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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请大家帮忙推荐一下两个软件,老板要求如下:
1. Automatic daily off-site back ups. Each night at a customer location, I would like a back up to run. When the back up is finished, a script should run the zips all back up files [there might be several computers]. Once zipped, the one file for the day needs to be ftp'd to my computer. We should keep about a week of back up files so each transferred file should have a unique name. Also, the ftp site needs to be password protected. Each file transferred via ftp should also be encrypted, at least while in transit over the Internet.
2. Ideally we want to connect to all computers remotely. I know that netmeeting has the ability to view remote desktops. Are there other programs that you would rather use to connect remotely? Perhaps http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/index.html How do we deal with router and or firewall issues?
我找了几个软件,象second copy 2000(http://www.centered.com/),Macro Angel (http://www.macroangel.com/)等,但我觉得不是太满意,而且用户数量多时license费不便宜。大家有没有更好的软件推荐一下?Free的最好。:)谢谢啦。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 请大家帮忙推荐一下两个软件,要求见内。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请大家帮忙推荐一下两个软件,老板要求如下:
    1. Automatic daily off-site back ups. Each night at a customer location, I would like a back up to run. When the back up is finished, a script should run the zips all back up files [there might be several computers]. Once zipped, the one file for the day needs to be ftp'd to my computer. We should keep about a week of back up files so each transferred file should have a unique name. Also, the ftp site needs to be password protected. Each file transferred via ftp should also be encrypted, at least while in transit over the Internet.
    2. Ideally we want to connect to all computers remotely. I know that netmeeting has the ability to view remote desktops. Are there other programs that you would rather use to connect remotely? Perhaps http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/index.html How do we deal with router and or firewall issues?
    我找了几个软件,象second copy 2000(http://www.centered.com/),Macro Angel (http://www.macroangel.com/)等,但我觉得不是太满意,而且用户数量多时license费不便宜。大家有没有更好的软件推荐一下?Free的最好。:)谢谢啦。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • up
    • as for your second requirement, how about PCAnyWhere? It's not free though. I am not sure about the price.
    • For business,
      Typical BACKUP solution is veritas, arcserve, omniback or so on.

      Remote access is citrix metraframe server.

      You need a lot fo bucks for this.
    • For small business,
      1. You can use backup toolkit come with windows 2000 to do that, save objects to a file, then ftp the file back.

      2. You can also use terminal serivce come with windows 2000 to do that, do operation for the desktop same as you sit in front of the screen.

      All the above 2 items should be free and easy to get.
    • 1. I am not sure, probably you should write it by yourself. 2. Too many: Reachout, Pcanywhere, MSM, Citrix, IBM Tivoli..... there are some free stuffs but slow...
    • For the remote control part
      VPN+Terminal Service is the best in performance.
      Dial-in + VNC is the smallest.
      pcAnywhere is somewhere in the middle.

      For helpdesk, we are using a web based meeting service, take a look at http://www.centranow.com

      For the first part, I am afraid you have to write program by yourself, then schedule it on the server. Encryption is not a problem if at the zip level is ok. In my mind, ftp does not support ssl, maybe I am wrong.