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come and listen to me

周末的早晨醒来, 留意一下后院已经被雪覆盖得很厚。夏天的记忆已经尘封起来了。已近christmas time,此刻的我,略微孤寂和惆怅。我的文字不能向任何人倾诉,nowhere, nobody. 都说 there is angel sing in christmas time. 就当说给angel听吧.我不属于任何一个圈子,不属于任何一个教会.不属于任何经常吃饭打牌的圈子,不属于任何结伴远行的圈子...我自己是个圈子而且它小到连我自己都不能容纳.我想我是缺乏爱,不曾爱也不曾被爱.but I was built as to love, wide shoulder to load, sense to care, good voice to say sweet. 但爱还是远离我.angel, please listen to me, take me away, 让我走出我的圈子.