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.NET 开始使用新的LOGO


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  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / .NET 开始使用新的LOGO
    • 很像SilverLight,看来微软的企业艺术家想统一各个产品的视觉感受
      • This gives our .NET developer a little bit more fun when we do our jobs.
          • Actually, I don't know much about other CRM systems. However, ...
            I do customize a lot on top of MSCRM because it gives many ways to customize the system. For example, callouts, workflows, scriptings, and even extensions, which gives huge possibilities to do your own customization.
            • thanks. how do you think : NetSuite CRM vs MS Dynamic Online? Which one can provide more customized func?
              • No problem. Our company hosts our crm. So we can do more customization. If third party does it, it depends on what customization they can provide, who does the customization, how to deploy ...
                • thanks! bro
          • In addition to web services, we use SQL queries connecting directly to SQL server to implement business logic as well.
            • Not be sure if those CRM online companies will allow the customers to create their own SQL query or Stored-proc directly in the DB level
              • You are right. it is better to ask in advance what tools and actions they can provide.
                • thanks! bro
    • 不好看
    • Up to now, there is no any brand new idea in .net framework 4.0 and VS 2010.
      • C# 4好像开始向动态语言进化了。anyway,不管有没有新意,现在的C#比Java算是“先进”很多了
        • 微软靠卖Windows挣钱,跨平台这块C#永远都没戏,Java和C#就是井水和河水的关系。
        • Some things suppose to come long time ago.
          For example, optional parameters are VB (even not VB.NET) feature. Variance better came together with LINQ
        • 楼上说的没错,n多enterprise applicaction是run在XNIX上,c#和IIS无法进到这个领域。除非大家都用windows server
    • Not bad!
    • cool