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UofT 的录取数据不太好找,这里有一个2005 的数据,

UofT Med Class of 2005 Statistics
- Around 1800 applicants
- 271 offers were made to fill the 198 spots in the class
- Of the 198, 102 were female and 96 were male (so a very even gender split), 74 third years, 83 fourth years, 43 grad students.
- 55 were from U of T, 25 from Western, 18 from Queen's, 18 from Mac, 13 from York, 12 from the U.S., 9 from Waterloo, 7 from Guelph, 7 from Windsor, 7 from McGill, 6 from Ottawa, and 5 from UBC (and several other institutions have 1 or 2 students in the class).
- The average GPA was 3.83 for the people in the class, and the "overall" (I'm not sure if they meant the whole applicant pool, just the people they interviewed, etc.) average was 3.89 (!).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 有人了解MacMaster的Health Science专业吗?介绍一下,谢谢!
    • 安省高中生入学平均分最高的专业!
    • 恭喜一下吧,估计是拿到OFFER了
      • not my kid, my friend's daughter got it, but her parent are in China now. Does anyone knows how is the program for future career? Thanks a lot!
        • 孩子是不是要学医?大学上完了还要考医学院,那是要拼命才能进的地方啊。
          • Yes, the child is smart and works very hard, she is not sure to go 医学院 or not, if in 4 years she doesn't want to go 医学院, is this program good for her to find a good job? Thanks again.
            • 申请医学院的好专业.如以后不申请医学院,和其他LIFE SCIENCE专业一样,都不好找工作.
            • It is hard to directly go to a job market for health science undergraduates. Most of them, if not all, will go to other professional schools and graduate programs.
              Professional schools include, to nam a few, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, medical lab, medical image, phsysical and radio therapies, physician assistant and optometry, etc..... If to graduate programs (Master or Ph.D), I do not think it is different from earlier chinese overseas students.
        • 如果不读出医学院,确实不好找工作. 进入之前要确认以后转专业是否方便. 我小孩也进入了医学院数一数二的大学. 想想还是放弃了.
          • How about Engineer Science in UofT, she got this offer as well. She is very strong on Math and Science, got all good program's offer. It is hard for a 16 years old girl to make a decision. Thanks all of you!
            • It is a very good major in U of T. Also it is very challengeable, only about 1/3 or less students can get graduated from this major. But your friend's daughter sounds great. It should be ok for her.
            • if she doesn't have a strong people skill or like to communicate a lot (i.e. with patients, doctors, and nurses), then forget about health science, unless she wants to work in the lab
            • Engineer Science is Engineer not Science. Engineer needs to get hands dirty. In weston society, Engineer is not a woman's job.
              • What is good for a girl who is very good at Math & Science but kind of quiet. She is in IB program with 97.5% very smart & works very hard. Got all offers she applied. Hard to pick one. Thanks all recommend.
                • 孩子除了math和science好还有什么特殊的地方?从申请的情况来看,health science and engineering science,看不出她有什么passion,只是对学习不讨厌。如果在本科之后还想继续读个professional school 选任何一个学校她都能读好。如果在本科之后就想工作读engineering较好
    • 想借帖子问一下,if a kid does want to go to medical school, which university is a better choice, U of T, Queen, MacMaster or McGill for undergraduate? Any one kindly share your thoughts, thanks.
      • YORK
        • reason? 是不是好拿高分?
          • co-ask
      • UofT 的录取数据不太好找,这里有一个2005 的数据,
        UofT Med Class of 2005 Statistics
        - Around 1800 applicants
        - 271 offers were made to fill the 198 spots in the class
        - Of the 198, 102 were female and 96 were male (so a very even gender split), 74 third years, 83 fourth years, 43 grad students.
        - 55 were from U of T, 25 from Western, 18 from Queen's, 18 from Mac, 13 from York, 12 from the U.S., 9 from Waterloo, 7 from Guelph, 7 from Windsor, 7 from McGill, 6 from Ottawa, and 5 from UBC (and several other institutions have 1 or 2 students in the class).
        - The average GPA was 3.83 for the people in the class, and the "overall" (I'm not sure if they meant the whole applicant pool, just the people they interviewed, etc.) average was 3.89 (!).
        • 绝对数意义没有相对数大,多少人录取/多少人申请才更说明问题.YORK比较好拿高分,另一个就是UOW.
          • 我觉得绝对数字能说明一些问题,考医学院的学生都很优秀,录取的学生更是胜出一筹,无论是从那个学校毕业的。除去本校申请本校的外,被录取的学生越多的学校机会也越大。
            • 比如申请U T医学院.Macmaster200个学生申请,18个成功,York100个学生申请,有13个被录取?你认为哪个学校机会更大
              • 跑马拉松的时候,只有跑在最前面的一些选手会有机会得胜,后面的几千几万都是在陪跑。
          • 拿高分并不能保证被录取。<<The average GPA was 3.83 for the people in the class, and the "overall" average was 3.89 (!).>> 被录取average GPA was 3.83. 申请的average was 3.89。
        • 对你提供的数据很感兴趣,能提供出处吗?谢谢!
      • University of Western Ontario, Med Class of 2012 stats:
        Class of 2012 Medicine
        Class size: 147
        Men: 79
        Women: 68
        Home Address in Ontario: 136
        Number of applicants: 1,803
        Number invited for interview: 473
        Number from Southwestern Ontario accepting offer of admission: 59
        Last university attended:
        Western - 54 Queen's - 19
        Toronto - 18 McMaster - 17
        Windsor - 9 Waterloo - 8
        McGill (4), York (4), Guelph (3), UBC (2), Victoria (2),
        Alberta (1), Brock (1), Calgary (1), Columbia (1), Ottawa (1),
        Ryerson (1), Wilfred Laurier (1)
      • Thanks, everyone. My kid applied U of T, Queen, MacMaster and McGill. So he can only choose one in this four for undergraduate.
        • did he get any offer?
        • Mcgill
          • I kind of like McGill, too. But I'm the worried mother type, it may be a disadvantage that he is not a resident of Quebec if he wants to continue his path at McGill later.
        • 孩子将来如果要申请医学院,本科读Mcgill不会给将来申请医学院带来大的优势,MacMaster的health Science也一样。Queen's有个X-ray什么的专业,要求很高的。如果将来考不到医学院,转到radiologist 也不错。
          • 据说,据说啊,MacMaster的health Science有60%的学生进MacMaster的医学院。
            • 没有到60%但也是不错。Link里有详细的Gradutes statistic
              • 据study_work提供的Link,MacMaster的health Science进医学院的比例是45%。可靠消息啊,厉害!
                2007/2008 66/167 66(65MD+1MD/PHD)
                2006/2007 82/171
                2005/2006 51/111 51(49MD+2MD/PHD)
                2004/2005 53/98
                2003/2004 43/103 43(41MD+2MD/PHD)

          • Thanks a lot, really apprieciate your input. Then the choice is among UofT, Queen, MacMaster.
            • 方便不方便说说你孩子的stats 和除了读书之外的特点,如people skills, leadership, EC 等。各方面竞争力都强的话,去UofT。离不开Chinese food的,也去UofT。 喜欢安静的去Queen's. MacMaster 有点特殊,就连医学院的教学方法也比较特别。
              • My kid is the indepedent type. 除了读书好之外, good people skills, not sure about leadship though, and what is EC? Any food with meat in it is good food for him. By the way, what do you mean by "MacMaster 有点特殊,就连医学院的教学方法也比较特别"?
                • EC: extra curricular,像volunteer 什么地,医学院的录取要看学生从16岁就开始的EC。UofT 的申请表上可填写多达48项EC。MacMaster 医学院的录取是少数几个不要MCAT的学校,录取的标准和其他不同,不好琢磨。
          • Radiologist MUST be a MD plus at least 3-4 years extra training in Canada.
            • you are right. 本科出来只是radiology technician,not a radiologist.