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morgan bank started as a commercial bank in UK and now it is a premium bank serving institutions and individual customers...

with 5 million USD deposits and up only. Nowadays morgan stanley and morgan bank are totally seperate institutions and are competing for financing business. morgan stanley merged with dean witter several years ago and now it is called Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Morgan bank was a big player in US politics for many years. They got in trouble with the federal government once when they were on federal side yet still financed the southern confederations during the civil war for weapon purchase. And it used to be the only bank handling government financing/tbills. Things have changed, but they are still one of the most respected player in US financial world. cheers.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / DX们,morgan stanley和JP morgan是什么关系?
    • Two independent firm nowadays. One connection though: The founders of Morgen Stanley were defectors from JP Morgen, including Harold Stanley and J.P. Morgen's son, Henry Mrogen. I guess that is how the name came from.
      • 谢谢,原来500年前是一家:)
    • morgan stanley was a off spring of JP morgan. by banking regulation law of 1965, banks could not handle securities and insurance any more. that's why JP morgan stretched out and formed morgan stanley.
      • 不太懂:银行不能从是保险业务?这是否仅对美国而言?TD不是有TD保险吗?
        • The security and banking regulation was for US only, but I'm sure Canada has something similar too. TD Bank and TD Insurance...
          are seperate legal entities. They both carry TD name as a conglomerate but act independently from each other.
          • I C. Thanks.
      • 谢谢,还有跟多的信息吗,贪心ing
        • morgan bank started as a commercial bank in UK and now it is a premium bank serving institutions and individual customers...
          with 5 million USD deposits and up only. Nowadays morgan stanley and morgan bank are totally seperate institutions and are competing for financing business. morgan stanley merged with dean witter several years ago and now it is called Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Morgan bank was a big player in US politics for many years. They got in trouble with the federal government once when they were on federal side yet still financed the southern confederations during the civil war for weapon purchase. And it used to be the only bank handling government financing/tbills. Things have changed, but they are still one of the most respected player in US financial world. cheers.
          • thank you!