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Evaporating Water in -30C in Yellowknife, NWT


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / -33C. Global Warming? oh yeah ~~~ double double please ....
    • 被冻傻啦?~~~~~~~~~
    • Don't live in even bird doesn't poo place!。。。
      • 大师,I 服了U!!! one needle sees blood ~~~~~~~ by the way, where does he live?~~~~
        • He is not 菜 at all, he lives in East frontier mixed with rednecks, which called NB territory。。。
          • 那么远那~~~~~
            • NB = No Bird-poo
              • 那你的车一定满干净的,多好!
            • Rumor says he's gonna move to GTA sooner or later, deadly wait,just one word。。。
            • 比天崖更远一程!真没想到。
      • LOL. You like people mountain people sea place.
    • Evaporating Water in -30C in Yellowknife, NWT
      • 昨天试验了一下,还不错(#6473185@0)。趁天还没暖,赶紧玩
    • 昨晚看NFL,说pittsburgh当时温度是-4,换算成摄氏应该是-20度吧?体育场里好几万球迷都不容易啊
      • -33 was with windchill. -20 without.
    • 有听说冬天越冷当年的夏天就越热,那你就等着夏天double double 吧:-)
    • 逻辑在哪里呀,逻辑在哪里?逻辑在那小朋友的眼睛里.
      • 这是菠菜在TH买咖啡与MN套磁的场景,哪有什么逻辑可言?。。。
    • 从零上20多度一下子回到零下20度,真郁闷
      • 回来啦~~~
      • 回家就好啊
    • Not bad.
      We've had much lower temp during this winter. But the good thing about living in Calgary is that we have Chinook every once a while that blows off the cold air and brings the warm air. You can experience negative double digits in one week and above zero in another.
    • I wanna soak up the sun
    • 我最近老琢磨2012是不是真的。。。。有那么多不正常的现象现在。。。。
      • 别吓我~~~~~~~ 我半截入土了无所谓~~~~~~我俩儿子可怎么办哪~~~~~
        • 我就是担心我女儿才想的啊。
          • 原来你有个小棉袄啊~~~ 羡慕!!!
            • 我还羡慕你有俩呢。