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Phonics refers to an instructional method for teaching children to read English. Phonics involves teaching children to connect sounds with letters or groups of letters (e.g., that the sound /k/ can be represented by c, k, or ck spellings) and teaching them to blend the sounds of letters together to produce approximate pronunciations of unknown words.
Children begin learning to read using phonics usually around the age of 5 or 6. Teaching English reading using phonics requires children to learn the connections between letter patterns and the sounds they represent. Phonics instruction requires the teacher to provide students with a core body of information about phonics rules, or patterns.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请教: 对1年级的孩子, 我 应该如何帮孩子提高拼写和阅读的能力?
    我女儿6岁,今天是1年级的最后一天.老师的评分是READING : C, WRITING: C-, SPEAKING: B. 她可以说句子,但是不能根据读音拼写出正确的单词, 读的时候,有些单词也不能用老师教的读音方法正确读出来. 请问,你们的小孩是不是也这样? 应该如何帮孩子提高拼写和阅读的能力?
    • 读书,大量的阅读
      • 我觉得需要背单词. 针对小孩子, 传统方法还是必需的.
        • not really, reading is more helpful
        • No necessary for children who speaks English, especially for this young age.
    • 有空了带去图书馆,看到好看点的书就借回来,然后告诉他两个星期就要还回去
    • 读书,大量的阅读 Level 1
    • 她上过JK和SK么?
      • 同问
    • 我女儿也一年级,明天才能看到REPORT CARD, 不过你说的不能按照发音拼单词,我女儿也是这样, 不过她前几个TERM的READING A+, WRITING A, SPEAKING A-,她已经读LEVEL 4了.她每天SCHOOL要带回来本书读,也给她买书读,她还爱读玩具的INSTRUCTION.
    • 楼上说的都对,要大量的读。在陪她一起读的时候,手指着字一起移动,让她了解单词和发音之间的关联。
    • nintendo DS上有一款很流行的游戏, Word Coach, 还挺好玩的, 我们家孩子很喜欢. 看网上的review不错, 但是好象没有发音. 阅读能力只有多看书了, 从我们家的经验看, 最好自己买些书, 小孩子喜欢翻来覆去地看, 图书馆的书总是看不踏实.
      • 我家女儿DS就是打游戏,POKEMAN,不过里面也有对话,她自己读,她还会上网GOOGLE找密级.
        • wow, 你女儿真能干, 我们家傻闺女就会老老实实地玩^_^ 不过, 每个游戏价格不菲, 买什么你可以做主, 我们家只买教育性的, 爱玩不玩...
          • 如今我就天天对她说,这是CHEATING, 玩GAME可以,但是绝不能在SCHOOL还有对其他人CHEATING,我真的好担心.觉得没有引导好.
            • 我倒是很喜欢你女儿, 觉得你不必担心, cheat机器和cheat小朋友可不是一回事... 我担心我们家孩子太循规蹈矩了
        • 请问你们的小孩平均一星期玩几个小时的游戏?有检查过他们的视力吗?
          • 对视力的影响, 得看如果不玩游戏, 孩子会干什么, 要是能运动, 弹钢琴, 收拾房间等等, 我一定不会让孩子玩游戏, 但那时做梦; 如果是看电视什么的, 那还是玩游戏吧, 好歹还是液晶的, 还没有浪费时间的广告^_^
    • 我女儿去年来读4年级,她每天的阅读量很大,每天都至少读一两本chapter book. 可是report card拿回来writing: C READING: C。她现在只挑她喜欢的故事书看,是不是应该条一些有针对性的书?
      • make sure she can rephrase using her own words about who, when, what where, why etc...
    • 学好了phonics的基础上,大量的阅读会有帮助。至于写,可以让孩子每天写一篇Journal.
        • phonics在学校应该都学过了呀,就是英文的拼读方法。
          Phonics refers to an instructional method for teaching children to read English. Phonics involves teaching children to connect sounds with letters or groups of letters (e.g., that the sound /k/ can be represented by c, k, or ck spellings) and teaching them to blend the sounds of letters together to produce approximate pronunciations of unknown words.
          Children begin learning to read using phonics usually around the age of 5 or 6. Teaching English reading using phonics requires children to learn the connections between letter patterns and the sounds they represent. Phonics instruction requires the teacher to provide students with a core body of information about phonics rules, or patterns.
        • JK和SK
    • 我儿子刚上一年级的时候老师组织班上的同学参加他们自己的阅读俱乐部,每天拿一本书回来读。这么读着读着,现在一年下来,他也可以看简单的Chapter Book了,特别是那套Tree House系列,不知你女儿会不会喜欢,去图书馆借来看看,说不定从此就对书爱不释手了。
      • 好奇请问一声, 怎么样的书叫Chapter Book啊?
        • Much less pictures or almost no picture.
    • Read loud and read loud everyday