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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

In an effort to increase the supply of affordable housing, Toronto City Council passed a by-law in 2000 that legalized second suites, also known as accessory apartments.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As a result, second suites are now legal in the City of Toronto in all single family and semi-detached homes, providing they meet certain criteria, including fire and building codes.

What are some of the conditions that apply to second suites?

Some of the conditions include:
The second suite must be self-contained with its own kitchen and bathroom.
The house, including any additions, must be at least 5-years old.
The floor area of the second suite must be smaller than the remaining unit.
In most cases, homes with a second suite must have at least two parking spaces and parking can be in tandem (one behind the other). There is an exception for parts of the former City of Toronto (R2, R3 and R districts) where only one parking space is required for a house with a second suite. Please contact the City of Toronto's Urban Planning and Development Services Department to determine if a property is located in a R2, R3 or R4 district.
Before planning any changes to the outside appearance of a dwelling the homeowner should contact the City of Toronto's Urban Planning and Development Services Department, and
All new second suites must comply with the Ontario Building Code and require a building permit. existing second suites must comply with the Fire Code as well as zoning and property standards.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 请问basement如果没有通向室外的门窗,可以用来出租吗?如果不能出租,相关规定的法令到哪里能查到呢? 谢谢!
    • 没有窗户的房间不能住人的. 你自己要住没人管, 但出租就不行.
      • 请问哪里可以查到相关的规定呢?
        • 自己去看链结:简言之,如果你的basement已经存在,这个basement需要符合Fire Code的有关规定,就是call Fire Service派人检查(通常费用是150刀)North York电话是 416-395-7271 ,通过后一般即可合法出租了
          • 但是一般都会有些问题需要改正,这样就会比较麻烦些,需要再申请Building Permit作改动的事情。你得自己有预计
          • this is not official document. Please consultant to P.Eng or read OBC for detail.
    • In an effort to increase the supply of affordable housing, Toronto City Council passed a by-law in 2000 that legalized second suites, also known as accessory apartments.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As a result, second suites are now legal in the City of Toronto in all single family and semi-detached homes, providing they meet certain criteria, including fire and building codes.

      What are some of the conditions that apply to second suites?

      Some of the conditions include:
      The second suite must be self-contained with its own kitchen and bathroom.
      The house, including any additions, must be at least 5-years old.
      The floor area of the second suite must be smaller than the remaining unit.
      In most cases, homes with a second suite must have at least two parking spaces and parking can be in tandem (one behind the other). There is an exception for parts of the former City of Toronto (R2, R3 and R districts) where only one parking space is required for a house with a second suite. Please contact the City of Toronto's Urban Planning and Development Services Department to determine if a property is located in a R2, R3 or R4 district.
      Before planning any changes to the outside appearance of a dwelling the homeowner should contact the City of Toronto's Urban Planning and Development Services Department, and
      All new second suites must comply with the Ontario Building Code and require a building permit. existing second suites must comply with the Fire Code as well as zoning and property standards.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 非常感谢“希望有梦”朋友。但是你给的链接里似乎也没提到作为second suite出租的basement必须要有对外的门窗,而且basement也不一定要以second suite的形式出租吧?
    • 实际上,如果想合法取得执照经营地下室APARTMENT,几乎不可能办到。且不说需要厨卫单独,分门出入,防火达标,还要开窗面积满足居住卫生要求。
      地下室的窗通常都不掂,需要改造。最重要是,这个APARTMENT,局限于最多一家(不论在楼上还是底下室),并且只能是自己的“亲戚或者很熟的朋友”。叫LIVE IN APARTMENT
    • 非常感谢楼上朋友的回复。但是我还是没有找到任何Ontario的法律条文规定basement必须有窗户才能出租。也就是说如果我出租basement至少不违法咯?
      • 首先你的bedroom要符合能住人的标准。我借的做basement的书里说窗户必须有4平凡尺才能获得bedroom的permit. 你总不能把一个政府认为的壁橱或者储藏室出租给人住吧
        • 刚找了一个BASEMENT APARTMENT - BASIC LEGAL REQUIREMENTS (TORONTO),看完了12条也没提到basement一定要窗户,只是说bathroom一定要有窗户或者排气扇。
          • 看你自己链接文章的第五条。The smallest dimension of the window is 18" and the opening must be at least 600sq in.
            (5) Doors must be solid wood or metal and minimum thickness is 1.75". Exterior door must be at least 32"x78". The smallest
            dimension of the window is 18" and the opening must be at least 600sq in. Windows must be within 3' of ground, and if there is
            window well it must extend 3' from the house wall to allow room to crawl out.
      • 此外看你租给谁了,我以前认识一位女士,就是把以不符合fire coding把房东告了。我个人认为,不说是不是违法,从安全角度出发,这种屋子就不应该住人
        • 谢谢你的好意提醒。但是你还是没正面回答我的问题:到底basement 是不是法律明文规定一定要有窗户才能出租?如果没有这样的规定,我一定会找相应的机构来做关于fire code的inspection,而且尽可能取得permit,但是如果basement如果已经被规定必须是要有窗户才能出租的话,
          • 我不知道具体的规定你可以在哪里找到。不过我借的关于地下室装修的书里,作者作为一个多年的义务消防员特意提到bedroom一定要符合4平方尺的窗户的规定。
          • 至少要有2个单独的逃生出口,如一个分门加一个窗。
          • 转个帖子给你:《合法出租的标准》(第二寓所必须有进口和出口两个通道,以防失火时一个通道被阻,还可以从另一个通道逃生,如果没有直接通向外面的出口,窗户必须至少大于0.38m2)
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛合法出租有哪些标准:

            1. 对于自住房屋,根据市政府有关规定,你最多只能出租给一户人家,也就是所谓的“第二寓所”原则。

            2. 第二寓所”指的是设置在独立屋或半独立屋内的一套自给自足的出租房间:必须有单独的厨房和卫生间,必须分门出入,也就是说,必须是一个完全独立的单位。五年以下的新房是不允许设立“第二寓所”的。设有第二寓所的房屋必须至少有两个停车位。

            我们来假设一下,如果这家人选择第二条路,按照市政府的要求进行整改,那他需要做哪些工作呢?为此,本报记者特地采访了Remax Excellence Realty Inc.的地产经纪陈建斌先生。陈先生在房屋租赁市场摸爬滚打近十年,自己也经营好几幢出租房,无论是理论还是实践,他都积累了一大套独特的经验。他和搭挡Kevin Guo举办的“房东房客联谊会”系列讲座,在多伦多大陆华人社区和留学生中已颇有名气。


            另外, 第二寓所还必须符合安省的building code 及fire code的一些具体规定。比如每人最小生活空间不得少于9平方米或100平方英尺,壁橱和卫生间除外;室内天花板的最低高度应不少于6英尺5英寸;房门应该是实木或金属的,厚度不少于45mm;第二寓所必须有进口和出口两个通道,以防失火时一个通道被阻,还可以从另一个通道逃生,如果没有直接通向外面的出口,窗户必须至少有0.38m2大;每一层楼都需要安装烟雾报警器,卧室外必须安装一氧化碳报警器;第二寓所与房屋其它部分之间应有防火隔离,如30 分钟等级的防火墙等。关于最后一点,陈先生补充到,虽然第二寓所可以设置在屋内的任何一层,但大多数都设置在地下室和阁楼上,一旦有火灾,撤离需要花费较长时间,所以,一般自住屋只需要15分钟等级的防火墙,但第二寓所防火墙的等级要求要高很多,必须达到30分种才能烧透的标准。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I think most of basements dont meet the requirements, but as long as nobody complains, you will be ok.
      • Ontario Building Code Part 9 is very complex, To meet OBC is not easy and very costly. 卧室,厨房,浴室,居室的定义,尺寸,通风,照明OBC都有明确规定。 土库就是土库,设计的不是为正式居住。To ready official OBC, you need paid about $75.00. Check
        • 以上从房地产,验房公司的资料都不正确
          只有取得了出租屋建筑许可和区域规划许可的才算合法。 改造完成后,有城市检查合格后才能居住。 建筑许可的颁发是严格按建筑法来审查的。 每个房子的情况不同, 要求改造地方也不同。 大家要想真正把出租屋房子合法化, 一定亲自亲自亲自亲自亲自咨询市政府或专业工程师或建筑师