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如果有人要花8000块钱买48”的立式钢琴,我觉得还不如买欧洲捷克产的PETROF 49“钢琴,质量等各方面比YAMAHA高一个档次,价格比Y可能还便宜一点点。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 钢琴团购及近期钢琴研究汇报(OPTION 1: new KAWAI K-3 $5900 2. new KAWAI K-2 $4700 3. used Yamaha U3 (aound 28 years old.) $4400
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛要给6岁女儿买琴。.
    本人是音乐盲, 我的亲戚去年买了个 used Yamaha ($4400 for 198x U3). 所以 YAMAHA 是我唯一知道的品牌, 二手 YAMAHA 是我唯一的选择直到打电话给我一个国内的朋友: 中国音乐学院钢琴系老师. ,她说她刚买了一个KAWAI 琴(RMB 42,000), 学校的琴房也是 KAWAI. KAWAI 和YAMAHA 一样好。近三周跑了一些琴行:1)some Yamaha dealers in Richmond Hill and Markham, 2) used Yamaha(made in 1980-1982) shops in Markhm 3) total 2 only Kawai dealers in Ontario, one in Newmarket, one in Oakville. 作了很多 Web research.; 这里是我的研究报告。
    1 不买电子钢琴:1)键的感觉不一样 2)五年后一文不值

    2 初步定买 new KAWAI 钢琴 over used Yamaha ( could not afford new Yamaha and Kawai is as good as Yamaha if not better)
    1)used yamaha made in 1980 which is 28 years ago, and piano is life is 50 years old, so resale is hard when you want to sell it (not many people want to buy a 40 years old piano)
    2) new "action" technology evoled from 1970 wood to 1990 ABS to 2006 Millium III technology to make new piano better than old one( that is what Yamaha sales called "plastic of Kawai" to dismiss Kawai),
    3) tone can be adujst to either "dark" for JAzz style or classic "bright" (yamaha is always bright) ( that is from KAWAI sales i am not sure ture or not)
    4) 15 years warranty and 5 years free upgrade , for example , if you buy K-2 then after 5 years you find you baby is a genius and he or she stills want to play piano and feels k-2 is not good enough and you can get a upgrade with a full value k-2 return ( that is from sales and needs to be verified )

    3. KAWAI 哪一款 , kx series 普及档 it is not sold in USA only in Canada in NA so it is hard for resale and Made in China。( i dont say that is bad but just hard for resale ) K series ( k-2, 3, 5, 8)是专业档
    KX15 (45"), Made in China $3450
    KX21 (48") Made in China
    K-2 (45") Made in Japan $4700 ( sales said you can find it $3400 in USA but they dont care, because you would not buy it from USA, duty, broker fee, tax....,anything is cheaper in USA )
    K-3 (48") Made in Japan $5900

    4. 亲自去听,去比较,自己去决定. 如果只去一家店.我推荐 Merriam Music in Oakville( i live in Newmarket) , they carry almost all kinds of piano from $250,000 best in the world to the cheap ones , to the middle class like Kawai and Yamaha so you can compare by yourself. especially the used Yamaha with the new Kawai K-2 or K-3 in one place.
    2359 Bristol Circle.
    Oakville,ON, Canada
    L6H 6P8

    5. 团购, if you decide buy piano from Oakville shop(either used yamaha or new Kawai ). we can buy together to get some discount. .

    6. i will buy K-3 anyway.(k-2 is no difference in terms of sound quality, but k-3 is a better furniture) , my original plan is a $2000 no name used piano, that is more than enough for my kids, but then i went to used Yamaha $4000 , then new Kawai $5900, i know it is not wise decision but just like buy cars, Camera更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • my email at
      • 太好了,这个价格含税么?
        • no. 4700+plus tax and 5900 plus tax. $4400 price for used Yamaha from a Chinese shop so it is all inclusive price.
          • 我上周末看了两家二手YAMAHA琴行, 80-85年U3标准琴的一家开价$3500, 另一家要$4,000. 我的朋友去年买的是$4500. 本人外行, 不知道价格行情到底是怎样的. CONFUSING...
    • good!
      • 我这里有一个used Yamaha U3 (aound 20 years old.) $4300 非常非常好!谁想要和我联系! needtender@yahoo.com
    • 由于烧包 go for K-3 instead of K-2 or $1000 to $2000 no name used piano, 我的计划中的 5D/40D or D300 最多变成 xt/xti or D40 or (used F100/F90X or EOS 5 plus Costco(almost free) film scan ), :)
      • k3的音质比k2当然要好,我实地考察过。
        • 多谢,
    • KAWAI K-3 挺好的,我们买的也是新的。很多中国人只认识Yamaha,其实在最权威的钢琴书《The piano book》上,Yamaha的质量档次跟KAWAI 完全一样,不过Yamaha做广告多,同样48“琴,就比K3贵近两仟,买Yamaha,个人以为很不划算。另外,KAWAI的音板比Yamaha还大一些,至于
      有人说K的塑料部件,对钢琴音色没有任何影响。在日本本土,KAWAI比 Yamaha销量好。
      • Thank you.
      • 多弹几架琴,你就能感觉出差别了。听也能听出来。以前没有比较不知道,最近有心研究了一下,终于感觉出来了。
        • 多弹几架琴?我们为了买琴可是做了很长时间功课。查阅大量英文网站,专业英文书,大多地区几乎所有二手的,新琴店我们都跑遍,何止听几架琴?就音色来说,Y的音质比较清脆,K的音质比较沉厚古典。可能有人喜欢前者,但我们更喜欢后者。另外买二手琴,千万不要


          如果有人要花8000块钱买48”的立式钢琴,我觉得还不如买欧洲捷克产的PETROF 49“钢琴,质量等各方面比YAMAHA高一个档次,价格比Y可能还便宜一点点。
          • 可否PM我你买KaWAI k3的琴店地址,电话,价格,谢谢!
            • address, phone already in the report, did not you see it? also you can find it in Kawai USA web site.( trick: just ignore USA zip code , put your Canada postal code anyway. i tried a lot of different postal codes, only came up 2 dealers )
              • 知道,准备参加你的团沟,我在米西沙家,希望能在多伦多找到卡瓦伊琴行。
          • PETROF也是不错的, 但不能说比Y高个档次吧?起码Y琴(新)台台是精品, 没有瑕疵;不象PETROF挑好了,可以, 买错了, 质量很差.
    • 为尽快确定钢琴团购时间及型号数量, 请与我联系, 谢谢.
      • 问题是:大家都说KAWAI琴都是塑料部件,为了和YAMAHA争价格而降低质量.琴行的人说的.
        • it is just so funny still someone believe that "plastic" crap to attack Kawai. in Merriam Music store in my report, they have samples can show you why use ABS in 1990 to replace wood(wood will shrink) and ABC carbon fiber in 2006 to replace ABS.
      • 毕竟YAMAHA琴在北美的市场份额超过40%.是否有团购YAMAHA新琴??
        • 举手
        • please check this link . it will explain that to you what is ABS, what is ABS fiber carbon. then again, use your eyes and ears. wheels used are made of wood. now called" tires" that is rubber, but every car now has it.
        • 你是指包括YAMAHA二手旧琴的销量吧,很多中国人很哈,也只认得YAMAHA牌子。YAMAHA新钢琴销量可并不好,性价比太不合算。
          • "很多中国人很哈"?? "我觉得还不如买欧洲捷克产的PETROF 49“钢琴,质量等各方面比YAMAHA高一个档次" ?? 你是琴行卖捷克琴的"托儿"吧!! 这里还有踩着YAMAHA买捷克琴的,亏你说的出口!!
            • 你的心理可真阴暗!我是PETROF的托?真是可笑,我自己买的是K3钢琴。不是我认为PETROF比Yamaha音色高一档次,是在2007年最新版的钢琴权威书里,对全世界大部分钢琴进行评级,PETROF被排到GROUP第2 组,而Yamaha立式琴才被排到
              GROUP 第3组,珠江之类的中国钢琴排在GROUP第4组。


              • 好,你的研究比我深. 请问 where did you get the official <The Piano Book> , you bought it or from library? Thanks.
                • Both are OK. But from library, you have to wait a long time, and can't get 2007's book.
              • 枫,可否告诉我你在那里买的琴,电话,价格,谢谢!
                • 阿土仔已经贴出来了,Kawai dealers in Ontario,one in Newmarket, one in Oakville. Oakville的可能因为店的规模大,比Newmarket好谈(个人感受)。价钱么,我贴子里已经说过了。
        • 我去年11月份自己和YAMAHA的DEALER谈的, 不知道可以组织没有团购,最后$7775买下的U1新琴. 我就是信YAMAHA, 也没有做什么市场调查, 就奔它去了. 因为没有打算再换琴, 就给6岁的女儿直接买了U1.
        • 我正在调查YAMAHA U1,谈到了7900含税,应该还可再低点拿到。如果有人一起团购可拿到更低。有意者请快回我贴,我马上要买了。
      • "it is just so funny still someone believe ......"你是听KAWAI的代理说的.可是我听YAMAHA的代理说,塑料老化后变形,和木头部件没法比较.好象也有道理呀.
        • I said " i could not afford new Yamaha" that is only thing i said Yamaha. you want to go for Yamaha, why you take down Kawai here? just go and buy it. . just dont attack other brand, just buy what you want.
          • 我这里有一个used Yamaha U1 (around 20 years old.) $3500, 非常非常好!想要了解和我联系! PM please!.
        • Kawai sales said nothing but praise for Yamaha, he just showed me 3 actions samples used in Kawai : wood in 1970, ABS in 1990, and carbon fiber in 2006. it nothing about yamaha. just 3 Kawai different technologies. see them with your eyes.
      • 现在初步有3 个琴. 两个 K-3 和一个 低价三角琴, 准备周末或下周一起去买.
        • 阿土: I am interesting to K-3 or 低价三角琴, but not decide yet, I would like to go store with you to get some idea regarding Kawai. plz pm me or call me at 416-615-3296 during working time. --- 花儿朵朵。
      • 阿土崽呀!别push别人太着急了.干吗非要去oakville那么远,我们多伦多这里也有KAWAI代理,多联系几位家长,那个代理都会给打折的.
        • really?, in Kawai web site, even i put CN tower postal code, still return the dealer in Newmarket. which does not carry K-2 or 3 . please let me know the address of the dealer in Toronto. i live in Newmarket , i dont want to go to Oakville.
    • 爱买什么买什么, 预算是多少就买多少$的, 何必争Y好还是K好, 事实摆着, 争来争去就是浪费时间.还想说服别人,
    • Yamaha U1就象Corolla,Kawai K2就象Civic。闭着眼睛买都不会错,音色就别谈了
      • 这个比喻有趣
        • 精辟。
          • 我这里有一个used Yamaha U3 (aound 20 years old.) $4300 非常非常好!谁想要和我联系! needtender@yahoo.com
      • 谢谢 mt123(快乐的阿土仔), 我准备今天去一趟 OAKVILLE, 还有想买 K3请 尽快和我们联系, THANKS!
    • 买没买?