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To get Wiring Harness (which is used to adapt the factory harness to the CD players) in Canadian Tire or Walmart, it's only $8-10, find...

...a suitable for you car, same model, same year. Just connect those wires carefuly and correctly, should be the same colors. Remember, never start never start your car when you connect with those wires, otherwise you may burn the fuse of your antenna or other electronic parts.

BTW, it will be great to get a CD player with MP3 input(like JVC), then, you can hook you MD or MP3 plalyer with it. Good luck.

pls find the following links for your reference.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 江湖救急!今天买了部cd player想装进座骑,在发挥电脑diy的精神,拆下仪表板和旧磁带机之后,遇到了大问题,后面的电线连接不上,接口不对,请问车坛高手,是不是还需要买什么东西?还是必须找专业人士来装?谢谢先啦
    • 建议最好去canadian tire买本Hayes的维修手册, 里面有你车子的电路图. 估计也就是电源, 天线, 喇叭线(功放输出)几根线而已..
    • 这也是你玩的, 找专业人士来装把. 接错线, 歌都可能倒着唱. 另: 11年的烤若拉值不值配一新的CD PLAYER 呀?
      • 没所谓喽,又不是电脑,新配件浪费。就一cd player嘛,又不贵。:)
      • 真是猪的思维。DIY么,乐在其中
    • How much is it?
    • 我看到有帮着装CD的服务,$30。另外请问你在哪里买的CD PLAYER,什么牌子,价格,我也想给我的91 CIVIC装一个。
      • futureshop买的 ,sony,支持mp3,cd-r,cd-rw. 三百多刀。另外,哪里有30刀的installlation,我问的都是50刀哦
        • 广告区翻到第31页,终于找到了。Toronto $30安装汽车CD,请电416-4281569 -anthony(carsky); 6.26 00:05 (#338902)Reply
    • easy之极!canadian tire 买个corolla的adaptor,15块左右,插上即可。老音响留着,卖车的时候再装回去。
    • 谢谢“伪劣砖家”和“老樟木”,明天就去canadian tire,希望能搞定,车里拆得乱七八糟,很不爽
      • To get Wiring Harness (which is used to adapt the factory harness to the CD players) in Canadian Tire or Walmart, it's only $8-10, find...
        ...a suitable for you car, same model, same year. Just connect those wires carefuly and correctly, should be the same colors. Remember, never start never start your car when you connect with those wires, otherwise you may burn the fuse of your antenna or other electronic parts.

        BTW, it will be great to get a CD player with MP3 input(like JVC), then, you can hook you MD or MP3 plalyer with it. Good luck.

        pls find the following links for your reference.
        • 高! 实在是高! 怎么发现的!
      • 祝你顺利,到时候我装的时候还要请教你。
    • 我的朋友可以帮你装,好像收费$30。email问询: zhaogq2000@hotmail.com
    • 搞定!就像mtlsz(mtlsz)朋友说的,最重要的是买到合适的Wiring Harness,然后就是接线,颜色相对,多余的不用管它。接线是一定要小心,不要碰到其他的线头,否则必烧保险丝,我就遭逢此难,又去换保险丝,siah.....
      • hehe, 恭喜恭喜, 记得上个月我换的时候, 保险丝烧了, 当时不知是怎么回事, DEALEAR冷嘲热讽, 硬说是天线的保险丝烧了, 要整个换, $300加人工, 痛苦了几天, 好在...
        CANADIAN TIRE的一位朋友看了一下, 才找到结果, 要不就花冤枉钱了. 现在把MD和MP3驳到MP3 INPUT, 效果比用磁带转换器好多了, 任何INTERNET上的AUDIO文件都可以很方便地放在车里听. : )