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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 7哥真的又被关进去啦???~~~~~~~~~~~~ 菠菜得去保释~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • 这事儿菠菜童鞋一个人搞不定,需要班主任亲自出面解决~~~
    • LOL
    • 菜叔挖了坑,7大爷一不留神滁溜进去了。
    • 他又说什么了?
    • 他可以换一个马甲上来吗?
    • makes me think of promethus ... and his disgustingly painful liver .... or livers...
      • Prometheus~~~~~~~~~ liver regeneration~~
        • so basically Bro7 will out, post few posts, then in jail again .... out, in, out, in , again and again .... alone the way Bro7 suffers .... and thats the way BZ punishes him ....
          who is BZ anyways? lets do the revolution thing hand in hand, arm in arm ! overthrew the status quo!!!
          • 偶现在知道你为啥招女id喜欢了~~~ 赫赫~~
            • 问题是现在男生都喜欢他耶。。。。
              • 这的确是个问题~~~~~~~
                • 所以菜叔近来老穿马甲,不知有没有关系。
          • 菜叔。。。。您就。。。唉!
      • always, always, always something wierd~~~~~~ -dong3213(2011年要积极一点的牛); 1.12 22:56 (#6453772@0)
    • 7哥回来。正宗的讲故事的不来,幸坛那边来了几个山寨讲故事的。。。呼唤7哥
      • 7哥、菜叔,一个都不能少~