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New tax credit for home improvements:Homeowners can claim 15% of costs on projects worth $1,000 to $10,000

* Effective today through Jan. 31, 2010, homeowners can claim a tax credit for 15 per cent of renovation expenses between $1,000 and $10,000. The maximum tax credit (on $9,000 in renovations) is worth $1,350.

* The tax credit would apply to a variety of home improvements, such as renovating a kitchen, bathroom or basement, new carpet or hardwood floors, building an addition, deck, or fence, installing a new furnace, painting the inside or outside of a house, or laying new sod.

* Expenses such as building permits, professional services, and equipment rentals are also eligible. Routine repairs and maintenance will not qualify for the credit. Nor will the cost of purchasing furniture, appliances, electronics, or construction equipment.

* Houses, cottages and condominium units owned for personal use are eligible.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / New tax credit for home improvements:Homeowners can claim 15% of costs on projects worth $1,000 to $10,000
    * Effective today through Jan. 31, 2010, homeowners can claim a tax credit for 15 per cent of renovation expenses between $1,000 and $10,000. The maximum tax credit (on $9,000 in renovations) is worth $1,350.

    * The tax credit would apply to a variety of home improvements, such as renovating a kitchen, bathroom or basement, new carpet or hardwood floors, building an addition, deck, or fence, installing a new furnace, painting the inside or outside of a house, or laying new sod.

    * Expenses such as building permits, professional services, and equipment rentals are also eligible. Routine repairs and maintenance will not qualify for the credit. Nor will the cost of purchasing furniture, appliances, electronics, or construction equipment.

    * Houses, cottages and condominium units owned for personal use are eligible.
    • 那装修房子的人岂不是赚翻了, 那material 都可能涨价啊。。。
      • 不就是1350吗?哪能赚翻了?还是649厉害!
    • 08年换的屋顶,暖气岂不亏了
    • 这是个好消息么!私人house,cottage都包括。
      • 其实cottage为了省税而花钱装修不一定值,只是周末放假才有机会去,又不是平常住人的。
    • 换窗户包不包括?
      • 包括。据说,现在有公司OFFER零首期,7年分期付款的换窗户计划。这样又有政府的CREDIT的,又没有付款压力,我本来没有换窗计划,现在也比较动心了。
        • 谢谢
        • 我觉得自己很幸运啊。没有去年冬天换,签的合同是今年4月份换,否则就赶不上这趟车了
        • 请问是哪家公司可分期付款?
          • 我同事刚换,推荐给我的,我还没有和这家联系过,你自己判断吧。
            • Thanks!
        • 什么样的窗子需要换啊?
    • 车库门,铺driveway都算不算呢?
      • Yes
        • thx