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seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛seneca 的物流:
1, What's the role of SAP in this program ?Sap is integrated into four of the subjects (two supply chain subjects, accounting and scheduling and inventory management) within the SCM program.

> 2, What kind of SAP certificate I can get through this program? It is a certificate that demonstrates to potential employers that you have completed these modules.
> 3, Do I have to pass additional exam to get the SAP certificate? Yes.
> 4, What's the estimated employ rate of the 2009 graduates and career field ? We have traditionally had a 70% or higher placement rate for our graduates. I cannot estimate or make predictions around future employment for these grads. The statistical information will likely not be available for several months.
> 5, What's the drop rate of the 2009 class? An average attrition rate would be 10%.

> 6, What's your perspective about the job opportunity for 2010 graduates if the economy recession goes on ?See question four above.
> 7, What's the advantages Seneca have compare to other colleges with the similar program ? I would have to say the SAP component gives our program added value.

> 8, Could you please list the company's name by which the graduates were haired this year? Please consult Marlene.Slawson@senecac.on.ca in this regard. She is our career services officer.


1, What's the role of SAP in this program ? SAP is used as an example of an ERP program. We use SAP to teach business processes in two of our courses.
2, Do I have any chance to get a SAP certificate or related certificate through SCM ?TERP 10 is offered when you graduate.
3, What's the role of E-partner with Microsoft ?Microsoft supports all applications. We specifically use Excel, PowerPoint, MapPoint and Access
4, What's the estimated employ rate of the 2009 graduates and career field ? It is at about 60%
5, What's the drop rate of the 2009 class? The drop-out rate is 0%
6, What's your perspective about the job opportunity for 2010 graduates if the economy recession goes on ? Job prospects are good relative to other fields
7, What's the advantages Humber have compare to other colleges with the similar program ?10 years in operation. SCL accredited.


From SAP (USA):
The goals of the business process integration (TERP10) program are:
• Explain the organizational structures used in each business process
• Identify the key master data which must be maintained to execute each business process
• Discuss the ERP transactions required to complete each business process cycle
• Identify the key integration points between the different business disciplines supporting each business process cycle

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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / seneca 和 humber 的物流专业比较
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛seneca 的物流:
    1, What's the role of SAP in this program ?Sap is integrated into four of the subjects (two supply chain subjects, accounting and scheduling and inventory management) within the SCM program.

    > 2, What kind of SAP certificate I can get through this program? It is a certificate that demonstrates to potential employers that you have completed these modules.
    > 3, Do I have to pass additional exam to get the SAP certificate? Yes.
    > 4, What's the estimated employ rate of the 2009 graduates and career field ? We have traditionally had a 70% or higher placement rate for our graduates. I cannot estimate or make predictions around future employment for these grads. The statistical information will likely not be available for several months.
    > 5, What's the drop rate of the 2009 class? An average attrition rate would be 10%.

    > 6, What's your perspective about the job opportunity for 2010 graduates if the economy recession goes on ?See question four above.
    > 7, What's the advantages Seneca have compare to other colleges with the similar program ? I would have to say the SAP component gives our program added value.

    > 8, Could you please list the company's name by which the graduates were haired this year? Please consult Marlene.Slawson@senecac.on.ca in this regard. She is our career services officer.


    1, What's the role of SAP in this program ? SAP is used as an example of an ERP program. We use SAP to teach business processes in two of our courses.
    2, Do I have any chance to get a SAP certificate or related certificate through SCM ?TERP 10 is offered when you graduate.
    3, What's the role of E-partner with Microsoft ?Microsoft supports all applications. We specifically use Excel, PowerPoint, MapPoint and Access
    4, What's the estimated employ rate of the 2009 graduates and career field ? It is at about 60%
    5, What's the drop rate of the 2009 class? The drop-out rate is 0%
    6, What's your perspective about the job opportunity for 2010 graduates if the economy recession goes on ? Job prospects are good relative to other fields
    7, What's the advantages Humber have compare to other colleges with the similar program ?10 years in operation. SCL accredited.


    From SAP (USA):
    The goals of the business process integration (TERP10) program are:
    • Explain the organizational structures used in each business process
    • Identify the key master data which must be maintained to execute each business process
    • Discuss the ERP transactions required to complete each business process cycle
    • Identify the key integration points between the different business disciplines supporting each business process cycle

    大家考虑考虑更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 你想上哪个?
      • humber
        • Do you think Humber is better than Seneca?
          • yes
            • may I know why? thanks a lot
    • 太谢谢你了, 这篇文章很有帮助. 我还有几个问题, 不知你可否回答.
      1,关于SENECA COLLEGE, 如果要得到SAP certificate, 还有参加什么样的考试?
      2,关于HUMBER COLLEGE, TERP 10 是一个什么样的证书? 它是SAP CERT. 的一部分么?
      • 1, 应该另外参加sap考试,并且费用不菲。通常建议是上班后,用公司的上学机会去考,费用由公司出。当然不是所有的公司都有这样的福利。 2,请参见帖子的第三段,个人理解是入门的certi。
        • meiMM,你做认证了吗?要认证成绩单吗?HUMBER只告诉我要学位的认证,可是我看见这里好多人都在做成绩单的认证,真是迷糊死了
          • 阿紫,你不是在humber上过一年吗?作为return student是不是入学手续比我们都要简单一些呢?我只做了学历认证没有做成绩单认证。 
            • 就是不用考试而已.你考试了吗?
              • Betty prefer Humber college
                • 若是humber 收我的话。
                • do you change your mind?
                  • I don't know :) I am waiting for you changing first
              • 我刚book了6月份的考试,还不知道能否通过呢。你接到offer了吗?
                • not yet, waiting for the result from China
          • 学位认证就可以了,做成绩单的同学可能是要免修。 另外,想免修的话,在seneca是不用认证成绩单的,只要有英文版成绩单(可以自己翻译)就可以了。 meiMR
            • 多谢妹妹了.我还没决定是不是去读,只是先把准备工作做好,到时候再做决定吧.下不了决心吃那份苦的.
              • 还妹妹呢,打回去重新写,没看见人家专门标明了mei MR.
                • 哈,不好意思,我以为MEI=玫,梅,媚.......SORRY.
                  • 哈哈,我也犯了跟你同样的错误。
        • thanks your reply
    • 很好,谢谢