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Aurora 考 G2 记

今天第一次考G2, 特地请了一天假。一早起来先看了一场球, 巴西对土耳其,然后教练来接, 往北开了一个多小时到达考场,登记,考官上车, 简短问候, 出考场, 上大路, 进小区, downhill parking, road side parking, three point turn, 出小区, 再上大路, 回考场, back-in parking, turn off the engine, 结束。

接着考官开始点评:"you have a tendency not watching the blind point. If you are waiting for me to watch, it's too late. It will kill you, sir. And you were too slow when you were turning right, did you realize that you were almost crawling?................"
真是越听越没希望, 下一次吧....
"technically it's a failure"
"but I'm not going to fail you at this time. Good luck and take care, sir."
我都不感相信我的耳朵了。赶紧问了一句:I passed?
"Thanks. I appreciate that"
看来他想下一次再fail我, 所以考G时千万不能再遇到他了。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / Aurora 考 G2 记
    今天第一次考G2, 特地请了一天假。一早起来先看了一场球, 巴西对土耳其,然后教练来接, 往北开了一个多小时到达考场,登记,考官上车, 简短问候, 出考场, 上大路, 进小区, downhill parking, road side parking, three point turn, 出小区, 再上大路, 回考场, back-in parking, turn off the engine, 结束。

    接着考官开始点评:"you have a tendency not watching the blind point. If you are waiting for me to watch, it's too late. It will kill you, sir. And you were too slow when you were turning right, did you realize that you were almost crawling?................"
    真是越听越没希望, 下一次吧....
    "technically it's a failure"
    "but I'm not going to fail you at this time. Good luck and take care, sir."
    我都不感相信我的耳朵了。赶紧问了一句:I passed?
    "Thanks. I appreciate that"
    看来他想下一次再fail我, 所以考G时千万不能再遇到他了。
    • it is normal. Cong~
      • 请问CA自动挡的车本与手动挡的车本一样吗?
    • 准备考G,正在犹豫选MORINGSIDE还是AURORA,请各位给个建议。另,租教练的车去AURORA一般要多少钱?
      • 我听教练说,Aurora和Morningside的路况相似,Aurora的考官人好些。我租车去Aurora考G1exit是100块,包括考前在Aurora考场的练习。不过那两个考场都要提前很久book才行。
        • 那是哪年的价?怎么我的教练要150。
          • 我1年半在ETOBICOKE考的时候,是60, 然后早上加练最后是收100.
          • 上星期的价。我全科、散钟都是跟这个教练学的,不知道是不是和考试租车的价格有关系。