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Tchaikovsky - String Quartet No.1, Op. 11 mov.2. this is one,may be called the cold, strict, sad, and careful piece of his style.

Still, only he can compose this. Special beauty and strong expression without many instruments.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 推荐:卡拉扬和魏森伯格合作的<拉2>。。洗洗耳朵吧,技术和精神的含量都很高。
    • <拉2>,part 2
    • <拉2>,part 3
    • <la 2>, part 4
    • 引子之后,第一主题由协奏部弦乐切入,卡拉扬在此的指挥非常潇洒而果断,引导乐队与钢琴水乳交融,精彩之极。
      • 最好不要分几部份,连在一起更好,谢谢
      • 谢谢, 已经洗了多次耳, 多帖一些啊;同时最好不分割
        • 好,只要大家喜欢!
    • 第一主题以ff的强度呈示时, 贝斯提琴的拨奏,加重了和弦的低音,使音乐的色彩更为浓郁,呈现一种凝重的思索气氛。
      • Dare to whisper a bit, there is no 贝斯提琴 instrument existed, Bass is bass, violin is violin, better not mix together。。。:-)
        • 老哥说得对,是我自己想当然叫做“贝斯提琴”,正儿八经应叫“低音提琴”,总谱上意大利文写的是contrabassi, (pl.)
    • 拉赫曼尼诺夫的作品,我手头有总谱的,仅此一部。拉赫的协奏手法,给我深刻的印象是:简洁,不是一般的简洁。当然,还没有达到李斯特那样的“简洁”。李斯特那事儿,我从前HY过的。
    • like frozen wind from the remote.
      Well, May I ask what is the major difference between Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff?
      Why it is important to be Simple?
      What is 手法简洁? Or, more pure and condensed rich emotion?
      • 答复Q1 - “what is the major difference between Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff? ”

        • 回答呢?
          • 马儿的工作很忙,忙得马鬃都飘不起来了。Be patient。。。
        • Now I can understand it. Thanks. Is there some occasions that Thcai is not 协奏繁杂 ? Is there any reason he keep this "Busy and Blubber" style, instead of improve it?
          • 每个作曲家都有自己的创作风格,有的听者喜欢热闹的东东,不必强求一致。
      • 答复Q2 - “Why is it important to be Simple? ”


