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我为什么不买 BB的Sharp LCD TV:Sharp的42", 46"和52“ LCD有严重的图像质量问题!

型号老些到无所谓,关键是图像质量有问题,就是著名的banding issues,CNET review对这款LCD评测分数连降2次:从最初的7.5降到7.2,后来经过长时间的测试,发现了著名的banding,降分数降到了6

Product summary

The good: Best black-level performance of any non-CRT we've tested yet; resolves every detail of 1080i resolution sources; image stays relatively true from off-angle for an LCD; distinctive two-tone styling.

The bad: Inaccurate color temperature; irregular bands across screen visible in some scenes; lacks picture-in-picture; no PC input.

Editor's Note: This review has been changed since its original publication. Further testing has revealed that the television exhibited uniformity issues, which manifested as horizontal and vertical bands across the screen that we did not notice during initial testing. As a result, the performance score has been lowered from a "7" to a "6" and the overall score was recalculated.

第2个连接是AVS forums里面关于62U banding issue的faq

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 我为什么不买 BB的Sharp LCD TV:Sharp的42", 46"和52“ LCD有严重的图像质量问题!
    型号老些到无所谓,关键是图像质量有问题,就是著名的banding issues,CNET review对这款LCD评测分数连降2次:从最初的7.5降到7.2,后来经过长时间的测试,发现了著名的banding,降分数降到了6

    Product summary

    The good: Best black-level performance of any non-CRT we've tested yet; resolves every detail of 1080i resolution sources; image stays relatively true from off-angle for an LCD; distinctive two-tone styling.

    The bad: Inaccurate color temperature; irregular bands across screen visible in some scenes; lacks picture-in-picture; no PC input.

    Editor's Note: This review has been changed since its original publication. Further testing has revealed that the television exhibited uniformity issues, which manifested as horizontal and vertical bands across the screen that we did not notice during initial testing. As a result, the performance score has been lowered from a "7" to a "6" and the overall score was recalculated.

    第2个连接是AVS forums里面关于62U banding issue的faq
    • 长话短说,以你的了解,52寸的,哪个合适?谢谢。
      • sony XBR4
      • Sorry, I preferred plasma over LCD. Reasons: 1. I don't play games 2. I am gonna connect to a PC 3. Plasma is better to watch sports and fast action movies.
        • 2. connect pc的话,你但不担心burn in的问题
        • 2. 请教一下 (#4143516@0)
          • mikesxf(家里家外忙前忙后ing.),你自己连这么简单的问题都自相矛盾,叫别人怎么相信你的关点呢?
        • Play Game才需要用Plasma,玩赛车等游戏时LCD拖尾太厉害。
      • 11, 怎么不问我. Sharp LC-52D92U. Samsung 的也对付
        • How about SONY KDL52XBR5?
          • response time is 8ms compare to 6ms/4ms of Sharp models
    • 在我拿到的62U机器上,确实发现有横条现象,但是只是用Compositive Video连接的时候出现,S-Video连都不出现,更不用说Component和HDMI连接了
      • 如果机器本身有问题,你不用连接任何东西,就会发现这个问题
        • 莫非没信号的时候也能看出问题,有没有人可能给个图片看看
          • 我贴过的
            • 是不是象中彩一样,遇上有就有,没有就没有,还是每台都会有
              • 应该是随机的。