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I changed two new tires samilar to yours, 185/75 R14, for $162 including all things, tires, labour, and the alignment, surely tax included, and they also

did the 4-tire change for me without extra charge at the store of SUPERIOR TIRE. With the service provided, you can also get almost 5% refund of your total expense by superior bucks. the website: www.superiortire.ca

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 求教:昨天上高速跑了40公里,结果一下高速就发现车有点摇晃,方向盘左右轻微震动。今天又发现方向盘向右走偏,幅度较大。请问各位车侠可能是什么原因。
    自己简单查了一下,减震没有问题。轮胎胎压没有问题。半年前才做了4wheel balance。 谢谢先。
    • 有可能是球头松了,或者方向机间隙大了,最好马上去修,出事不得了。
      • 这种问题修大约要多少钱?
        • 修好了,换了两个tires,总共$300。
          • 玄, 你连这个都没仔细看? 凡是方向偏, 先看轮胎,...有可能没气了, 气不足... 以前一哥们开车, 前胎气漏完了还在开, 还和我说: 可能方向助力出问题了,打方向费劲....
            • 老大,看清楚人家讲方向盘在左右震,如果胎没气了方向盘不会左右震,只是慢跑偏,而且幅度不会太大。
              • 人家说了方向盘向右偏嘛....我不是说一定胎没气. 而是轮胎是第一应该检查的...先从简单的, 容易检查的着手.
                • 不是轮胎没气了,是轮子上因为某些原因产生了一个并不明显的鼓块,是在balance机上测出来的。换完就好了。就是$300太贵了, 不知是不是被宰了。
                  还是杂牌monarch untrl track M185/75r14 两胎107*2,人工加service共$48。共$300。 不知是不是被宰了。
                  • I changed two new tires samilar to yours, 185/75 R14, for $162 including all things, tires, labour, and the alignment, surely tax included, and they also
                    did the 4-tire change for me without extra charge at the store of SUPERIOR TIRE. With the service provided, you can also get almost 5% refund of your total expense by superior bucks. the website: www.superiortire.ca