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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

I could be wrong :)

- If your kid is bilingual, he/she can land government job easier than someone can only speak French or English.
- If your kid can speak French, he/she can learn English much quicker than vise versa. A lot of English words came from Latin or French actually :). Of course majorly latin.
- My personal view, the French seems to know how to enjoy life better than the English people.Learning French, your kid would develope nice taste to arts, and food :). Just a personal view though.

The French culture I am talking about here is France French, not Quabec French. Anyway, I figure it's the best your kid can speak English/French/Chinese. That is my goal to my kid :)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 送小孩上法语教学的学校有什么好处?
    • 利于从政。
    • 利于培养傲慢性格
    • 去法国玩不要翻译。可以骗别人说自己会阿尔巴尼亚语。
    • 利于以后骗女孩。
    • 谢谢诸位. 我见有人送小孩进法语学校, 然后请家教补习英文和中文, 难道就为这?
      • 小孩子多学一门语言不费劲,对大脑发育有好处。但是,把法语置于比英语和中文更重要的位置,好像有些舍本逐末。不过,如果家长对法语更有感情,这种做法也可以理解。
        • I know some parents sent the children to French emerged middle school. The mother told me that the kid could have choice to work in the government in the future.
          They plan to send kids to English school for university. The logic here is if you know French, English should be easier. If you know English, French is still hard :).

          I agree with you though :) Unless one wants the kids to work for the government or in Quabec, learning French is more like a personal choice of the parents.
          • Thanks. Does the kid who graduate from a high school where French is the teaching language need TOEFL to entry a university?
            • I don't think so. At least not in Canada. I met more than one french canadian who went to English UNiversity and learnt English there. None of them mentioned TOFEL to me.
              If your kid is going to be raised up in Toronto, you don't have to worry about her/his English because it is going to be the daily language outside school. I assume you are going to speak Chinese at home so your kids could be a tri-lingual. It would be nice but I don't know hot to manage it though. Please let me know how it turns out if you are going to try :).
    • 会了一件东西,当然同时也失去了时间和其它可能的选择!
    • French Culture is very artistic. Your kid will be benefit for speaking French not just for governement in the future. Culturely, he/she is going to be more rich.
      • 谢谢, 不过太玄了. 能不能说点实际的好处或坏处 - 如工作, 工资, 对英语的影响...
        • I could be wrong :)
          - If your kid is bilingual, he/she can land government job easier than someone can only speak French or English.
          - If your kid can speak French, he/she can learn English much quicker than vise versa. A lot of English words came from Latin or French actually :). Of course majorly latin.
          - My personal view, the French seems to know how to enjoy life better than the English people.Learning French, your kid would develope nice taste to arts, and food :). Just a personal view though.

          The French culture I am talking about here is France French, not Quabec French. Anyway, I figure it's the best your kid can speak English/French/Chinese. That is my goal to my kid :)
    • 会说两门语言,而且是世界上最重要的两门语言.再加上中文,这个孩子至少在语言上可以走遍全世界了(如果再能学一些西班牙语就更好了).
      • 学好英语, 再加中文, 走便世界应该也没问题. 只是可能做不成加拿大总督或总理了, 不知省长或一般公务员还能不能做?
    • 据说这儿的法语是有口音的(和巴黎比),不知是真是假。不过在加拿大工作生活应该没问题吧
      • 读书时看过篇法国小说,一个比喻印象颇深:暖气管子发出的声音好像加拿大人说的法语。: )
        • Even Canadian French is different. Quabec French and Acadian French are different. But in schools here, they all teach standard French, which is Franch French :).
          • Franch French = France French :)
            • Should be "French French". Right?
              • I don't know :). French Freench just does not make sense. My friend and I always use France French to refer to textbook French. It may not be the proper English though. :)
    • 看来也没有什么特大的好处. 一般英文学校应该也教些法语吧, 能应付些小情况吧? 还是学好英语是真的.
    • 学法语当然好啦.小孩子和小朋友游戏的时候自然能把英语学得不错.中文无论如何得自己教.所以法语说得流利是当然的BONUS.尤其是女孩子,讲法语很优雅.
      • 再"幽雅"还不是一个臭皮囊.
    • 孩子以后可以讲法语来蒙你。