人之初:people at birth
性本善:sex was good
性相近:sex is near
习相远:study is far
苟不教:if not teach
性乃迁:sex will change
教之道:tell the truth
贵以专:bricks are good
昔孟母:old mother meng
择邻处:chose neibour live
子不学:son not learn
断机杼:cut his dick
窦燕山 dou yan mountain
有义方 had good idea
教五子 teach five son
名俱扬 give their names
养不教 if not teach
父之过 father is guilty
'教不严 teach not strict
师之惰 teacher is lazy
子不学 son not learn
非所宜 it's not right
幼不学 young not learn
老何为 old do what
性本善:sex was good
性相近:sex is near
习相远:study is far
苟不教:if not teach
性乃迁:sex will change
教之道:tell the truth
贵以专:bricks are good
昔孟母:old mother meng
择邻处:chose neibour live
子不学:son not learn
断机杼:cut his dick
窦燕山 dou yan mountain
有义方 had good idea
教五子 teach five son
名俱扬 give their names
养不教 if not teach
父之过 father is guilty
'教不严 teach not strict
师之惰 teacher is lazy
子不学 son not learn
非所宜 it's not right
幼不学 young not learn
老何为 old do what