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The wind must be blowing hard in the camp
Thousands of miles from here
Where you are serving the country for years now
Standing on the patio in the middle of the night
And looking into the north
Oh, How can I bear the chirps of the birds?
They are combing back but you are not.
It's getting cold here.
It must be even colder where you are.
Are you still wearing the same clothes I made for you?
So dusty and worn they must have been.
Useless they are, my iron and fragrance,
So deeply hidden in the closet
Who will wash and iron for you if I can't?
Where can I borrow a pair of wings?
I would fly fearlessly over the mountains
After mountains and reach you tonight
I would love the desert as our home
And love the cactuses as the orchards in the moonlight
I would dance tirelessly around you like a butterfly
Hold you, warm you and together with you
Watch snow falling from the sky
It would be a place closer to heaven than here

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  • 枫下拾英 / 笔耕枫下 / 斑马斑马斑马
    • 原诗


      • 草上飞?那也是山贼~
        • 犹记当年草上飞,铁衣着尽着僧衣--- 就是俺
    • He has garrisoned in LinTao a long time,
      I haven't got his news.

      The scent of suitcase has vanished
      from those clothes he wearing.

      I wish I can lighten myself to be
      the butterfly flying around the orchids.

      I will fly over thousand miles
      to look for his figure alone the grass
      in the frontier fortress.
      • 第二句的翻译很有趣。“久戍临洮报未归,箧香销尽别时衣。身轻愿比兰阶蝶,万里还寻塞草飞”,第二句,“箧香销尽别时衣”,是指谁的“别时衣”呢?翻译是“he” 还是“she”?
        • 自然是男生的衣服上带的体味啦
    • 良人不见久, 万里戍边城。
      夜深起凭阑, 杳杳鸿雁声。
      思君身上衣, 大漠满胡尘。
      奈何香盈屉, 无从为君熏。
      何当化比翼, 一夕万重山。
      离离塞间草, 修修月下兰。
      妾为兰边蝶, 绕君长翩翩。
      同看胡笳雪, 共当胡地寒。
      • 这篇不错、、、
      • 炫耀
        • 为啥是炫耀?
          • 俺来代答:男同学是炫耀,女同学是才情。
          • 既不忠实原著,也不收束性情。这叫翻译?
    • The wind must be blowing hard in the camp
      Thousands of miles from here
      Where you are serving the country for years now
      Standing on the patio in the middle of the night
      And looking into the north
      Oh, How can I bear the chirps of the birds?
      They are combing back but you are not.
      It's getting cold here.
      It must be even colder where you are.
      Are you still wearing the same clothes I made for you?
      So dusty and worn they must have been.
      Useless they are, my iron and fragrance,
      So deeply hidden in the closet
      Who will wash and iron for you if I can't?
      Where can I borrow a pair of wings?
      I would fly fearlessly over the mountains
      After mountains and reach you tonight
      I would love the desert as our home
      And love the cactuses as the orchards in the moonlight
      I would dance tirelessly around you like a butterfly
      Hold you, warm you and together with you
      Watch snow falling from the sky
      It would be a place closer to heaven than here
      • 兔子这是重新诠释演绎呢
        • 气龙的才叫重新演绎呢
    • 风烈战营千山远,
      • 刚硬了些、、、
    • try
      long time he had gone
      yet she still stays alone
      how high is a butterfly
      can reach the border's sky
      • 我家老猪~
      • zan