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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

好消息,LP昨天拿到签证了,历时13个月.如果不是我连fax了两封COMPLAIN LETTER到使馆同时CC Immigration Center,不知还要等多久.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Timetable如下:

03-2001 Submit Application to Immigration Center in Mississauga)
04-2001 Submit more document
06-2001 Sponsorship is approved and forward to Hong Kong
(They called me can talked with me for 10 mins and then approved my sponsorship)
08-2001 Got medical check form
08-2001 Asked for interview in Oct.
10-2001 Interview
10-2001 1st medical check in Guangzhou
12-2001 2nd medical check in Guangzhou
01-2001 3rd medical check request were sent to a wrong address
02-2002 The consulate called my wife and sent the letter to the right address
03-2002 3rd medical check in Guangzhou
(She's asked so many medical check because the doctor doubted little thing wrong on the lung. It's nothing after 3rd time check and the three times check cost me nearly RMB4000)
04-2002 Landing paper issued and cost me RMB150 to get it by UPS

In my wife's case, we passed ALL steps which may happen including interview. Total processing time is exactly 13 months. Anyway we get it. Otherwise ....... (I can't say too more details here)

Good luck for all spouses who are waiting for landing paper. Be patient and don't hesitate to send fax to complain if you think the processing is too long. You'll get the paper sooner or later. Feel free to ask me if you have somthing don't know. I'm free immigration consultant on both independent and family immigrant. I did both by myself since 1997.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 好消息,LP昨天拿到签证了,历时13个月.如果不是我连fax了两封COMPLAIN LETTER到使馆同时CC Immigration Center,不知还要等多久.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Timetable如下:

    03-2001 Submit Application to Immigration Center in Mississauga)
    04-2001 Submit more document
    06-2001 Sponsorship is approved and forward to Hong Kong
    (They called me can talked with me for 10 mins and then approved my sponsorship)
    08-2001 Got medical check form
    08-2001 Asked for interview in Oct.
    10-2001 Interview
    10-2001 1st medical check in Guangzhou
    12-2001 2nd medical check in Guangzhou
    01-2001 3rd medical check request were sent to a wrong address
    02-2002 The consulate called my wife and sent the letter to the right address
    03-2002 3rd medical check in Guangzhou
    (She's asked so many medical check because the doctor doubted little thing wrong on the lung. It's nothing after 3rd time check and the three times check cost me nearly RMB4000)
    04-2002 Landing paper issued and cost me RMB150 to get it by UPS

    In my wife's case, we passed ALL steps which may happen including interview. Total processing time is exactly 13 months. Anyway we get it. Otherwise ....... (I can't say too more details here)

    Good luck for all spouses who are waiting for landing paper. Be patient and don't hesitate to send fax to complain if you think the processing is too long. You'll get the paper sooner or later. Feel free to ask me if you have somthing don't know. I'm free immigration consultant on both independent and family immigrant. I did both by myself since 1997.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 恭喜恭喜!真是太不容易了。
    • 哥们,恭喜! 有板有眼终成事。 :D
    • 首先为你们的团聚而高兴。另请教,你妻子为什麽被要求面试 ,面试都有些什麽内容,排队等候面试需多长时间?
      • 因为他们怀疑婚姻真实性. INTERVIEW比较简单,只问一些"你当初为什么不一起办"之类的简单问题. 只要你不是假结婚,EASY. 面试等待时间是3个月左右,或更短.
        • 恭喜您们,你们办了那么久呀??是大使馆对婚姻的真假怀疑了吗好奇怪一般交充足了资料还怀疑和要求面试吗?
          • 不管你交了多少材料,OFFICER仍然可以要求你INTERVIEW.就象你去考车牌,考官想FAIL你就可以FAIL你.
            • 但是据了解很少有要求面试的,反正没人知道老大想什么.
              • For family immigration. 1.很少有人需要三个月才APPROVE sponsorship; 2.很少有人需要INTERVIEW;3.很少有人需要MEDICAL CHECK三次. 我都遇到了
                • 天呀!!!!!!!!惊讶的嘴都和不上了!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • 另: 寻同路人, 深圳 ---> OTTAWA, TIME IS FLEXIABLE, I CAN PICUP YOU IN AIRPORT and 在这里帮你找房子
      • cheap tickets
    • Wishes you and your wife all the best!
    • 请问: 你所cc的Immigration Center是什么?能介绍一下吗?或者我可以去哪里看相关介绍?谢谢!!
      • Go to www.cic.gc.ca for more info. BTW, 深圳这么多移民,就没有一个来OTTAWA的吗? 这里也是小城市,不象TORONTO( or GUANGZHOU)那么闹