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最后一贴 解决美容问题的途经

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛普通问题
4。VICHY AND CLINQUE的皮肤测试网站很不错。(夏天和冬天个做一次)
特殊问题(sun burn, serious acne....)
*护肤品用完一正瓶才能看到效果。 彩装,1,2次就可以。
*特殊效果的护肤品如果酸,revital, reengineering 的产品,用玩后,应换回正常护肤品。给皮肤一个休息。

正常皮肤一周护理( normal skin with now special problem)
what I do in summer:
1. daytime foaming cleanser+spf 15 cream+ eye cream
2 nightime foaming cleanser+night creame eye cream
3. after one day out door activity night time: after sun lotion
4. every week: 1 peel off mask 1 hair wax
5.every month; one scrub
6. moisture mask and peel off mask used in nose area as needed

What I do in winter
1. daytime foaming cleanser+toner+spf 15 cream+ eye cream
2 nightime foaming cleanser+toner+night creame eye cream
3. every week: 1 peel off mask 1 hair wax
4.every month; one scrub
5. moisture mask peel off mask used in nose area as needed

愿大家都更美丽啦!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 今天给自己放假,也给ROLIA贡献一下。大家有什么护肤,化装的问题。我可以给解答。我卖化装品的工龄连带这也有4年了。
    • 谢谢, 尚无问题, 但难免以后有.
      • 猪爸爸也对化妆感兴趣??
        • :P忘换ID了
          • 谢谢猪妈妈,收到:))。下班后就给你们电话
      • 兄弟,HELLO大哥这两天当三陪了。什吗时候我们打场球。我找不到你电话了,再发一次好吗?
        • 错了?啊?把猪妈妈当猪八八了,也好?嫂子转告一声 。 还没有见你们家小猪 :))
    • 怎么防止小细纹?怎样护理头发?
      • 细纹的形成几大原因
        1。年龄 no way to stop it
        2。日晒 ( use sun block, avoid exposing to sun for more than 2 hour, don't
        use spf cosmetic more than 30 unless you do sailing, climbing, ......
        3。污染( use envirnmental block, keep fresh air in your living room
      • Hair care: 1. don't use 2 in 1 shampoo.2. use hair wax one time every 1-2 weeks 3.clean hair every 1-2 day ( heavy pollution now, old rule don't work.
        • Thank you for your answer. But what is hair wax? How to use it? apply it myself or have to go to hair salon?
          • 局油膏,you can do yourself. of couse professional is better.
    • 干性皮肤缺水,不化妆,洗面奶和日霜VICHY应用那些种类的东西?不用增白系列.
      本来用的无油性配方乳状日霜,感觉还是有些干,不够滋润; 洗面奶没买过这个牌子,所以不知道是不是有干油性之分; 另外,夜用精华素不知对皮肤有没有害处?吃酱油和晒太阳长出来的小雀斑有办法消吗?谢谢!
      • 1.If you are dry skin, don't use non oil formula day and night cream. Although you will feel good with non oil cream, do no good to your skin.
        2. Yes, vichy do has products for dry skin. I think this brand is good. you need contact their beautylist. their cleanser need not water off I believe. 3. essential oil is good to skin especially to dry skin and to people above 30 who need extra care and nutrition. 4. sorry sun caused spot is very diffiult to dispear. blanch cream and lemon can only lighten the spot. soy sause, I don't think so.
        • 谢谢,你说得很清楚了.还想问一下,爽肤水及其他东西必须吗?因为我认为只需要洗面奶和日霜.
          • me normal skin everyday I use: summer spf15 daycream eye cream, night cream winter normal daycream mosturing toner eye cream,night cream.
            Toner is not very necessary compared to other. but if you use, it will be better.
    • 好,问一个:foundation到底对皮肤有无损害(排除伪劣商品)?谢谢。
      • 我觉得有。1,阻塞毛孔;2,使皮肤干燥。
      • yes, bad qulity fundation do. 1. choose good quality fundation and good day cream 2. don't over apply it
        3. don't apply it directly to skin 4. don't apply it to problem skin.such as sun burn acne 4. when mix with sweat don't apply it again
        • 谢谢回答。现在有很多紧肤和抗皱纹的产品,是否一用就会成瘾?再谢。
          • Let me put this way. Fisher don't use any cosmetic, they can bear harsh wind, sunshine, salty water. But do they look good, No.
            As long as you use any cosmetic to make your skin look beautiful, you definitely can not be better after you stop using them.
      • talking about beautiful apperence, its harm can be neglected.
    • 怎样选放晒油?
      • 穿身太空服就OK拉
        • 太空服比太阳油贵, 不划算
      • common day time spf 8 to 15. outdoor activity such as hiking spf 15 to 30, sailing surfing spf 45 to 55. Cosmetic with spf must be oiler than common one.
        • 我的皮肤中性偏干
          • It should be easier for you to try any brand.
    • T型区油性,其它地方有的中性有的干,这样的皮肤该怎么护肤呢?
      • T型区need peel off mask 2 a week, don't apply your cream alone nose, but only with toner.
        • 我怎么听说, T区也需要cream补充水份呢? 缺水会让T区更油.
          • What you said is right to normal skin. way to tell normal t-section( ususlly t-section will oiler than the other part) from oil t-section.
            apply tissue to nose 5 minues after clean you face. wait 2 minues( wait until sweat water dry), if there is oil it is oil
        • 只用Toner是不好的,toner的作用的中和酸碱度、进一步清洁以及补水,但没有保水功能,如果不用lotion的话,很快水分蒸发,皮肤会显得更加缺水。为什么不选用无油配方的lotion呢?
          • 很多文章都把油性TSECTION和出点油的T-SECTION搞混了。即使干性皮肤的人T-SECTION也会出油。我说的只适合真正的OIL T-SECTION。
          • one more above tips only for summer right now.
        • sorry I mean along the nose not including the forehead
    • since i moved here, i began to have acne problem which i have never had before :-( it is under control now, but there will still be breakouts from time to time, what can i do? thanx
      • 这不是化装品能解决的。少吃红肉,可乐,多睡,运动,喝凉性饮品。
        • thanx.. surfing on the net less and sleep more? wish i could do it :P
    • 对LAZY MM来说,如何快速化出PP的妆来?(此问题已困扰我几十年了,甚至想业余时间去找个师傅学习一下化妆术。)
      • 买张眉卡,照着描。眉头用旧的睫毛膏刷一下。用散粉去油光。AND KEEP PRACTICE。
        • 谢谢。买过的。可惜还是觉得麻烦。看来我真的是太懒了。
        • 散粉是用在粉饼以后修饰肤色的?还是可以当作粉饼来用的? 用之前需要先上粉底吗?据说亚洲黄皮肤用紫色的散粉比较好,是吗?谢谢。
    • 我的发质现在很不好,想请教一下,请进,谢谢!
      • 我也有相同的苦恼呀:最近掉很多头发。另外由于经常染发,发质变的很干。请热带鱼推荐一些好的护发产品。谢谢!
        • 跑题10秒:琥珀,你好。本王和我说他认识你。抱歉,我的OICQ不加人,害你麻烦了一把。你能告诉我你的YAHOO ID吗?
          • 谁是本王呀?我没有yahoo messager, 只有MSN*&*
            • 是什么? 加我进去.
              • 已经给你发了妹儿。另外,知道becky说的本王是什么?好奇!
                • 我没收到EMAIL啊。
        • 这个应人而宜,比如我用潘庭就头皮痒。挨个儿试吧,不要用一种洗发液太久。
          • 谢!
          • 有证明为证,有许多人用后,脱发,不用即好
        • 我用DESSERT ESSENCE的洗发和护发精,带TEA TREE OIL的那种,脱发和头皮现象都好很多
          • 请问在哪里可以买到?
      • REASON
        1。年龄 no way to stop it
        3。污染( keep fresh air in your living room
        6。EAT HEALTHY
        7。 TIGHT SLEEP
        • 非常感谢!能否指点一下如何护发?谢谢!
          • Hair care: 1. don't use 2 in 1 shampoo.2. use hair wax one time every 1-2 weeks 3.clean hair every 1-2 day ( heavy pollution now, old rule don't work.
            • 不好意思,再问一下,你说的hair wax 指的是什么?在哪儿有得卖?谢谢?另外,一般的护发素是不是有用?谢谢!
            • 谢谢。据理发师告诉我每次洗头发都必须用护发素, 是吗?因为我发质较干燥,一天洗一次是不是太勤?2天一次应该合适吧。谢谢。
    • 太好了,咨询一下关于油性皮肤如何收缩毛孔,有什么好的推荐?谢谢.
      • 1.use toner for oil skin but not very harsh one 2.peel-off mask 1 time every week 3 warm then cold water for washing face
        • should I apply lotion after toner? TIA!
          • weird, I answered you question just disppeared. yes, find a right toner
    • 怎么除豆?
      • Acne is always a problem. to boy, less alcohol£¬ balance life style, more vegetable and fruit
      • 去豆很重要一点,不要用手碰,也不要在没成白色脓头前用手挤。他是身体里的毒气,放玩了自然也消了。当然你要用去豆的护肤品。
        • 如果在它们还没有长出来之前挤掉呢?另外,用点含酒精的toner消毒好不好?
          • 千万别,会留暗痕。
            • 真的?明白了
          • 见到有苗头,可以试用点消炎的眼药膏,我从国内带的白靖宇和马应龙眼药,都有效果,因为配方里有消炎去毒的成分
    • 请问怎么去雀斑?
      • 液态氮
        • 怎么操作呢???&&
          • 我也有雀斑,留着挺好的。
            • 想玩失踪?
              • 也是,小时候怕丢了。现在雀斑不留也罢。//热带鱼真好,我偷偷学了老多老多东西。
            • 你皮肤肯定挺白的。我觉得只有皮肤白的人才有雀斑的烦恼。
              • Whites have more spot because they like got sun tanned and smoking
          • 去医院(中国的). 不过, 对付落单的很好, 如果成群结队了, 就不能用了.
            • 那好象是除黑点的,雀斑是那中棕色的不好对付的很
      • like I answer the before. banch cream can only lighten the spot.
        The only thing you can do is to prevent it appear. After 35, spots which may caused by sun burn in your ealiy 20 will come out one by one. No way can stop them.
      • 我知道, 我知道
        • 换肤显得怪不自然的,个人认为
      • 有一些美白精华素有一定效果。用点果酸的东西也有效果(注意防过敏)。另外,我觉得BHA是好东西,比AHA(果酸)温和。防晒很重要!
    • 请问用去死皮膏好不好呢?就象美容院两周一次那样的?
      • I suppose your 去死皮膏 is mean scrub right? 对于皮肤细的and sensitive skin 人1月一次,oil skin one time every week is enough.
        • 多谢多谢。俺也不知道英文名是啥,只听人总说“脱屑”膏。另外能否再推荐一下补充水分的营养水呢?
          • 营养水 is toner? The brand of it should go with your cream and cleanser. brand 这个应人而宜.
            • sorry, 跟紧肤水搞混了。请问紧肤水的英文又是啥呀?
              • toner for oil skin called 紧肤水
              • "补充水分的营养水"是不是叫Moisturizer更合适?
                • some call Moisturizing toner some call mild clariying lotion, tons of way to name it. basically you say toner for ***skin to beautilist.
          • Exfoliant? It is better for oil skin to use exfoliating GEL.
            • 请问exfoliant 中文翻译成啥呀?
              • 去角质
    • 最后一贴 解决美容问题的途经
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛普通问题
      4。VICHY AND CLINQUE的皮肤测试网站很不错。(夏天和冬天个做一次)
      特殊问题(sun burn, serious acne....)
      *护肤品用完一正瓶才能看到效果。 彩装,1,2次就可以。
      *特殊效果的护肤品如果酸,revital, reengineering 的产品,用玩后,应换回正常护肤品。给皮肤一个休息。

      正常皮肤一周护理( normal skin with now special problem)
      what I do in summer:
      1. daytime foaming cleanser+spf 15 cream+ eye cream
      2 nightime foaming cleanser+night creame eye cream
      3. after one day out door activity night time: after sun lotion
      4. every week: 1 peel off mask 1 hair wax
      5.every month; one scrub
      6. moisture mask and peel off mask used in nose area as needed

      What I do in winter
      1. daytime foaming cleanser+toner+spf 15 cream+ eye cream
      2 nightime foaming cleanser+toner+night creame eye cream
      3. every week: 1 peel off mask 1 hair wax
      4.every month; one scrub
      5. moisture mask peel off mask used in nose area as needed

      愿大家都更美丽啦!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thank you so much. It's very helpful.
    • My skin is normal to dry (with a slightly oily in T-zone). What kind of mask do u recommend ? Thanks.
      • I will take peel off mask and moisturing mask. I haven't seen your skin, cannot recommend specific one.
        • to use peel off mask & moisturing mask by turns ? Does Shiseido have these masks?
    • 热带鱼mm, 请问鼻翼的红血丝怎么去除?谢谢先!
      • 这么晚还不睡,皮肤怎么可能好呢:P。 不是很清楚你指的是什么样的红血丝。比如我很白,皮也很薄,一些血丝青劲很明显,不可能去掉的。Can only be covered concealer or powder
        • 谢谢mm关心。我还在北京。:P 唉,想来想去应该是用鼻贴用的。不管它了。:( 你也早点睡吧。
          • 鼻贴的销售对象是1。黑头严重2。懒人。黑头成因,消除方法。
            1。unbalanced life style, coryza,environment pollution

            2. Use peel off nose mask up to 3 times a week( I got one Korean product. can never find it again. now I use common mask. tips Use peel off mask in your nose area and moisturing mask in other area together, save time
    • 鼻子毛孔有点大怎么变小啊?平时鼻子上涂点什么?
      • pore-fection mask and toner, Does it need special care ? you need consult your beautician
        • pore-fection是什么? toner是收敛水吗?
    • 1) 脸上有很多小粒粒. ONCE A WHILE 会有青春豆. 油性皮肤. 去美容院针清. 会不会损害皮肤? 2) T-SECTION 特别油, 同时又有脱皮现象, 怎么办?
      • 很多小粒粒. may caused by your cream. 2.去美容院针清is ok, but find a experienced beautician and a big beauty spa. Many beauticians don't . they just get train for 1 hour maybe 3.
        -SECTION 特别油, 同时又有脱皮现象won't happen in one day together. must something wrong with the way you use your cosmetic.
        • 请问有什么LOTION比较适合东方女性的干性皮肤,在这里又可以买到的?
    • 为什么不用洗面奶和toner皮肤反而更细腻?我觉得只用lotion就很好。本人皮肤中性偏干,能否每星期做一次cleaning?
    • 眼睛周围最好用眼霜吗? 和用lotion有何区别?眼霜是否不分皮肤性质都是一样的?谢谢你。
    • 我也来打扰一下:来加拿大后,右手(左手没事)手指头出现干裂该怎么办?Thank you .
    • May I ask you where do you work, so you can give me consultation face to face?
      • 我想请问哪个牌子去死皮最好/???我听人说H2O去死皮不错对吗????
        • 这几样东西这边的专柜有卖的吗? PHOTOGENIC COMPACT AMPLICILS CILS BOOSTER BI-FACIL 找了离得近的一家,没有只有一样
    • 又一条鱼(龙)失踪拉!
    • 如何美白身体,比如手臂,背部等,希望在夏天到来以前变得白白嫩嫩的:p
    • 牙,牙,牙,怎么才能弄白了?
      • 拔掉全部换假牙。
        • 你是不是想说,兔子的毛拔干净了就成白兔了 :〕
    • 生过孩子,眼角的妊辰文,有法整吗?谢谢!
    • 请教怎么去除黑眼圈??我妈妈说我从小就有,可我看小时候的时候明明好好的..:(