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I am wondering if there is still one place without mean spirits...not to any particular ID..in fact, some ID are what I admired for a long time...listen to 96.3 now..it will help...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / I am wondering if there is still one place without mean spirits...not to any particular ID..in fact, some ID are what I admired for a long time...listen to 96.3 now..it will help...
    • switch to 98.1. that will make you feel even better. trust me.
    • "mean' is a very vague and subjective term. people are unique, at least each of us claims to be, standards and tolerances are significantly different. to completely understand the fullness of words and life, we can only try to be what we want to be.
    • You see mean spirit everywhere only because you're wearing a distortion glass.
      • You cracked me again.
    • + You are so mean! -tyra(Zara); 11.11 22:51 (#7062762@0) reply more # LOL, I am speaking from my heart. -dv2011(秋风吹渭水落叶满长安); 11.11 23:00 (#7062793@0) reply more
      • speaking from one's heart does not mean it is not mean....
        • I'm just kidding. DV老是有点mean,我有同样的想法也不会说出来。但是你在TTC driver那里看到的mean其实是不存在的,除了几个帖子有点过火,大家都在讨论问题,而且都是出于好心。
        • en, en, en......
    • What happened, Mike? Insomnia last night?
    • 老猫, 你这贴子有打落水狗的意思...有必要上升到Spirit的吗? 有必要用别人来衬托自己吗? 人性是最经不起推敲的, 包括你我..SHOW 的差不多就行了, 不要过度了...言语有冒犯之处请您见谅, 但这几句话却是不能不说了...
      • I speak from my heart; the words have edges; if it was "mean", so be it.
      • 一针透骨。说得好!顺便说,牛牛,你要真生那个DV的气,白让大伙儿粉你一场!那就是一二儿。
    • nice try, and people will see how a better spirit is performing
    • Still one place without mean spirits? Yes indeed, nowhere but YYXS。。。
      • Ok, thats where I gonna be...hope I won't ruin it...
    • That is, some ID has the totally different mentality from you as well as us.
    • +1. What is left in them to love?
    • 你说的是DV2011?干嘛藏头盖脸的。就直说,这哥们儿是有点二。我也好顶你一下。这哥们儿,。。。不是MEAN,就是二。没这么在网上对女ID说话的,尤其是上PP的女ID。漂亮的女性,要跟路人比吗?二!完了。
      • 我不明白有些人傲慢的底气来自哪里?连别人的spirit都敢定性,西方大概只有神才有这个权力。
        • 不是啦,他是觉得跟牛牛关系不错。DV说得过份,他不说两句以后见面不好打招呼。可说得太平凡了,又不符合他“膨胀”以后的身份。。。没看人家憋半天才出这么一句。。。不知道他当过上帝以后下次怎么出现呢,关心中,网友也是友啊。。。
      • 嗨, 我说哥们, 你少说一句不行啊...
        • 我可没参与啊!
          • 你又不是她哥们儿。。。
            • 那天晚上我跟老猫开玩笑,雪鸟妹妹出来拉偏架。
              • 偏你还是偏猫?
        • 唉,我就这么个毛病,跟华人过不去的我容不下,跟姑娘们过不去的,我也容不下。华人是要自爱的,姑娘们是要宠着的---你不知道我家里就两个秃小子多闹心。。。