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plate is 车牌, you can not register it without emission test and safety certification. For some car which is not for resale or ownership transfer, if the car is fail to emission test,

plate is 车牌, you can not register it without emission test and safety certification. For some car which is not for resale or ownership transfer, if the car is fail to emission test, it could be conditional pass when it is fully diagnostic and repaired by accredited drive clean technian within total cost $200. But you car is for ownership transfer, that means you or the owner hace to repair the car till to pass emission test at any cost. I do not know how bad is your car, some just change spark plug, hose, PCV vavle, etc, If the engine have problem, it will cost much.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请教:1、车的尾气检测估计不过关,如果我买过此车通常会花多少钱过此关。2、我只有G1笔试过后的照,可以买车及保险吗?
    • 1,挺难说的,要看你为什么不过,一般要100-200修。 2,不是所有的保险公司都允许,有些可以,以前的帖子有人提到过,但是我忘了名字:)
      • 朋友的车,他天天在开,我只是想估算一下,到底要花多少钱.另外左转右转时能听到卡卡的声音问题大不大?
        • 如果你说的卡卡声是金属摩擦声的话,可能的问题有: 刹车盘和转向轴锈蚀 CV—JOINT(万向轴)该维修或更换 方向盘如果是PS要查STEEL FLUID等等
          • 应该是齿轮转动的声音,这个问题安全检测时会不会有影响?
      • 可以买车并过户吗?另外下面的这位说不能通过尾气检测就拿不到车牌?
        • 尾气检验不通过,不能过户,不过你不能凭感觉就说这车能不能过,那得车行查了再算,cannadian Tire查一次也就二十多元,何不查查看再说?
          • Did you do your test in Canadian Tire? Is it so cheap? I am going to test recently so I want to konw some detail.
            • 是啊,忘了是24还是27元,反正是20多元,但我是一次过,不须要付其他费用,只是检查费用
              • Thanks.
    • You have to repair your car to pass emission test, or you can not get plate. Because your car is owner transfer.
      I am Drive clean inspector.
      • PLATE是什么?你既然是专家,可以说最严重要花多少?
        • plate is 车牌, you can not register it without emission test and safety certification. For some car which is not for resale or ownership transfer, if the car is fail to emission test,
          plate is 车牌, you can not register it without emission test and safety certification. For some car which is not for resale or ownership transfer, if the car is fail to emission test, it could be conditional pass when it is fully diagnostic and repaired by accredited drive clean technian within total cost $200. But you car is for ownership transfer, that means you or the owner hace to repair the car till to pass emission test at any cost. I do not know how bad is your car, some just change spark plug, hose, PCV vavle, etc, If the engine have problem, it will cost much.
        • 如果你是在多伦多,尾气检测不合格,最严重的维修要花450块,管2年,2年后的那次检测就没底了。
          • 最严重也只450$?(最严重是什么情况?) 听说有包检的?有没有这个说法?
            • 就是说如果你为了尾气检测不过关花了450块维修费,即使再测还是达不到标准,也放你过去了
              • 那就是:只有在车交易时才有这种情况出现?当车属于自己后第二次检测就不同?我理解得对不对?
                • 不对,只要以前测试是完全合格的,以后某一次测试就可以使用维修费超过450不行也过的条款,称为conditional pass,那么你下一次再测就必须符合要求了。
                  • 实在不合怎么办? 要换件?(我关心费用问题)照你这么说买旧车都得车主做这一步?(即使车很便宜)
                    • 朋友自己上次就是你说的CONDITIONAL PASS才过的我买过来该怎么办?
              • 另外有问题请教: 车还没过户给我,1我可以申请车牌吗?2有了车牌之后,我可以申请停车位吗?(我住所路边上的)
          • 2年后检测没底什么意思? 那就是有可能超过450?
            • 见上面那个回贴里的具体内容