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SCHOOLING is trying to help you, not DEFINING WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how many students dropped off in colleges???those kids all have their own problems, nothing to do with the high school!!! do not try to threaten people like that!!!! How good was your high school??? Huh???? is it that hard, the university courses???? NOT AT ALL!!!! We all attended the schools, PLS try to be honest!!!! if you are interested in something, talented and want to accomplish sth. in that field, EVEN WITHOUT SCHOOLING, you still will achieve whatever you want to!!!! SCHOOLING is trying to help you, not DEFINING WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请问:好高中(排名好)对上大学有什么作用呀,如果孩子在好高中排中等,在一般高中就能排前面,那不是在一般高中更好些吗?
    • 没人知道吗
      • In theory, yes
      • 据说大学内部有个好高中的名单,好高中来的学生会暗中有加分。但这些都是不能公开的秘密。我确实知道有家长让孩子最后两年从竞争激烈的好高中转到一般的高中。还有就是从enrich课程转成普通课程的。
        • 本人觉得靠加的分毕竟有限,还不如在普通高中拿个高分名正言顺那
        • 大学内部没有这些所谓的好高中的名单. 所有这些所谓好高中名单,都是由房地产经纪人采用的手法用于出售房子. 我的一个朋友,在U of T 招生办公室工作. 他说,没有这样的名单. 加拿大的大学都是公立学校,用这样的名单,会有很多麻烦.
          • 有了也不会说的。名单的事是我孩子的高中老师说的。
            • " 有了也不会说的" , 不会说, 你孩子的高中老师都说的了. 其实一高中老师知道什么呀, 在普通高中拿个高分, 对上大学有作用. Ask your school counselor
              • 我就是陈述我知道的,你信不信则不在我了。呵呵。
        • come on, even that is true, afterwards, in the real world, everyone will face the same challenges in life. and it sounds so weired that they have double standards for university admission,
          if you could provide the proof, we would take to the gov; if not, do not give out the misleading info!!!
          • 得,没想到惹到您老人家了。算我没说,行了吧?
    • 在任何一个高中如果能拿到高分对申请大学肯定是好的, 所以如果从enrich课程转成普通课程就有许多好处. 但风险在于由于转换了学校, 其评分标准随学校和老师的变化而变化, 如果运气不好, 遇上一个与你不上眼的老师就惨了.
      另一个风险在于普通课程的同学素质参差不齐, 如果你向差的同学看齐, 不就惨了.所以建议不要轻易转换学校, 只有在原先学校不如意的时候再考虑换学校.
      • 其评分标准随学校和老师的变化而变化,----- unbelievable, wrong!!!!, in one province, they all use the standard books, what is the difference? further more, in one's life, grads weigh HOW MUCH??????
        There are so many Chinese everywhere, even in Canada, how many leaders are Chinese????
        • 是的,关于评分标准,我也有这个担心,后来搞明白了,学校里是有一个统一个评分标准的
    • 其实85~94分在申请大学时都差不多,除非你要申请一些好的学校和专业.关键是如果你没有一个好的基础,在大学里竞争还是满激烈地,特别是在好的学校.如果想要申请美国的好大学,那就要好好地plan一下.好高中和差高中有一定的区别.
    • 大学一年级就显出差别来了,有的从一般中学来的跟不上,被淘汰。
      • 对,一味追求"鸡头"是会有一定的后果.
    • 不错的大学里感觉上了三年级才算真正被大学接受, 并非进了大学就了事. 如果只是想巧招把孩子送进大学, 基础不过, 都上不了三年级就会被淘汰的. 反正如果中学AP都过了的, 基本上没有这种危险.

      最近一个朋友, 小孩进了STANDFORD一年多了, 居然几门不及格, 家长都不知道如何是好了. 我也是头一回听说能进这种学校的孩子会几门不及格.

      高中是人生中最重要的队段, 重要过更高的学历, 走得更高的时候, 这个基础牢不牢会经常显现出来, 而且不论高低, 人生中用得最多的知识, 基本都来自中学.
      • 可是的大学的课程和中学学的知识没有太大的关系。
        • SCHOOLING is trying to help you, not DEFINING WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          how many students dropped off in colleges???those kids all have their own problems, nothing to do with the high school!!! do not try to threaten people like that!!!! How good was your high school??? Huh???? is it that hard, the university courses???? NOT AT ALL!!!! We all attended the schools, PLS try to be honest!!!! if you are interested in something, talented and want to accomplish sth. in that field, EVEN WITHOUT SCHOOLING, you still will achieve whatever you want to!!!! SCHOOLING is trying to help you, not DEFINING WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        • 你难道不认为人的一生里用到的最多的知识(即使高到博士)都是中学学的吗? 以你的观点, 中学可以略过了, 不敢苟同
    • if you child is smart , he is always smart, nothing to do with the schools!!! if not, no matter where you put him, he is always the same!!! we all know that, why wish so hard that 奇极 will happen????
      • agree!
      • 完全不同意.PEER PRESSURE是不一样的.大多数人都是受周围环境和人影响的.只有个别金子.
        • 应该上好的高中。风气都不一样。
          • 近朱者赤,近墨者黑啊。高中生受同学朋友的影响可能比受家长的影响还要大呢。赞同楼上说的“高中是人生中最重要的队段”,不仅是在知识上,更重要的是在人格的形成上。孩子越小,可塑性越强,而高中阶段的重要性就在于过了这个阶段,孩子的各方面就基本成型了。
            • how about yourself???? how did you grow up? you are YOU because you went to a SPECIAL school with all GOOD students???????? they are all kids, how could you stamp them already by passing your judgements???????????
              • 太极端了.
                • not at all. all the boys and some girls ever came to my house, I like them all. they are all smart and healthy, active, good kids.
                  • 社会还是有一套标准的, 你可以IGNORE, 但是结果如何我想SCHOOL还是更可信一点, 因为必竟SCHOOL是按社会的实用与评核标准来设计的-----如果你IGNORE SCHOOL也可以, 前提是你有更实用更科学的体系, 许多家长做不到