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本周六(07/09)Niagara Region采樱桃 + picnic + 集体 walking on the beach (last one is optional :-)

9:30AM 从密市准时出发. 希望大家不要迟到. 能提供或需要CARPOOL的童鞋请自行跟帖,相互帮助.$3/person.

请大家自带午餐,采完我们湖边公园picnic.回程会在Burlington beach短暂停留.

密市集合地点: Riverwood 公园在黄金广场的西北面,沿着Burnhamthorpe w 过GO Trian 桥,第一个红绿灯转Riverwood ,沿driveway 一直往上开,车停在STOP SIGN 左边的停车场即可. It's the same open parking lot for the Mississauga Visual Art center. You can google map with this zip code: L5C 2S7

For those go directly, please meet us around 10:45AM at Cherry Avenue Farms

Cherry Price: the price of sweet cherries remains at $2.00 per pound, with volume discounts available at the scale. No admission fee, but do require a minimum purchase of $4/adult and $2/child (age 5-12) so that guests do not go into the orchard just to eat!




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 本周六(07/09)Niagara Region采樱桃 + picnic + 集体 walking on the beach (last one is optional :-)
    9:30AM 从密市准时出发. 希望大家不要迟到. 能提供或需要CARPOOL的童鞋请自行跟帖,相互帮助.$3/person.

    请大家自带午餐,采完我们湖边公园picnic.回程会在Burlington beach短暂停留.

    密市集合地点: Riverwood 公园在黄金广场的西北面,沿着Burnhamthorpe w 过GO Trian 桥,第一个红绿灯转Riverwood ,沿driveway 一直往上开,车停在STOP SIGN 左边的停车场即可. It's the same open parking lot for the Mississauga Visual Art center. You can google map with this zip code: L5C 2S7

    For those go directly, please meet us around 10:45AM at Cherry Avenue Farms

    Cherry Price: the price of sweet cherries remains at $2.00 per pound, with volume discounts available at the scale. No admission fee, but do require a minimum purchase of $4/adult and $2/child (age 5-12) so that guests do not go into the orchard just to eat!



    • 这都是新移民的节目,老移民们就不要掺合了,超市的车里子$1.99到处都是,不必舍近求远,劳民伤财。。。
      • 我不新了,可还是喜欢去。罗卜青菜各有所爱,请不要随便代表别人。
      • 是啊。同样的老移民们就不要掺合camping了,自家后园就可free搭帐篷,还有水有电有锅有炉,厕所还近。不必舍近求远,劳民伤财。老移民都老了,在家晒晒太阳就行了
      • 哪里有1.99的卖呀?我怎么买的都是3.99的。。。
        • 我的$1.99是半磅,你的$3.99是一磅,Satisfied?。。。
    • 集体walking on the beach.....听着有点像游行示威。:)
      • 集体walking on the beach,手拉着手缓慢而坚定的向水深处走去。我不觉的像游行示威,有点象别的社么.
        • 防洪救灾抢险?
          • :-)
          • 可能是防洪救灾。last one is optional ,所以最后一个没人盯着了,看情形,想跑就跑吧。彪妹猜一下last one 是谁,我猜是阿甘。很能跑:-)
        • 八女投江的续集?
          • 说的太难听了,是七仙女戏水,天仙配续集,低调点,悄悄准备去偷衣服吧,别再让姓董的抢了先
            • :-)
    • 那边不是在发肠胃病毒, 死了16个人吗?还敢去啊?
      • 不用恐慌:C. difficile是一种传染性很强的肠胃病毒,通过接触传播,并导致严重腹泻等肠道疾病。在医院和长期护理院最常见,通常老年人最易受到感染。当地民众计划周三在尼亚加拉综合医院示威,以表达对地区医疗及系统管理方式的不满。
        • 66个感染,16个死亡. 这比例也太高了点...
          • 大都是住院患者,正在服用一些antibiotics 的病人。 warning: it is droplet transmission--body secretion~~