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My daughter is the same age as your daughter, and has the same problem. Now she is much better. My suggestion:

Try your best to find the reason of eating her finger. If she suddenly develop this bad habit, very possibly that is because of some pressure. Does she have some trouble that makes her feel upset, nervous? For example, scare of some big kids at day care? Have trouble of getting along with other children? Scare of a teacher at day care? Is there any pressure at home? Talk to her just like a friend of her. To see if she can tell you some secret that happened in daycare, or somewhere, that makes her nervous. For me, I finally find the reason and did whatever I can do the help her. Now, my daughter’s nail has grown up again, but I am still not for sure if the bad habit has gone. Hope this can help

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 4岁多的孩子最近发现老咬手指甲,说了多次没用,据说这样是身体里缺乏某种微量元素,是这样吗?有什么办法解决?谢谢!
    • 这个就是强迫症吧。要改变的话,就是惩罚。让他吃不到,吃了有惩罚就可以了。不是大问题。
      • 多数时间在Daycare(现在Summer Camp)没法随时监督。近三个星期不用剪指甲,全被孩子啃了,真没辙。
      • 好像转移他的注意力更好一些。通常孩子在不安、无聊时,常会有些小动作。
    • 继续啃指甲,真没法。那位有主意指点一下,谢谢!
      • My daughter is the same age as your daughter, and has the same problem. Now she is much better. My suggestion:
        Try your best to find the reason of eating her finger. If she suddenly develop this bad habit, very possibly that is because of some pressure. Does she have some trouble that makes her feel upset, nervous? For example, scare of some big kids at day care? Have trouble of getting along with other children? Scare of a teacher at day care? Is there any pressure at home? Talk to her just like a friend of her. To see if she can tell you some secret that happened in daycare, or somewhere, that makes her nervous. For me, I finally find the reason and did whatever I can do the help her. Now, my daughter’s nail has grown up again, but I am still not for sure if the bad habit has gone. Hope this can help
    • 你的孩子已经成功融入主流社会了, 这里的很多成年人咬指甲。
    • 我和你有一样的问题,我女儿也是4岁。当时我都急死了,试了很多办法都没用,后来我还是下狠心,把她关在屋子里,教训了起码半个小时,并用尺子打她的手,都打红肿了了。让她和我保证以后再也不咬了。从那以后,她果然不再咬了。现在我看她也想不起要咬指甲了。
      • 太残忍了
      • OMG! 你花半个小时教育她没什么不好,可是用尺子打红肿她的手就有点儿...4岁的孩子能听懂道理了,严肃的跟他讲道理可以解决问题的.我儿子5岁时常狠狠地眨眼睛,纠正多次不果,后来约了儿童医生和他严肃谈,医生说这是坏习惯,小朋友会笑话他,要纠正等等,第二天他就完全改了
      • Don't do that again to any kid! She is only 4.
        A lot of times, the kid is stressed. Talk to her, play with her, take her to different activities that she can relex and shift attention. The worst case, there is liquid sold at store to help getting rid of it
      • 泼妇
      • 报告政府
    • 我女儿在4岁的时候也咬指甲,过段时间自然就不会了,不是太过分就顺其自然
      • 我朋友的小孩6岁,右手食指和中指永远放在嘴里吮吸.在做事情的时候要吃的指头就举起不碰东西,各位有什么主意来纠正这个坏毛病啊.
    • 顺其自然