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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 对申请医学院有兴趣的学生和家长请注意
    我们正在筹备一个讲座,将邀请两位今年被医学院录取的学生(Harvard, University of Toronto ) 讲解:

    1) 对医生职业的认识,医生职业的优点和缺点。

    2) 不同的医学院对学生的基本要求。

    3) 在大学期间如何准备医学院的申请。

    4). 医学院申请程序和技巧。

    5). 加拿大公民申请美国医学院的特殊性

    讲座将在六月中旬举行。为了寻找合适的场地,我们需要提前估计可能参加的总人数。请有兴趣的朋友送一个e-mail 到 education4u@gmail.com, 告诉需要几个座位。待时间地点确定后,我们将提前用e-mail寄去讲座提纲。
    • 谢谢大家的关注。一天之内收到近40人的报名,看来得找一个大的场地。讲座将用英语进行,但回答问题可用英语或中文。
      • 能不能介绍一下这两位医学院学生的情况?考入Harvard医学院的是加拿大的华人学生吗?
        • 两位都是从中国移民过来的。办讲座主要是想帮助其他人,他们本人要求低调一些,个人详情就不介绍了。
    • 哈佛医学院调整经济资助政策。家庭年收入低于12万的学生将获全额资助。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛HMS Dean Jeffrey Flier remains committed to taking steps to reduce the cost of a four-year medical education. Parents with incomes of $120,000 or less with assets typical for those income levels are no longer expected to contribute to the cost of their children attending HMS. In addition, this initiative eliminates from the family income calculation typical before-tax retirement savings.


      Harvard Medical School to reduce student debt burden

      New financing plan benefits those with incomes up to $120,000 per year

      Harvard Medical School (HMS) Dean Jeffrey Flier today announced that the school is taking steps to reduce the cost of a four-year medical education by an average of $50,000 for families with incomes of $120,000 or less.

      “The issue of student debt is of great concern to me, which is why I feel particular satisfaction with this first step toward making HMS more affordable,” Flier wrote in a letter to the HMS community. “It is important that the School not be out of reach to a broad segment of undergraduate students and their families. It is equally imperative to avoid burdening families with a new round of debt shortly after a child has finished college.”

      At the same time, Flier announced that the school will be making major improvements in the physical student learning environment by extensively renovating the interior of the Tosteson Medical Education Center, which was built 23 years ago.

      The new policy, benefiting just over one-third of current HMS students, comes at a time when starting salaries in medicine are lagging behind increases in student debt. “Minimizing debt is also essential for eliminating a potential barrier for students in making career choices,” said Jules Dienstag, HMS Dean for Medical Education. “This way students will not have to take debt into account or feel pressured to enter into higher-paying specialties after graduation. They can go into whatever field it is that inspired them to study medicine in the first place.”

      Flier’s announcement follows by days an announcement by Harvard Law School that it will eliminate third-year tuition for students who commit to working in public service for five years following graduation, and is part of Harvard’s commitment to make the University’s education affordable for students who may previously have seen it as out of reach.

      "We continue to pursue ways to make sure Harvard's doors are open to
      students of talent and promise, whatever their financial means, and to
      moderate students' debt levels so that financial worries don't constrain
      their choice of career," said Harvard President Drew Faust. "This
      initiative by the Medical School is a strong step forward down that
      path, and the long-term beneficiaries will include not only our future
      medical students but the many people these future physicians will

      Under the current tuition structure, families with incomes of $120,000 and assets typical for that income level are expected to contribute an average of about $12,500 toward the tuition, fees, and living expenses that make up the approximately $65,000 cost of a year at Harvard Medical School. The new plan will eliminate from the family income calculation typical before-tax retirement savings.

      Students who demonstrate financial need are offered a package of subsidized federal and institutional loans – called the Unit Loan – of $24,500. Students may then be offered institutional scholarships to make up the difference between the Unit Loan, the family contribution, and the cost.

      Under the new financing plan, HMS will increase to almost $11 million annually the amount provided in scholarships to make up for the reduction in parental contributions. In his letter to the school’s community, Flier said HMS leadership is “currently studying the feasibility of reducing the Unit Loan and replacing that portion with scholarships to further decrease the debt burden on our students and their families.”

      This effort to reduce the student debt burden grows out of an ongoing Strategic Planning Process begun by Flier, and is the work of the Strategic Advisory Group on Education, chaired by HMS Professors Thomas Michel and Orah Platt; the HMS Program in Medical Education, headed by HMS Dean for Medical Education Jules L. Dienstag and Jane Neill, Associate Dean for Medical Education Planning and Administration; and their team, headed by Robert Coughlin, the HMS Director of Financial Aid.

      Dean Flier said he expects that the Tosteson Education Center renovation “will have a striking impact on the overall experience of those who spend time in the building.” The effort – which is expected to cost more than $20 million – will include refurbishing the building’s atrium, amphitheaters, classrooms, teaching labs, hallways, and even bathrooms.

      “Equally important, we are simultaneously beginning to look at options for a long-range renovation that encompasses the entire Harvard Longwood campus,” Flier wrote in his letter. “Some possibilities may include conversions of building use and wholesale renewal of buildings to accommodate new directions for science. In addition, we will need to consider how best to begin integrating the Allston campus into the research and teaching activities of the Medical School."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 报名,两个大人两个孩子。
      • 报名必须送e-mail到 education4u@gmail,com ,以便于到时候寄去讲座提纲并通知时间地点.
    • 医药不比其它行业, 各国的教育和执照都不通用. 没有美国绿卡的加拿大公民和中国公民是一样的, 在美国不是没机会, 但是机会很少. 回加拿大吧, 得从头考执照, 比美国的还难. 我有个朋友就是这样的情况, 一步走错遗恨终生. 所以想学医的加拿大小孩, 要慎重.
      • 这个情况很重要,请知情的网友们淡淡详情。谢谢。
        • 说的非常正确。如果你是加拿大公民,想成为医生,最好在加拿大读医学院。在美国读医学院 residency是个大问题. 不允许您在美国工作, 许多美国医院不办H1-B reisdency 。回加拿大找 residency并不那么容易,行医得从头考执照, 要慎重
      • 加拿大学生在美国读完医学院后需要J-1或H1B签证在美国做residency. 这里有些要求和限制,需要一些额外的努力, 但并不难做到。看看一个讨论 Canadian citizens:Timeline for residency
        Canadian citizens:Timeline for residency

        加拿大各个医学院都有地方保护。一般外省生招收不多,有的学校甚至不招外省学生。极端一点的,如Northern Ontario School of Medicine,主要从Northern Ontario 地区招,连Toronto学生通常也不在它的考虑之内(不知有没有例外)。所以如果只申请加拿大医学院,真的没有几所可以递交申请。而目前金融业萧条后,成绩好的学生转向申请法学院和医学院的很多,申请竞争空前激烈。如果完全不考虑申请美国医学院,录取的机会会减少一些。
      • 美国医学院对待加拿大公民的考生和对待中国公民的考生完全不一样.中国公民如果不是在北美读的大学,你连报考的资格都没有.美国医学院招收的国际学生大部分是加拿大公民.美国有不少洲的私立医学院视加拿大考生等同本洲考生.

        • 兄弟, 你有没有搞错.1. " 中国公民如果不是在北美读的大学,你连报考的资格都没有" ,你在哪里看到的 , 2. " 美国有不少洲的私立医学院视加拿大考生等同本洲考生" , 私立医学院分什么本洲外洲?
          • 几乎所有的美国大学都要求国际学生必须在美国或加拿大完成一年的大学学习.你自己看看美国医学院的网站就清楚了. 我只是想说处在某洲位置里的私校而已. 我引用哈佛医学院的要求给你开开眼.其它几乎所有的美国医学院都有类似明确的要求.
            Supplemented their education with at least one year of college or university training in the United States or Canada if they have completed academic work outside the United States or Canada. (Foreign students who do not have a baccalaureate or advanced degree from an institution in the United States or Canada are rarely accepted for admission.)
            • 兄弟, 你说" 几乎所有的美国大学都要求国际学生必须在美国或加拿大完成一年的大学学习" . 可是Harvard, UPenn, JHU, St. W. U, Yale ....医学院的网站都没有看到. 你能告诉我们 那些美国医学院 " 如果不是在北美读的大学,你连报考的资格都没有" 吗?
              • 看来你真是对美国医学院的申请要求不清楚. 可能我说"连报考资格都没有"有些过.但事实就是如你没有北美大学读书的经历,你就根本没有录取的希望.
                • 兄弟, 知道错就好. 没有报考资格和录取的希望低是两回事. (你是没有看懂英语就乱说)
              • Harvard: http://hms.harvard.edu/admissions/default.asp?page=requirements
              • Yale Univ. https://medapps13.med.yale.edu/msa/msa_web.procrqmt
              • Stanford:
              • 我就不一一列举了. 你只要打开美医学院的网站,找到MD Admission---->Academic Requirements (或international Students,or FAQ),就可看到它们对学历或课程的要求了.
            • BTY. you need improve your english reading.
              • 我自信那几行英文我还是看得懂的. 倒是你,真看不懂?
                • 如果您看得懂, 那你说的 " 如果不是在北美读的大学,你连报考的资格都没有" 从那里来的?
                  • 你真是一个婆婆妈妈
                    • 最烦你这种不懂装懂, 误导人
      • 就我知道的在没有读医学院的孩子,最后实习都没有问题,加拿大和美国的医学院的学历是相互承认的,可以参加美国还有加拿大的执照考试.
        • 学历承认和做residency/行医考执照是两个不同的事情. 中国的医学院的学历也是承认的. 问题是做residency / 考行医执照有很多困难. 在加拿大读医学院没有这样的问题.
          • 我知道的加拿大的孩子在美国读医的不下10个,中国的,老外移民的,还有加拿大本地人都有,但是没有听说找住院实习的时候遇到多大的困难.而且有几个毕业后留在美国工作.
            • " 听说" "听说", 没有听说有困难, 有困难您可以解决吗?
            • 大姐, Here are some info you may want to take a look. see link1 and link 2 .
              • 我所了解的情况是在美国读医孩子的家长亲口告诉我的, 朋友中有孩子有打算要去美国读医,我也会介绍他们认识.我只是说我知道的情况,不是和你争辩什么.
                • 是不是您的朋友有一些管道可以申请到住院医的机会 ??
        • 你说的是对的,事实上由于美国做residency的机会更多,一些加拿大公民最后会选择去美国做residency.
          • 请问, ........为甚么"美国做residency的机会更多," ?? Thanks!
            • 供求关系啊.加拿大人口太少啊.
          • 如果你是加拿大公民,在加拿大读医学院, You are almost gurranteed 在加拿大医院做residency , Why you have go to US? ( plus you have to apply a H1-B visa which is very hard to get)
            • 去不去美国这个话题太大,自己去查查看每年有多少加拿大医生去美国发展吧.
            • 世界上考医学院最难的地方是北美,北美又数加拿大难,加拿大里又数安省难.美国医学院多,GPA要求比加拿大低,竞争也要小些.所以加拿大的孩子报医学院都会连带报几个美国医学院,以增加被录取的机会.
      • 报考医学院以及把行医作为终身职业是一个漫长的过程,很多学生从高中就开始准备了,虽然医生是一个相对稳定职业但时间和金钱的投入的回报比平不是最高的,选择学医很大一部分是对自己人生的一个挑战。慢慢长路。。。这一点倒是要考虑考虑
        • why people keep saying stuff like this?
          Every Career has its pros and cons, I really don’t know there is a better one comparing with medicine.

          Just watched CNN Headline News, they were talking this recession-proof career.
          • 学医比学花街那些忽悠专业当然要艰难一些,如要跟着钱的感觉走,学医不是最好的选择。学医就是要一脑门扎进去,不能有其它的想法,也不能跟着感觉走。三心二意,太多的backup plan 都会影响走医生这个职业的道路。所以说在走这满满长路之前,想好了再走。
      • I accidently know several (>5) foreign students apply medical schools, they all complaining how hard to get admit in Canada compare to US, especially those caribbean medican schools are very easy to get in.
    • MARK!谢!