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Why not invest in equity within your RRSP?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You can avoid paying taxes on you RRSP withdrawal by investing in stocks within your RRSP. Here is how:
Open a self-directed RRSP account with your bank. (Annual fee in the tune of $100/year) Transfer your current RRSP holdings into this account. (Your bank will tell you how. Again there is a exit fee charged by your current RRSP mutual fund). Then you can buy stocks on your own.

But I would recommend you invest in a stock mutual fund instead of buying stocks on your own, because with several thousand dollars it's difficult to diversify, you probablity end up betting on one or two stocks. You can either buy the broad market index fund, or funds heavily weighted in a certain industry, like consumer products/health care/resources, etc. Once you open the online brokerage account, you can access fund description on their website. If you invest in mutual funds only, the annual fee for your online brokerage account will be much less. (The mutual fund might stil charge you when you sell your units). Diversification comes at a cost, whether it's worth it is your decision.

Good luck更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 看着股价这么低,我打算把我RRSP里的钱(不多,仅数千)取出炒股,除了买房,反正一时半会地也不能用这部分钱,说不定过个一两年能翻几番呢。诸位意下如何?还有,怎么买股票呀(方便、手续费低……)?
    • 原来不只我一个不会买股票啊, :)
      • I sent e-mail to you twice, have you got?
        • 一次也没收到啊, 可不可以再来一把? 请在SUBJECT里写点东西, 因为不知道怎么回事, 好多信都跑到JUCK里了
        • 没受到, 请再发一把, SUBJECT上写点正常点的东西, 因为我怀疑到了JUNK信箱让我不小心山掉了:(
    • index fund.
      • 请教: index fund属于哪部分?stock还是mutualfund?我用bmo的investorline,那天翻了一下,没找到。谢谢。
        • mutual fund
          • k,pfpf
      • CIBC 20种index fund,去年16种是负增长。最高是(30.7)-Japanese Index RRSP Fund
    • Why not invest in equity within your RRSP?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You can avoid paying taxes on you RRSP withdrawal by investing in stocks within your RRSP. Here is how:
      Open a self-directed RRSP account with your bank. (Annual fee in the tune of $100/year) Transfer your current RRSP holdings into this account. (Your bank will tell you how. Again there is a exit fee charged by your current RRSP mutual fund). Then you can buy stocks on your own.

      But I would recommend you invest in a stock mutual fund instead of buying stocks on your own, because with several thousand dollars it's difficult to diversify, you probablity end up betting on one or two stocks. You can either buy the broad market index fund, or funds heavily weighted in a certain industry, like consumer products/health care/resources, etc. Once you open the online brokerage account, you can access fund description on their website. If you invest in mutual funds only, the annual fee for your online brokerage account will be much less. (The mutual fund might stil charge you when you sell your units). Diversification comes at a cost, whether it's worth it is your decision.

      Good luck更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 多谢!看来在下水之前需要先扫盲。有没有关于北美股市基础知识的网站(最好是中文的,看起来轻松点)?
        • Try Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, Motley Fool. (fool.com).
          Try Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, Motley Fool. (fool.com). Maybe it's worth your while to even read some personal finance books to optimize you investment, tax shelter, insurance and RESP. Unfortunately I don't know of any such website in Chinese. The seminars and literature from Chinese financial planners can be of some help, but you know, sales literatures can always be misleading.