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You asked for it ... ;-))

"The most crucial difference between the symphonies and the church compositions is that the former seem to go beyond religious beliefs to express the more fundamental, primitive stratum of feeling that gave these beliefs birth -- a sense of the awe-inspiring, born of naked wonder, fear and delight of elemental humanity confronted by the mysterious beauty and power of nature and the vast riddle of the cosmos.

Bruckner understood this feeling in his conscious mind, of course, as worship of the incomprehensible God of his religion; but his utter lack of sophistication admirably fitted him to be the unconscious channel of this more primeval feeling, and in acting as this channel he found it necessary to essay more far-reaching symphonic structures than those of any previous music except Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and the music dramas of Wagner."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 有奖征答:布鲁克纳在交响曲的创作上使用了与伯拉姆斯正好相反的方法,知道他们的区别在哪吗?
    • 没有人回答?是不是担心奖品不够有吸引力?
      • 啥奖品呀?可以放狗吗?
        • 放狗,查字典,看总谱,小组讨论。。。什么都行。奖品不会差。
    • 感觉是,一个喜欢搞纵向关系,一个喜欢搞横向关系。先说说奖品是啥,再决定是不是要进一步琢磨。
      • 伯也搞横向,但在横向方面两人还是不一样。奖品不回差。
    • 知道我也不说, 向白球恩学习, 把奖品留给更需要的同志.
      • 好事做到底,PM给pipibug吧.:)
    • 布鲁克纳擅用管乐,伯拉姆斯擅用弦乐。好了,发奖吧! ;-))
      抄袭来的:wonderful chromatic harmony, effortless fluid counterpoint, magnificent brass and woodwind writing, long-term symphonic development, and a true sense of spiritual achievement.

      A Bruckner symphony is a long journey, starting with often uncertain steps, but at the end of it one really has experienced the unique vision of one of the great musical architects.
      • 知道伯恩斯坦是怎么评价布鲁克纳的吗?
        Henry Fogel (富特文格勒专家)说,伯恩斯坦亲口告诉他,布鲁克纳交响乐除第9以外,其余都是“shit” !
        • 伯恩斯坦 is disqualified!
      • big words with no substance, try (to copy) again! :)
        • You asked for it ... ;-))
          "The most crucial difference between the symphonies and the church compositions is that the former seem to go beyond religious beliefs to express the more fundamental, primitive stratum of feeling that gave these beliefs birth -- a sense of the awe-inspiring, born of naked wonder, fear and delight of elemental humanity confronted by the mysterious beauty and power of nature and the vast riddle of the cosmos.

          Bruckner understood this feeling in his conscious mind, of course, as worship of the incomprehensible God of his religion; but his utter lack of sophistication admirably fitted him to be the unconscious channel of this more primeval feeling, and in acting as this channel he found it necessary to essay more far-reaching symphonic structures than those of any previous music except Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and the music dramas of Wagner."
          • 好,但还是没有讲他和伯正好相反的地方。bring them on......
    • 勃拉姆斯的交响曲没一首超过一小时的;布鲁克纳交响曲基本上全在一小时之上。 好了,发奖品吧!
      • it is a difference, but not polarizing difference, does not count!
    • 用我们程序员的行话:伯拉姆斯的设计是“自顶而下”,先有结构,根据结构要求,一点点写 code,慢慢把结构填满。布鲁克纳的是“自下而上”,先不管结构,把需要的功能都实现了,再根据 code 的组织框架大致建个结构(一般是为文档需要)。发奖品吧!
      • 本来想睡前发奖的, 看来没戏了。明天再来吧。
    • 博拉姆斯采用主题发展/变奏? 布鲁克纳才用音群,色块来构建交响曲?
      • 你是老师,回答对了也不算。
      • 博拉姆斯采用主题发展/变奏是众所周知的。布鲁克纳是如何用音群,色块来构建交响曲的? 他的主题是如何发展的呢?
        • BRUCKER得交响曲被称为“声音的大教堂“,他通过找到适当的比例井然有序将这些色块元素(阶梯状?)搭建起来;他的旋律宽广, 在和声和(多声部)旋律对比中缓慢流通来发展;// 但这些都不是产生BRUCKER交响曲的原因; 真正原因是(替以大师回答。。)。。
          • 我当年年轻时幸好都听的是流行歌曲,不然误我终生,奉劝年轻朋友一句话,听夏老师的,不要随便听古典,最多听莫扎特就够了。
            • 老柴的也可以听听...
            • 你是说夏老师,以大师当年都是失足青年?;)
              • 这个推论比较猛 ... ;-))
                • 老迷是老实人,经常说实话。。。
    • 现在还再等待, 今晚11:59pm 公布答案......
      • 还是先公布奖品吧,那样更有动力 ;-))
        • 奖品因人而异, 给皮爷的是歌剧, 给你的是福特, 给万总的是芭蕾...... 反正差不了.
          • 量身订做的奖品?哇,太感动了!
            • 我自己都有点忍不住了, 你说我要不要现在就公布答案啊?
              • 现在公布吧!
                • 好,马上就来!
                  • 万总日理万机,周末接见了三批群众,现在刚刚回到寓所,不知有没有机会乱猜一下,好与民同乐一次?:P
                    • 给万总十五分钟,快说!
                      • 两人在创作上截然不同的方法,一是严谨性,老勃厚积薄发,熬了十几年才四,老布张手就来,十几部不多,版本不少。此其一是也。
                        • 布鲁克纳比较谦虚,版本多是因为他愿意听取广大音乐爱好者的意见, 不象勃那样只听克拉拉等一小搓人的意见。其二呢?
                      • 二是老勃的感情在交响曲创作上如火山爆发,如岩浆漫流,如长空哭泣,四部大作个性明显各有不同,结构紧凑,一句废话没有;反观老布,数量不少,出于内心者几乎少有,没话找话,短话长说,可有可无之处比比皆是,和老勃针锋相对。此其二。
                        • 四部交响曲,也就算是拙政园,留园,狮子林,沧浪亭吧。
                      • 三是老勃继承贝多芬的伟大精神传统,发展至极,无可比拟;而老布追随老瓦走出自我,在当时的传统的交响曲的曲式上不拘贝多芬之一格,以大段重复的多织体切割传统的欣赏习俗,主题出现的形式完全冲破贝多芬时代的习俗,造成的宗教神秘色彩是勃拉姆斯所不具备。
                        • 好了,截止时间到了。
                    • 作为万总的秘书,小声提醒一下:
                      • :) 用词不要脱离群众,坚持群众路线,相信群众指挥,依靠群众力量,是我党永远立于不败之地的保证...
    • 关注中。
      • 关注总谱? 能否从总谱上看出区别来?
        • 无bruckner的任何总谱。
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