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You can check your school's office is there any Before /after daycare.

Before I don't know there is one. Because the school already has a daycare for kids younger than 5. But there is a before /after room at the school. Since it shares the classroom with the school, they even don't have a sign outside. I asked a mom who sent her kid to the school everyday, she had no idea.
The office didn't tell me that information, until I found it through internet for a long time and called them.
I don't think to ask a neighbour is the best idea. It is better to car pool with someone. Each of you pick up/drop off for 2 or 3 days. It is fair and no money issue.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / Also need to find someone to help my kids for before school and after school in Mississauga Credit Valley school. Please contact me if interested. Thanks.
    • 在加拿大有孩子又有工作真不容易,加拿大的教育体系哪里是给工作的父母设计的呀.那么晚上学,那么早上班,
      让有工作的兄弟姐妹怎么应付.还要罢工涨工资,真是没有天理了.隔壁的邻居又要搬家了,又需要给孩子找个早晚可以接送的人.我的孩子在MISSISSAUGA CREDIT VALLEY. 有愿意赚些小外快又喜欢孩子能一起玩的朋友给我PM. 谢谢了.
      • ding
    • 一直顶到有人回答.看看能不能自己把自己顶进热点了. :)
      • 找个同学家长不好么?
        • 就是找不着.自己要上班,平时都是隔壁邻居送孩子,她是个老外,据说已经很努力帮我问了,但还是问不着.头疼.我想总有人可以有空帮着接送吧.
        • 谢谢你帮我顶.
    • 我也正打听mississauga学校的after school care。你有没有问问plasp daycare好像在你们小孩的学校里有,school age group的位置也很紧张吗?
      • 没有位置了,已经登记了一年了还没有等到.抱歉,什么是SCHOOL AGE GROUP?
    • 大家都是怎么安排早上送学校的呀?我孩子才2岁,但是也要开始担心这问题了。如果没人帮忙,家里又没有老人,只能一个人辞职在家里。本来还想再生个老二,想想这些头疼问题,真是犹豫。
      • 没错,在加拿大生孩子容易,养孩子真难,尤其我们又没有老人在身边,孩子上学生病都很头疼.
    • You can check your school's office is there any Before /after daycare.
      Before I don't know there is one. Because the school already has a daycare for kids younger than 5. But there is a before /after room at the school. Since it shares the classroom with the school, they even don't have a sign outside. I asked a mom who sent her kid to the school everyday, she had no idea.
      The office didn't tell me that information, until I found it through internet for a long time and called them.
      I don't think to ask a neighbour is the best idea. It is better to car pool with someone. Each of you pick up/drop off for 2 or 3 days. It is fair and no money issue.
      • Thanks for you advise. The shool's before and after school is YMCA which I registered for a year and still in waiting list. I can't pick up my kids because I have to go to work. So I am kind of looking for full time before and after school person.
    • if you can't find anyone else maybe i can help
      boy or girl, i can't sent but might be can pick up for you, because my son gets up late everyday, so morning maybe too rush for me. so please find other person first, if you can't find others, maybe i can help.
    • 到学校的office去问,愿意提供baby sitter服务的妈妈都在那里登记了,after school program也在那里挂号了。去了,他会给你复印一个的list。xiang我们学校就有两个 after school program可以去,不到office问,跟本就不知道。
      • 去学校问倒是个办法,看看老师有没有认识的人能帮忙.还真转不过来.早晨学校8点45才接受,晚上要3点多就接人,再早也不能2点多就出发呀.除非做PART TIME.
    • 同感. 美国所有小学都有学区办的on site before and after school care. 加拿大倒好, 私立的不说, 还没空. 我们去OFFICE问, 竟然建议我们自己把孩子送到两公里外的社区中心, 太离谱了. 只能靠邻居或朋友.
      • Canada encourage you staying at home and taking the benefit from the goverment instead of going out working. That is why even we work hard, we didn't have big gap with those people that enjoy the benefit for low income family.
      • 最可恨的我们这里的家长委员会居然开会得出结论,我们不需要on site before and after school care.有几个工作妈有空去参加他们的会的?!周围同学的妈妈是住家的居多,或是大多part time工作。
        • Just courious. I don't know if the Chinese woman stay at home full time more often or the local person is doing that more often.
          • 1. Chinese women more often holds a degree in science or business, and easier to get a job; 2 Chinese family come to Canada in their mid 30s and buy a house around 40, therefore need work harder to get house paid off and accumulate enough rrsp etc.
            • 主要是本地妇女的‘妇女解放’没有大陆的彻底,无论丈夫和妻子都认为带孩子是非常重要的工作。比如我儿子的好朋友,母亲原来是小学老师,也是有本科文凭的,生孩子后就不再上班,父亲虽然是做IT的,还开公司,但仍然住APARTMENT,不过比较贵一点的那种。
              • 是呀.可能老外觉得自己本地人,相对安全性高些.我觉得对移民来说,没有根基,所以一个人上班感觉会危险些.大家都靠着一个人,万一他倒了,想找人靠都不行.
          • 本地人多吧,主要是经济实力不一样。象上面那位Hannah's Fan(一定有女儿)说的,移民大多30左右才来,经济基础不行。中国妈有刚来不工作的,时间长了,找到合适的工作,还是出去工作的。第一代移民比较辛苦啊。
            • 也许大家都有父母来帮忙吧,所以没有太多孩子上学或者孩子小的问题.象我这样父母根本不愿意来的,只能自己解决.但有些事情真的是不知道怎么解决,自己又不能不上班.不上班吃什么呀.
              • 孩子的爸干什么的?
                • 也上班,不过在中国上.帮不上.
    • 还真把自己顶进热点了,就是即使进热点了,还是没人应征啊.看来广大的家里蹲妈妈都没蹲我们那块.我们那块是不是太容易找工了,还是大家钱都太多,没有有兴趣赚那点小钱啊.