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上周看CNN 说了两个孩子自杀的事,就跟儿子大聊了一通,然后让他写到周记里。觉得挺好玩的。一点没改,贴出来供一笑。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Today my father and I spoke about bullying. Bulling has many participants, the bully, the bystander-laughers, the bystander-do nothings, the bystander-friends, the bullied, the teacher, and the parents.

The bulling part of this is the bully, the bystander-laughers, and partially the bystander-do nothings. The worst are the bystander-laughers. The second worst is the bully, the least worst but still mean are the bystander-do nothings. The bullied is the one feeling the worst. The bystander-friends depend. If they try to help you know they are you friends, but if they just stand back and don’t do anything then they are part of the bullying force!

The kids try to stop bullying by forming “unholy” gangs because they help each other, in big groups of up to 6-9 kids to stop the bullying. This strategy works because the bullies don’t pick on lots of kids, only loners; loners are 1 or 2 kids only. Other kids stay near the teachers so the bully cannot bully them.

The unfair thing about bullying is that when kids get bullied and they defend themselves and hurt the bully they get in trouble for defending themselves. The teachers only care about keeping order in the school. If the bullying happens it happens but all they care about is having the control over the kids and the school so if they see bullying they stop it if they don’t see it they just tell the bully to stop bullying the kid. But still the bullies keep bullying the kid! Most of the time the teachers don’t even care about the kid they just care about order and control over the school and kids.

Today my dad told me about these 2 kids who committed suicide by hanging themselves! Just because of bullies! The bullying must have been intense! I have seen bullying and it was not pretty!

The little kids think that bullying is just pinching, punching, kicking, and other stuff like that, but no! Bullying is way more than mere physical punishment, bullying can be anything it just needs to have a physiological effect on your mood to make you unhappy, sad, hurt, and more. Verbal bullying is in a way were they effect your mood by calling you names, disgracing you, and other things to hurt you and your feelings.

People bully others because they are afraid, and or bullied before. Bullies are cowards and they only pick on the weaker kids and smaller kids (sound familiar?) do you think its fair for the weaker kids? (If you know most stories have rich people attacking the poor, the weak, and the unarmed.)

You know bullies are mean, scared, and other things. There are many ways of bullying. There is physical bullying, verbal abuse, turning out, teasing, and many more ways of making people feel bad.

The parent should tell the bully that bullying is not nice but the bullied kids parents should not over react. Many kids don’t talk to their parents because they think their parents will over react over it like go over to the school and complain or something like that but really the parents need to remain calm and try to help the kids end the bullying, but not for them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 支持打架的韩国男孩!
    • The Korean kid should give another jab to the principal.
    • 题目应改为“支持正当防卫的韩国男孩”
    • 中国人可以学习韩国人的强悍精神。
      • 那孩子是跆拳道黑带,只打破白男孩的鼻子,已经是手下留情了。
    • 那个白人孩子对中国人不满,以为那个韩国男孩是中国人才开始BULLY的。
    • 上周看CNN 说了两个孩子自杀的事,就跟儿子大聊了一通,然后让他写到周记里。觉得挺好玩的。一点没改,贴出来供一笑。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Today my father and I spoke about bullying. Bulling has many participants, the bully, the bystander-laughers, the bystander-do nothings, the bystander-friends, the bullied, the teacher, and the parents.

      The bulling part of this is the bully, the bystander-laughers, and partially the bystander-do nothings. The worst are the bystander-laughers. The second worst is the bully, the least worst but still mean are the bystander-do nothings. The bullied is the one feeling the worst. The bystander-friends depend. If they try to help you know they are you friends, but if they just stand back and don’t do anything then they are part of the bullying force!

      The kids try to stop bullying by forming “unholy” gangs because they help each other, in big groups of up to 6-9 kids to stop the bullying. This strategy works because the bullies don’t pick on lots of kids, only loners; loners are 1 or 2 kids only. Other kids stay near the teachers so the bully cannot bully them.

      The unfair thing about bullying is that when kids get bullied and they defend themselves and hurt the bully they get in trouble for defending themselves. The teachers only care about keeping order in the school. If the bullying happens it happens but all they care about is having the control over the kids and the school so if they see bullying they stop it if they don’t see it they just tell the bully to stop bullying the kid. But still the bullies keep bullying the kid! Most of the time the teachers don’t even care about the kid they just care about order and control over the school and kids.

      Today my dad told me about these 2 kids who committed suicide by hanging themselves! Just because of bullies! The bullying must have been intense! I have seen bullying and it was not pretty!

      The little kids think that bullying is just pinching, punching, kicking, and other stuff like that, but no! Bullying is way more than mere physical punishment, bullying can be anything it just needs to have a physiological effect on your mood to make you unhappy, sad, hurt, and more. Verbal bullying is in a way were they effect your mood by calling you names, disgracing you, and other things to hurt you and your feelings.

      People bully others because they are afraid, and or bullied before. Bullies are cowards and they only pick on the weaker kids and smaller kids (sound familiar?) do you think its fair for the weaker kids? (If you know most stories have rich people attacking the poor, the weak, and the unarmed.)

      You know bullies are mean, scared, and other things. There are many ways of bullying. There is physical bullying, verbal abuse, turning out, teasing, and many more ways of making people feel bad.

      The parent should tell the bully that bullying is not nice but the bullied kids parents should not over react. Many kids don’t talk to their parents because they think their parents will over react over it like go over to the school and complain or something like that but really the parents need to remain calm and try to help the kids end the bullying, but not for them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你儿多大?值得一读,怎么就“觉得挺好玩的...贴出来供一笑”?
        • 5年级。我笑他写的关于老师那一段。LP说还是要给老师留点面子,不要让他藐视权威的好。觉得有理,所以只给大人笑一笑,不能跟孩子说得太直白。
      • You should tell the government to bring that bully off to jail!
    • For those who live in Your district, please email to your trustee and express your concern. You can find your trustee from the attached link. It can happen to your children tomorrow if we don't stop it today. Please act quick.
      • 很好的想法!!!
      • done.
    • 韩国男生比华人男生更有男子汉气概, 责任感, 正义感, 助人欲和保护欲要强, 这是我跟两位韩国男生共事得出的结论. 因为工作关系, 跟其中一位很熟, 那人看起来傻乎乎, 又胖又苯, 英语极糟, 做事极认真, 不怕吃苦, 不怕被笑话, 一定要搞清楚, 乐于并敢于助人, 所以很收尊重.
      • 勇敢!那是因为韩国男人好“色”, 好“色”的民族通常要勇敢得多。所谓的大男子主义,造就了中国男人的懦弱。特别是汉人。没办法,那是基因的事!认了吧
        • 别代表我.我也好色.
          • 啥都往自己身上拉,一看就是色盲。 考您一下,好色之徒的标志是啥?
      • 觉得韩国人比较压抑,过分的自尊,有时候对一件不大的事情反应过分强烈。。相比较而言,因为中国毕竟是大国,中国人没有那么过分自尊。
        • 讲的有道理,不过老中和老韩都差不多!
      • 那就希望你们家的姐姐妹妹,女儿都嫁老韩吧.别的都不说了.shame on you.
      • 太盲人摸象了吧?
      • 不小心哪壶不开提了哪壶^_^ 俺的观点可能有些偏颇, 那是因为对几位同胞男士同事失望之极, 平时吃吃喝喝能砍能吹的, 到需要帮忙的时候都成了缩头乌龟 -- 俺私下找工作, 需要推荐, 同胞男士各有各的推拖办法, 反正最后都不行, 最后是那位韩国胖子的溢美之辞帮俺找到下份工作.
    • 上街支持韩国男孩和他的家庭,难道没有老唐和小留就游不成行吗
    • why a Korean was upset about being called Chinese?
      • with a FXXX
    • 刚与老伴讨论这事,她说这里干什么不能动手,将人家打坏了肯定会受处罚,受到歧视要遵循一定的申诉程序。她一说,我也有些没注意了。记得小时候,班上来个新疆的同学,他姑姑还是我们政治老师,也是天天被班上孩子取笑,后来新疆孩子大哭,说新疆人不是人啊。
      • 政治老师不得人心?
    • 不主动打人,但是绝对不能挨打
      • 同意。华人社区有没有支持韩国男孩和他的家庭的行动?应该搞一个。
    • 看来的一句英文教育孩子的话挺好,"Never start a fight, but always finish it."