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No Matter What ---- you have to know how they have determined to do for their life---

better grades do not give you any advantages in your life; all the children will find their own paths to their success, which may not be what you wish for him, but, Hey, it is his life, not others;

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 同学聚会再回首感言,孩子不必学习最好,长相最好,人生有太多的机会和转折,不是TOP但八九不离十幸福过一生。
    当初学习最好的同学,和当初学习中上的同学都是大学教授,可那时他又是拿数学,化学,作文的全国的大奖,在高中已经读完大学的二年级的课本,现在西南中等城市教书。当初的校花很晚才嫁,老公没什么本事还疑神疑鬼同学聚会大家都不敢叫她。 难怪说四十而不惑,当初认定的许多模式的成功都随环境而落寞。现在自己的孩子也长大了,每天很HAPPY,但学习不用功,还对自己的中上成绩很满足,我想是否就随她呢?
    • you are right, physical strength,spiritual strength,intelligence strength,mental strength, the 成绩 is only one of them,and in my humble oppinion it is not most important of that 4. but it IS important for sure...
    • 没看明白。学习最好的同学当大学教授错了?
      • 可能隐喻教授穷酸吧
      • 成绩最好的同学和成绩中等的同学都是大学教授,并且成绩中等的同学更在专业上名气大。我没有贬低教授穷酸,意思是孩子保持成绩中上就行,不必事事争第一,家长孩子都累,结局都差不多
        • 成绩好的就累?跑得快比跑得慢的累? 人的智力和体力一样,是有先天差别的。
          • 问得好啊. 成绩好的人有很轻松的, 一点也不累.
          • 作为家长都希望孩子全优,谁也不会让孩子不好好学习,看着他贪玩学习还不错就觉得如果用点功可能会第一,可他就是觉得自己挺不错,玩性坚决不改,所以有酸狐狸家长的味道
            • 相同的时代背景和家庭背景,排除运气因素,我认为学习好的要比学习不好的结局要好。这是我和你的分歧。如果因素A,B,C决定结果D,要分析因素C和结果D的关系,首先要把A和B确定下来。
            • No Matter What ---- you have to know how they have determined to do for their life---
              better grades do not give you any advantages in your life; all the children will find their own paths to their success, which may not be what you wish for him, but, Hey, it is his life, not others;
              • 完全是一派胡言。监狱里关这么多也是"all the children will find their own paths to their success" ?
                • Tai Gang Le, huh?: ))))))))
                  • 不,实在是"心灵鸡汤"喝得要吐了。
                    • you are so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    • everyone is BORN TO BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                • enjoy the song for a moment, do not be so upset. and be open-minded!!!!!!
              • and if your boy is as good looking as one of the band members, wow... that would a lot of differences. :))))
        • 抛开时代大环境不论,一个人的"结局"我看最大因素还是家庭背景,所谓"学好数理化,不如有个好爸爸"。绝非愤世嫉俗,而是真这么认为。
          • 一个人的"结局" --- who cares???????? that is DEATH, for EVERYONE!!!! so, enjoy whatever you want to do, live your everyday life to the fullest!!!! MR. PIGGY. :)))))))))))))))))))
            • 喝多了?这么High?
              • on drug instead, scared you???? Mr. PIGGY???????//
      • 当初他的成就我们都认为和诺贝尔会是一类人。
        • Alfred Nobel ----- industrialist and inventor , philanthropist
        • not scientist or resercher or professor at all, do not mix up; he is the founder of that prize, that is true. :)
      • 看来坛子里曾经是第一的人不少,我对门就是他们那得高考状元,请大家说在加拿大如何能够让孩子用功学习?
        • instead, you may want do is how to make him feel happy everyday.
          • 这一点我不担心,他每天的很快乐,在班级上从小就是快乐元素
    • 女孩子培养个好的性格非常重要,别追求太高了,懂得满足最重要了.
      • 怎么培养?孩子的性格50%遗传,另外50%受父母影响最大。父母要加强自己的修养.....
        • 遗传可以遗传父母的好的一面,所以后天的培养还是非常重要的
          • 结论我同意,但不明白你这个"所以"是什么意思,前后好像没有因果关系。
            • 所说的遗传,我认为其实就是父母的感染,感染些好的方面,孩子才可以得到好的遗传,而感染就是后天的培养
              • 我这里说的遗传是指基因遗传。现在科学界一般认为人的性格50%来自父母的基因遗传,即性格有50%的先天成分。
                • 不赶苟同,我还是认为其实生下来的时候几乎是一张白纸.
                  • 这是科学家对几百对同卵孪生子的长期对比结果。(这些孪生子小时即由不同家庭领养)
    • What they have experienced are different !!
      Do not agree ---- we are living for enjoying every step of the way of our life, not for comparing what you will finally get!!!! Along the way of your life, enjoy your life to the fullest, dare to dream and try your best to make it come true. that is how to encourage your children.

      good-looking people have some privileges, but that does not mean you do not need to strike hard to stand on your own feet.
    • 一个人的"结局" --- who cares???????? that is DEATH, for EVERYONE!!!! so, enjoy whatever you want to do, live your everyday life to the fullest!!!!
    • everyone likes good-lookings, that is something you definitely wish to have, unfortunately, that is something you have to get from GOD. :)
    • 争论这么多就是一句话: 要让孩子聪明, 但不要拔苗助长, 望子成龙.