
        • 以大师看过电影《Incredibles》吗?
          • 这是啥?有什么内幕?。。。
            • 没有什么内幕,电影讲真正的super hero们如何在政治正确的环境下虎落平阳:when everyone is a super hero, there is no super hero.
              • Another scenario is that small/medium/large--->larger/super/giant! The art of being politically right lies in inflation....
    • 有见地!8过~~~不是虎头蛇尾,而是虎头无尾啊。。。:)))
    • 也许英美哲学家搞的语言哲学,经验哲学,科学哲学是二十世纪时髦的哲学,但他们完全不再德,法的哲学家的层次上。同理,把伯拉姆斯和贝多芬比就好像是把罗素和康德比, are you serious?
    • 听口气是在说气话。说“英雄”是剽窃拼凑的产物。可以举出具体的例子吗?
    • 不佩服文彩,也要佩服勇气。
    • As someone who loves the classic music, not professionally trained as musicologist, are we really loving the tagging, the labeling, the ranking, the single dimentional comparison, or
      do we chooose to personally connect with these music and simply share with one another how we each personaly feel and relate them to our individual experience and mentality?

      I do not think the music is finished when it is composed, or when it is played to the last note, what we feel, we comment, we apply, or how we bring them into our life, is all components of the life of music. Let's enrich the experience and pass it on with our touch and grace and pass it on, pass it on...

      If we let our personal feelings and judgement be overshadowed by gong-ming-oriented mechanical comparison, do we let our ears still listen for more, and more, and more for different experience each time, or are we willing being deafened by our preoccupations?

      Is it really so exciting just to be a prisoner of our own defence?
      • Nice thougthts! People blindly tempted by those so called tagging, labeling, ranking, and technic matters. On the other hand, be favoured by resonated works is not suppose to conflict to other different tastes.
        Open mind to enjoy (or experience) melodies is the way we should go。。。
        • what if a piece of music has no or very little recognizable melody? ;)
          • Listen to this piece 100 times, the piece turns to picks. An apothegm quoted from Teacher Xia。。。LOL
          • I think harmonization is the essense. Melody, oh, yes, nice to have.
            I do not think music resides only in the notes, on the string or keyboard> Part of the music resides in people's heart. If you can connect, maximize the connection> If you can not connect, there is nothing wrong, either. There will be the kind of music each can connect with. For the music that absolutely no one can connect with, time will take care of them.
            • nod, nod,......
              you are very philosophical today. :)
              • 今天干了一天粗活, 晚上就暂时胡思乱想一下...
                • 劳逸结合,很好。
          • 你们这都是在写音乐学院的博士论文。
            • 哪里,是音乐和哲学的双博士。:)
              • 双博士都没这水平,这简直是院士水平。
                忽悠学 ;-)))
      • The way LZ talks about the composers is a typical way for art appreciation in YYSX...
        • :)
        • Admitted, I am the main culprit.
          • What's the matter? All of sudden everyone became philosophical today. lol
            • How don't you know?
              Everyone just pretended famous B inspired from you!。。。lol
              • OK, people, no more Brahms for the rest of the year!
            • yeah, it's a sign
              of bed time.
    • Every piece of land belongs to a paticular tree to grow, or not at all. Endless meaning is limited by any single angle of view. Can art be uttered? If so, the only tool being able to express its aesthetic qualities must be the one higher than itself.
      • oh my god i'm lost, ur language is so poetic~~~~~~~~ teach me beauty!
        • Hey lad, you, shua LM!