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No problem. Lots of people do it when they actually retired, no problem at all for the people at their middle age.

Small dinghy may need some effort to sail, but nowadays large sailboat can be operated single hand, need more than one person just for shift. And with the satellite weather forecast, it's very safe.

Even you never tried before, just join a small sailing club, take a lesson, only cost like a few hundreds. Those small clubs usually they have some boats up to 25 feet, but you get the whole idea of sailing. If you are really interested, you can take some other courses in u.s. for bigger boat and some advanced skills. Those are not cheap, but still affordable, like a few thousands.

Later you can buy your own boat, insurance is not cheap though. Most of people never cross the ocean, just go along the coast, you still can go lots of places like that way, like Caribbeans : ) And you don't need a high end boat like shannon to cross the ocean, can also save a lot.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 人过中年,完成了孝敬父母养儿育女的责任和义务,现在孓然一身,腻烦城市的喧哗烦躁和千篇一律的生活,想去偏僻的边缘地区享受回归自然的田园生活,直到终结。在加拿大哪里是理想的田园?
    • 出家?
      • 不愿被戒条束搏,
    • “心远地自偏”~~~~~~~~
    • 如果你没有多少钱,又不怕冷,去东海岸。西海岸的温哥华岛风景,气候都好,但是现在那的房价一般多伦多人士能够承受的起的。
      • 可能理解不同,我想的是远离现代的偏远地区,如黄刀白马那样的地方。
    • 我准备儿女大后,回中国种菜养花养土鸡,地已经买好,茅草屋已经搭好,就是不知道什么时候回去种,什么时候回去住。您太幸福了!~~
      • 土地法规定土地征用后两年闲置不用将依法收回土地。你不是白买了?
        • 搭了个茅草屋,地是门前屋后大约一亩,屋前种了两棵海棠,院后种了一排银杏,院子里种了一些花树和果树。请人修枝剪草照看每年花6000RMB,公公婆婆每年秋天乐呵呵去摘果实。老公每次回国去看看。
          • :-)
      • 我也是想种菜养花养鸡,自己搞风力或太阳能源,完成自己少年时的天真理想……。可是我不会回中国,一方面已经没有了根,另一方面不愿面对伤心的过去。
        • 大隐隐于市,既然暂时没找到地方,这么想想无妨~~
          • 绝不是想当隐士,只是想换一种生活。
    • newfoundland
      • 是个好地方
    • 受够了寒冷,南下,墨西哥或古巴。。。中国江南虽好,等我老了“偏僻的边缘地区享受回归自然的田园生活”恐怕已经没有了。
      • 我虽不是北方人,可我真的喜欢寒冷讨厌热带,喜欢那些‘冻死苍蝇未足奇’的地方。
    • "孓然一身",到哪都没有意思,特别是年老时. 还是先找个相爱的人, 那时都哪都有意思
      • 这个很对!
      • 千万别上当
    • 在MILTON啊和以西的地方有不少FARM,可以买一个啊。我劳工有一同事就有一个农场,有7匹马,还有鸡,狗什么的。
      • 农场好,最好有个小湖,养鱼。
      • 这应该是一个好选择
    • 很有同感啊!不过偏僻的边缘地区,还是去度假比较好,住一、二个月就可以了,长时间的住,可能不现实。
    • 没有。就算你找到了,我们这一坛子人也会去骚扰你,让你惶惶不可终日。
    • hwy400往北两三小时,cottage country 住着不少退休的人,即可过田园生活又离现代生活不太远。
    • 真让人羡慕!!! 那下一个就为自己好好活吧.咯咯地!!,人到中年,完成养育和孝敬,剩下得就是期盼能被老板layoff!嘿嘿..您都有啦.不论大隐或小隐,美加乃天堂,住哪都行,只是需要一样东西...嘿嘿..(咱老中最缺的...)

      有了她.... 嘿嘿...明天永远更美好!!!
    • buy a sailboat, sail around the world!
      get a used one (more than 10 years), sell it after like 5 years, you only pay the value decreased for those years.

      like this one, have no problem to cross ocean...

      but you need at least one helper though : )

      and be aware of certain areas for somalia pirates!
      • 您真可爱! 这玩意那里是人到中年能玩得了的... 哈哈.. 唱唱..梦梦..还可以..
        • No problem. Lots of people do it when they actually retired, no problem at all for the people at their middle age.
          Small dinghy may need some effort to sail, but nowadays large sailboat can be operated single hand, need more than one person just for shift. And with the satellite weather forecast, it's very safe.

          Even you never tried before, just join a small sailing club, take a lesson, only cost like a few hundreds. Those small clubs usually they have some boats up to 25 feet, but you get the whole idea of sailing. If you are really interested, you can take some other courses in u.s. for bigger boat and some advanced skills. Those are not cheap, but still affordable, like a few thousands.

          Later you can buy your own boat, insurance is not cheap though. Most of people never cross the ocean, just go along the coast, you still can go lots of places like that way, like Caribbeans : ) And you don't need a high end boat like shannon to cross the ocean, can also save a lot.
          • 这个梦圆得好..."终结号".. 起行啦!
    • MUSKOKA area. 0.5英亩河边森林LOT,8万。自己盖Cottage,10万。当然,找个伴儿是首要任务。"孓然一身"是反人类的。
      • 心静自然凉,找个图书馆呆一会儿。
    • 大隐隐于市,小隐隐于林。。。真正的宁静在心里。