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A confusing question about maternity benefits

Hello, everyone. I just found myself pregnant. By checking the website of HRDC of maternity benefit, I got a question here:
When HRDC calculate how much you are going to be paid weekly, there is a sentence here:
"The amount of your weekly benefit payment depends on your earnings in the last 26 weeks".
My question is: is this last 26 weeks from your application date counting back 26weeks or from the last day you were on work?

I checked with HRDC by calling customer service, different people had different answer. I am so confused.Could someone have experience kindly give me an answer please?

Thanks in advance!

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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / A confusing question about maternity benefits
    Hello, everyone. I just found myself pregnant. By checking the website of HRDC of maternity benefit, I got a question here:
    When HRDC calculate how much you are going to be paid weekly, there is a sentence here:
    "The amount of your weekly benefit payment depends on your earnings in the last 26 weeks".
    My question is: is this last 26 weeks from your application date counting back 26weeks or from the last day you were on work?

    I checked with HRDC by calling customer service, different people had different answer. I am so confused.Could someone have experience kindly give me an answer please?

    Thanks in advance!
    • up, please help! thanks...
      • Take it easy! You do not have to apply before you leaving the job. Government needs the Record of Employee to evaluate you benefit, but you can not get the ROE earlier than you leave.
        Even someone may tell you that you'd better apply earlier to line up, but actually it doesn't make much difference.
    • Does it make a big difference? Normally you apply for the benefit just shortly before leaving the job, not 6 month before. My guess is it does not matter when you apply, as long as it is not too late to process.
      • Thank you for your kind reply. The reason I am asking this question is, my case is different: My baby's due day will be next April, I can't apply benefit until next Febuary (8 weeks before the due day).
        I have been working for 2 years now and the job is very heavy, I am thinking to quit my job A.S.A.P. If "last 26 weeks" means from my application date( next Feburay) counting back 26 weeks, that is to this September, if I am quit, from sep-next Feb, my income will be 0, so that mean I can't get any benefit, if it is from my last date of work, that is from this Aug counting back to this Febuary, I will get some benefit. The different is huge and really matters to us. Do anyone happen know this? Thanks!
        • Generally speaking it is from the date you stop working back 26wks. However, the earliest date you can be on this benefit is 8wks from your due date. So you quit earlier, in your case, dated back to Sept, the
          chances are you might get nothing. If you stop working later (say 5wks from dd), it will be from the date you acturally stop working.

          There is a chance if you are unable to work for the job while you are pregnant. I think you might need doctor's letter and then you might be eligible to date back ealier than 8wks. For this case, better ask HR in detail.
          • Thanks! I just got an answer from a friend who has the same experience, she quit when she just found herself pregnant and applied the benefits later and got it.
            So, I think "last 26 weeks" meaning "last 26 weeks from your last date of work counting back not from application date counting back." Anyway, thank you so much, folks!
    • Thanks, your tips is very helpful for me too. Does your friend need to submit a doctor's letter to the HRC telling why she can't work any more in detail when claiming her EI ?
      • if one has quit her job, and then find that she's preganat, is she still entitled to claim her maternity EI ?
        • 有没有人遇到过这种情况啊?辞职后发现怀孕,还能申请MATERNITY EI吗(如果其它条件都符合的话)?
          • I did help you check and heard that a friend of my friend like the case you mentioned above got the benefit.
            I think government is not that strict to maternity benefit application, who want to quit the job if not for the good of the baby, right? But for the safety purpose, better check with HRDC. Good luck to you!
            • Thank you so much!
      • No, she didn't submit any doctor's supporting documents.
        • Thanks a lot, help you will be sucessful!