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苏东坡的那首《水凋歌头》被很多人翻译过,前些时,在《English Weekly》上再次看到了这首诗的英语翻译,稍微修改,摘录如下:
明月几时有?When the full moon rises?
把酒问青天。Drink a cup of wine and ask the sky.
不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?I want to know what's the year of the palace in the heaven?
我欲乘风归去,I want to return riding the whirl wind,
又恐琼楼玉宇,Afraid that this heaven lets in the cold,
高处不盛寒,Its palaces rear so high,
起舞弄清影,I shall get up and dance with my own shadow,
何似在人间。Confused where the mortal world is.
转朱阁,低绮户,Round the red pavilion, slanting through the lattices,
照无眠,Onto every wakeful eye,
不应有恨,The moon shouldn't bear any grudge,
何事长向别时圆?Why you fill the sky only in times of separation?
人有悲欢离合,Men know joy and sorrow, parting and reunion,
月有阴晴圆缺,The moon is also changeable,
此事古难全。There has been no perfection since ancient times.
但原人长久,May men live forever,
千里共婵娟。Sharing the beautifulmoon through miles apart.
http://bkfan.bokee.com/viewdiary.41112616.html更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
苏东坡的那首《水凋歌头》被很多人翻译过,前些时,在《English Weekly》上再次看到了这首诗的英语翻译,稍微修改,摘录如下:
明月几时有?When the full moon rises?
把酒问青天。Drink a cup of wine and ask the sky.
不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?I want to know what's the year of the palace in the heaven?
我欲乘风归去,I want to return riding the whirl wind,
又恐琼楼玉宇,Afraid that this heaven lets in the cold,
高处不盛寒,Its palaces rear so high,
起舞弄清影,I shall get up and dance with my own shadow,
何似在人间。Confused where the mortal world is.
转朱阁,低绮户,Round the red pavilion, slanting through the lattices,
照无眠,Onto every wakeful eye,
不应有恨,The moon shouldn't bear any grudge,
何事长向别时圆?Why you fill the sky only in times of separation?
人有悲欢离合,Men know joy and sorrow, parting and reunion,
月有阴晴圆缺,The moon is also changeable,
此事古难全。There has been no perfection since ancient times.
但原人长久,May men live forever,
千里共婵娟。Sharing the beautifulmoon through miles apart.
http://bkfan.bokee.com/viewdiary.41112616.html更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net