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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 各位懂行的同学说说,考上IB program而不去,是不是太可惜了?
    • 怎么样可以申请考?
      • 8年级申请,不一定要考试,根据7/8年级成绩表现决定录取。
        • Need take an 考试 in York Region. It all depands on what child's needs. I like AP program better but my child didn't go to AP. I know several studens didn't go to IB
          • AP 课的work load 比一般课多很多,女儿选了,分数明显下降,我认为没有必要。
        • 多谢!
    • 不一定!如果孩子有明显学科偏向, 比较不适合念IB.因为IB有许多必选课.其实真正IB从grade11credit才算. 可多观察孩子学习及尊重他们意愿 最好依所希望入大学科系要求再决定.
      • 我家孩子无论maths,sciences还是人文科学,和音乐,sports都很好.
        • 好羡慕, 请问怎么教的?
          • LOL, 不是特意教的。
            • 那就是遗传的基因好, 羡慕ING
      • 初来乍到,不太懂行情,真心请教.吾儿申请了IB,不需考试,被录取.可能是这区华人少,申请者不多.他属偏科学那类,如果放弃IB,还有其他什么机会?AP(OR LP)和GF是通过什么途径报考的?才转来安省半年,有许多不懂,请XDJM指点.谢谢.
        • 在grade 9下学期3月去所在教育局报名Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
          我个人建议跳grade 10數學. 孩子可从容修完申请好理工科系必备的grade12三科数学.跳级是须自我学习可跟老师借grade 10 math. grade9成绩需90以上比较容易拿到老师推荐信.另外叁加waterloo数学竞赛学校会有宣布.维持强项在90以上大学依grade 12 U or M creidt 选最高5科英文申请, 别忘加强英文,理科强的孩子多不爱写作.
          • 谢谢指点,孩子确实不爱写作,我们恩威并施也不见成效.
    • 祝贺! 能不能透漏一下你家孩子成绩有多高啊?想看看我家孩子明年有没有希望.
    • It all depends on the alternative option. This school is the best in Mississauga.
      Are you thinking about the Gifted and AP?
      • It all depends on the alternative option. This school is the best in Mississauga
        which school in Mississauga
        • Glenforest
      • 我不仅关注学业,更关心行为behavior。孩子是互相影响并受环境影响。The alternative is the enhanded program (gifted) in a pretty good school located in an excellent community.
        • If he doesn't want to study overseas, LP may be better than GF in terms of local community environment. However, are you within the boundary?