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download whole package of php is required IT MUST BE EXACTLY SAME VERSION AS YOUR PRODUCTION php, plus oci for php libaray, use "configure --help"(can't remember exactly parameter) to show what option for oci(--with-oci??) as dynamic load module

anohter "--<not with>-oci" is for compile the oci driver static to php core, which makes you have to re-install whole php packege, that is not what you want(minimum impact)
now, you can "make module"

then "make install module", you will see the compile oci connecter driver is copied some directory(if not specified in configure patameter, it is default path for dynamic load module directory, check source code of "configure"), if not manually copy it to your php dynamic load module's directory.

Then, run page with phpinfo(), to check if oci connector is loaded.

I am not sure on all the command parameter above,

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  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 请问Linux高手:为PHP+Apache增加Oracle支持
    server是 Redhat Linux Fedora 6 + Apache 2.2.6 + PHP 5

    现在已经有PHP + MySQL5 的程序在run了,目前没有oci8, 我google了一些方法,主要是担心我装oci8时好像要recompile php, 我有点担心安装后现在的程序是否会受影响,有没有哪位有经验的能指教一下,我应该怎么做risk比较小。

    BTW, 我对server只是remote access,通过Webmin 1.370
    • unix/linux高手因该会安装配置各种软件。。。
      • 没明白你回帖的目的,能说的再明白点吗
    • compile the oci module as "plug-in" for php.
      • at configure command line, u need have proper parameter setup oci driver as "plug-in"(module)
        • when compile, just compile "module" is enough.
          • Could you please tell me more detail about how to this, like download which package first, and run which command line
            • first, I don't think you can do the job by webmin, you need to login the server by ssh.
              to install oci, you probably need:

              1. install oracle develop library. You can goto oracle site to search linux verison library.
              2. recomplie php with something like with-oci8. I remember there are two different version library , I used with-oci8 and it's working for me.

              You need to do some research about how to configure/compile/install php.
              • download whole package of php is required IT MUST BE EXACTLY SAME VERSION AS YOUR PRODUCTION php, plus oci for php libaray, use "configure --help"(can't remember exactly parameter) to show what option for oci(--with-oci??) as dynamic load module
                anohter "--<not with>-oci" is for compile the oci driver static to php core, which makes you have to re-install whole php packege, that is not what you want(minimum impact)
                now, you can "make module"

                then "make install module", you will see the compile oci connecter driver is copied some directory(if not specified in configure patameter, it is default path for dynamic load module directory, check source code of "configure"), if not manually copy it to your php dynamic load module's directory.

                Then, run page with phpinfo(), to check if oci connector is loaded.

                I am not sure on all the command parameter above,
              • if u don't want to do compile: 1. get ur php version, 2. by the php version search oci module(like but not exactly as: php-oci-3.4.5-6, if you php is 3.4.5-6) that match your php.
                3. install it, if path of php is not same as php-oci, manully copy the installed libarary to proper location.
                • Thank you , thank you