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everything has a price tag


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 又要出去玩三天了,高兴。
    • 附近哪好玩?
      • emmm, anywhere as long as kids laughing.....
      • 对我来说很很简单,我们不挑地,经常一年到头就去那几个地方,只要不在家就成
        1. Niagara Fall, GWL, Niagara-on-the-lake.. 一年到头travelzoo.ca上有好deal...
        2. Tobermory - 又近又好玩
        3. Blue Mountain 或 Mont Tremblant - Intrawest Club 的点总得用了
        4.Lake Muskoka region..Algonquin 附近的一些Hotel Chain 或Time sharing的facility 也常打折
        5. Pittsburgh - 有兄弟在那
        6. Ottawa - 每年必去看国会山的半野猫
        7. Montreal, Quebec City
        8. Kingston - 我的第2故乡
        9. 更近的就太多了, 已上的都不需要做飞机,不花费什么经历,周末或长周末的休闲好去处
        • 谢谢.:)
    • 周末决不在家,长周末决不在多伦多 - 我也有这个想法,但是LD说我那叫心浮气躁
    • 去哪儿玩?
      • 女儿有个Chorus Tour. 我们没那么多钱陪住, 就自己开车跟着呗。
    • 冬天憋着的时侯, 就想能出去玩玩就好, 真等到要出门了, 又觉得还是呆家里睡睡懒觉舒服.
      • exactly
    • 要不是为了给孩子组织一些有益身心的活动,周末应该先睡到12点,在出去闲逛,吃点好的。。。 生活节奏缓慢的活着,想干啥,就干啥,哎,俺的daydream 啊
    • 显摆~~~
      • +1 ... 老猫显摆贴太多 .. 上张全家 PP 吧
        • good idea!
    • 不怀好意猜猜,老猫出去玩可以不用做家务了,高兴ING
      • 全家一起遛弯回来,8岁的女儿在洗碗,老婆在收拾屋子,我听着98.1, 独自在deck的swing chair 上看云彩,顺便上上rolia。My cat is around my knees. 美好的一天。 -mikesmith(老猫); 2009.6.2 19:30 (319 bytes. #5309505@0)
        8 year old daughter washing dishes? Mikesmith is damn good on parenting!:-)
        • 呵,还有一贴,老猫说他家里的活都是他做的,很享受家务。
          • 比起我来,你就惭愧去吧。咱是买菜,做饭,洗碗,洗衣服,收拾屋子,接送孩子,吸尘,擦地板,除草*全包*。经常干家务,身心都舒畅。 -mikesmith(老猫); 5.14 12:31 (#6677374@0)
            Note the keyword "全包" -- is this the same mike, or something dramatic happened in between?:-)
            • 厉害啊,这都能找出来!
            • logic ya logic.. the former was an one time event that made me so happy such that i felt the urge to say something about it.. the latter was who i am and what i do on a day to day basis...
        • 我想知道是怎么让8岁的女孩洗碗的
          • Money money money
            • I see....it's all about money~~~~
              • everything has a price tag
              • I do not think it is a good idea. My daught washes dishes without money because I just tell her doing some housework is good for the development of intelligence.
                • 从小让她明白这是个有人情味的物质世界
                  • 当然,也让她明白,做一些家务活也是为爸爸妈妈分担一些.不应该做什么总提钱.个人观点.
                    • 最近女儿常有些作业上的问题要问我,正琢磨着怎么向她收费呢。
    • Faithful dancing is not enough? Usually you played faithful dancing after event, now you even play faithful dancing before event, is it called Warm UP?。。。
      • Never. Watching over the big window on the 24th floor waiting for sun rise, a new day begins, a new dance starts
    • 不在家是指不在自己家吧,你这是不打自招啊。