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July 30 2008

Today I had a weird dream. First in my dream I had another dream and another dream and after another two dreams I finally had a dream that wasn't another dream. In that dream there was a house full of clubs.

One day a dad, a mom and a child came to the club house. The child wanted to join the colouring club but his mom and dad said no because it was too expensive. It was 40 dollars. The mom said what about the dancing club, it is cheaper. It is only 20 dollars.

And then my mom woke me up. The end.

Grandpa and Grandma came to my house today. Granpa played soccer with me. In the first period it was 10-4 and the 2 peiriod it was 20-4.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 孩子的writing常常就一句话,甚至一两个字,其余写不出来。好像还没有入门,三年级了。我也不知道怎么辅导他,因为不了解这里的题型,比如一段文字介绍太阳系,回答问题看来孩子的确理解了,但是最后题 Imagine you are part of the first
    space mission to Pluto, write a story about your experiences, 孩子挠半天头也写不出俩字。有没有参考书讲3年级如何写作的?给家长的书也行因为我也不会写

    • puff
    • 从我孩子的经历来说,没别的好办法,只有多读书,虽然见效慢,但肯定有成效.
      • 谢谢。我从孩子1岁开始给他读书,现在每晚他给我读书,一天一章,还是不怎么样,哎
        • have faith...
    • 无他,多读书就是。做父母的要负责找出孩子感兴趣的书,然后大量供应。
      • 最近读的一本是 Charlotte's Web, Anne Green Gables。他自己喜欢的是 Adventure of Tintin 之类的漫画书。老兄有什么好书推荐?谢谢。还有好像阅读能力转移不到写作上边,难道想象力不够?
        • Charlotte's Web, Anne Green Gables, 刚上三年级就能读, 已经很不错了.
          • 我是觉得孩子阅读还行,但是3年级开始写作了,不知道怎么帮他。
            • 多读书绝对有用。孩子有时候写不出来,是对所写的不了解,或没兴趣。家长平时多引导孩子表达自己的思想也是一条门路。
              • 多读书确实有用,像 Charlotte's Web, Anne Green Gables之类的,记得俺女儿G1~G2时就从喜欢看电影(从图书馆借来的录像带)进而读整本书了,俺曾没事就带她逛图书馆,曾逛过20家以上不同的图书馆。
      • 俺女儿从G1~G5看过的书有不少都是系列类的如:Author and D.W;Magic Tree House;Junie B. Jones;Series of unfortunate events;Harry Potter;Royal Diaries;Dear Canadian / American...G3开始有时借些历史或人物传记之类的看...但男孩与女孩喜欢的书类应有些不同。
        • Mark 书目。谢谢。男孩子还是有差距的,Harry Potter 7本都在他书柜里,至今读过2页,Harry和姨夫一家斗嘴,隐喻双关都不太理解,程度没到也是自然。我会去图书馆找找你列的书,再次感谢。
          • 我儿子大概4-5岁还在幼儿园就开始读Harry Potter,每本都是翻来覆去读到烂,数不出读了多少遍。里面的很多咒语都能背下来。
            • ^o^ ^o^ ^o^
    • first find out where the problem is: is that he does not possess the knowledge (he does not know planets or space), or that he gets problem to express his thoughts/knowledge?
      • For example, this EQAO test sample is for Grade 3. My son can correctly answer questions 1-10, meaning he understands the story, but he has some difficulties answering question 11 and 12 .... he is totally frustrated looking at question 23.
    • 参考你过去的帖子 ( #4207245@0 ), 看来应该多花些时间在孩子的英语阅读上面了,学中文固然重要,英文水平的发展也不能忽视啊。:(
      • 有道理
        • 看了你孩子的时间安排,感觉你孩子的读书只是机械式地完成任务.
    • 写日记。随孩子写。写好后使劲夸夸他/她。

      July 30 2008

      Today I had a weird dream. First in my dream I had another dream and another dream and after another two dreams I finally had a dream that wasn't another dream. In that dream there was a house full of clubs.

      One day a dad, a mom and a child came to the club house. The child wanted to join the colouring club but his mom and dad said no because it was too expensive. It was 40 dollars. The mom said what about the dancing club, it is cheaper. It is only 20 dollars.

      And then my mom woke me up. The end.

      Grandpa and Grandma came to my house today. Granpa played soccer with me. In the first period it was 10-4 and the 2 peiriod it was 20-4.
      • 不错不错!这是个好办法。也曾叫孩子写过 Journal,但是没有坚持下来,现在不写了,回来恢复起来。谢谢你。
        • 说是日记,但未必要天天记。别太强迫他。他也是要灵感来写点东西的。我孩子想写的时候,写上面那些也就一刻钟。
    • 不知你有没有给孩子做一些课外练习, 象SMART ENG 之类的, 我看G2的已经要写小篇段落了, 有图有游戏, 比自己挖空心思写日记容易些.
    • 问题关键恐怕是孩子是否真的是enjoy读书与写作! 如家长认为主要是为了写作而读书,那就貌似读了写了,其实在孩子心底里boring极了,那就事倍功半了。培养孩子的阅读爱好其实从3岁就应该开始了,而最自然的培养方法其实就是父母家人都喜欢读书看报常逛书店和图书馆/买书/借书...
      • 同意,同意...
    • 我儿子也一直有这个问题。他基本上每天晚上睡前都读书或者听故事。今天突然自己写了一篇比较长的故事,好让我惊喜。不知道这算不算是一个转机。我觉得坚持每天读书是有帮助的,但要读得有乐趣。