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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

can I consider that you have already decided? and just need some proof and support. if so, Okey, just go to Schulich B-school and think it as the best.

I met a white guy who just finished high school. he told me that the Schulich is the No.1 in canada... unfortunately, I know that he just got an offer from Schulich and seems to be too pride for his school. I also know a guy who is studying in Rotman MBA course. he told me about the same thing but with different opinion, the best one is Rotman. I surely and easily reached the reason, that they two want to prove that they are the best because they got the admission of the best school...but which one is the best at all? who knows?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教,收到两个Offer, 1. Rotman MBA, U of T; 2. Schulich MBA, York Univ. 选哪个比较好?
    • up,up,up!!!
      • can I consider that you have already decided? and just need some proof and support. if so, Okey, just go to Schulich B-school and think it as the best.
        I met a white guy who just finished high school. he told me that the Schulich is the No.1 in canada... unfortunately, I know that he just got an offer from Schulich and seems to be too pride for his school. I also know a guy who is studying in Rotman MBA course. he told me about the same thing but with different opinion, the best one is Rotman. I surely and easily reached the reason, that they two want to prove that they are the best because they got the admission of the best school...but which one is the best at all? who knows?
      • Thank you.
        I think that U of T's MBA maybe have a brighter future in Canada and China.
      • Ivey-Western Ontario is the best in Canada.
        • Maybe. But even Ivey students find it hard to a find job this year. As I know, only a little bit more than half of the 2nd year students have got a job till now, one week before they graduate.
          • What about the placement situation in the Rotman?
            • I don't really know, because I study at Ivey; but I guess it should be in a very similar situation. As I heard, even Harvard is not far better of in this year.
    • 1.MBA可能拿到奖学金吗?2.ROTMAN在金融方面比较有优势,其中一个原因是位于Bay St.附近。
      • Yes, sure. See inside
        The business school will give you scholarship ranging from partial tuition waiver to full tuition waiver if you are considered excellent. In some circumstances, the school will give you a TA or RA to cover your living expenses.
        • 加拿大很多商学院的奖学金都是象征性的,杯水车薪。TA和RA要自己申请经过挑选啊。
      • 经济不景气时,投资银行最受影响。金融工作极其难找。
        • 工作方向,恐怕最重要的还要看个人的背景和自我定位。
          • 因为Rotman的金融还可以。
      • 刚刚看到根据2002年的排名,York提升到30多位,UT下降到40多位。
        • I guess you are talking about the Financial Times ranking. But that ranking is not so popular in the US. The business week ranking is much more important in the US.
    • 去ROTMAN 吧! 在中国的形象要比....好得多.
      • why?
    • That depends on where do you want to work in the future. Here is my opinion for your reference.
      I think, if you want to go to US or go back to china, Rotman it s better choice. That's simply because no one outside of Canada really knows York. If you wanna work in Canada, I think they are kind of the same. Personally, I would absolutely choose Rotman.
      • 中国人不知道York吗?
        • At least every one in China, at least in the big cities, have heard about Toronto. So they may 'know', U of T. I don't think most of people know any other University in Canada, including York.
          • Chinese people in business circle know Ivey, Schulich, and Rotman, especially people in Sino-foreign Joint ventures.
      • I agree too, U of T has much more better reputation than York
        • 大学和所属商学院的名气、实力不是一回事。论实力多大比西安大略强,但商学院与MBA的情况呢?
          • York MBA and UT MBA have similar reputation. But UT got much high reputation than York. Then in this case, I will certainly choose UT.
            • I guess your choice based on what you want to do after a MBA program.
          • People in China even don't know what the hell is Ivey. But Ivey got a better reputation in the US, especially in consulting firms.
        • 可是UT的排名在下掉,York在升,怎么回事?另外,York学费也便宜很多。
          • What kind of ranking?? The business week ranking is much more important than financial time ranking.
            • You got it. York is only listed as 2nd tier international MBA programs and not even ranked, while Ivey is listed as No. 5, and Rotman as No. 7 international B-school.
              • You are right, it was the MBA ranking of 2000 on the business week. However, after two years, Rotman MBA is not ranked in such a good position by other organizations.
                • I guess you don't know how Business Week ranking works. 50% of it is based on alumini survey, another 50% is based on the survey of employer, which is not going to change very quickly. It is all about PERCEPTION.
                  • You are right. Every two years, right? Did you get latest results for 2002 on the Business Week?
            • 我看得是Financial Times MBA rankings. 2002 Ivey 18, Rotman/ Schulich 31;2001 Ivey 19, Rotman 46, Schulich 35
          • 很难得出这样的结论,不过ROTMAN好象确实发展不快。