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我一直认为在中学时代我是一个nice person,被人欺负都是抱头鼠窜的,正如内文中说 even-tempered, kind and dutiful in school: An A- student. A teacher’s pet. 看了小报此文,才认识我当年也很可恶,校园霸凌 bullying也包括这种形式

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不知道当年被我们欺负的外号叫“拐弯灯”的女生,现在过得如何~~~~
As a young teenager, I was an extremely shy person of below-average height, with glasses, neither popular nor the school nerd (although being in the all boy’s chorus didn’t help my social status). I had anger over my parents’ divorce, but otherwise was even-tempered, kind and dutiful in school: An A- student. A teacher’s pet.

Someone in the all-girls’ chorus liked me. Elise was nice, but six inches taller, 50 pounds overweight and had bad skin. After smiling my way for weeks, she sent me a love note.

I never replied. Instead, with the urging of a buddy, I bought a canister of SlimFast, the weight-loss powder. I gift-wrapped it. And with the note “From Sam,” I had it delivered via one of her girlfriends. Standing 30 feet away, in an outdoor school hallway, I watched as she opened it.

Her friends reacted first, gasping and looking for someone to kill. But her: She smiled my way. It was a weak smile. I looked down. I never apologized. We never spoke again.

I had punched Elise in the face. And although no one had a cell phone camera to capture it, I’ll never forget her look. In that instant, I saw the “fat kid” for what she was: a person.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 我一直认为在中学时代我是一个nice person,被人欺负都是抱头鼠窜的,正如内文中说 even-tempered, kind and dutiful in school: An A- student. A teacher’s pet. 看了小报此文,才认识我当年也很可恶,校园霸凌 bullying也包括这种形式
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不知道当年被我们欺负的外号叫“拐弯灯”的女生,现在过得如何~~~~
    As a young teenager, I was an extremely shy person of below-average height, with glasses, neither popular nor the school nerd (although being in the all boy’s chorus didn’t help my social status). I had anger over my parents’ divorce, but otherwise was even-tempered, kind and dutiful in school: An A- student. A teacher’s pet.

    Someone in the all-girls’ chorus liked me. Elise was nice, but six inches taller, 50 pounds overweight and had bad skin. After smiling my way for weeks, she sent me a love note.

    I never replied. Instead, with the urging of a buddy, I bought a canister of SlimFast, the weight-loss powder. I gift-wrapped it. And with the note “From Sam,” I had it delivered via one of her girlfriends. Standing 30 feet away, in an outdoor school hallway, I watched as she opened it.

    Her friends reacted first, gasping and looking for someone to kill. But her: She smiled my way. It was a weak smile. I looked down. I never apologized. We never spoke again.

    I had punched Elise in the face. And although no one had a cell phone camera to capture it, I’ll never forget her look. In that instant, I saw the “fat kid” for what she was: a person.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 拐弯灯?女生何来此绰号?~~~~
      • 男生就是这么损嘛,女生长得不矮,总爱斜眼看人(或许眼真有点小毛病)
        • 那个叫眼眸流转,被你说成斜视,sigh ~~~~~~
        • 那个叫暗送秋波,被你说成斜视,sigh~~~~~~
          • 哈哈。。。。
          • 正确的形容是“逗眼”吧,就是暗送秋波的时候,一只眼的黑眼球对着你,另一只眼黑眼球几乎看不见。她也给我递纸条,我怎么回的忘了,大意是求她买副墨镜戴上,不要这样出来吓人
    • 孩子们打打闹闹,就这么过来的。现在回忆往事,留下好多遗憾悔恨,伤害过别人,也被人伤害过。
      • 的确阳光灿烂的日子充满了苦涩。