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some answers

Credit history has all the information regarding your credit card account, auto loan or mortgage, such as when u got ur credit card, what's ur credit limit, what's ur monthly balance, etc.
Getting a credit card is very important, u may have a lot of trouble when u do certain things, such as car rental, etc.
Reapply credit card is very easy, but make sure do NOT apply too many cards at the same time. Too many inquiries is not good as well, when somebody requested ur credit history, it's recorded as well.
Please note, my experience is based on my last 4 years in US, in Canada, it might be a little bit different.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 各位朋友:请教有关信用卡的问题
    • some answers
      Credit history has all the information regarding your credit card account, auto loan or mortgage, such as when u got ur credit card, what's ur credit limit, what's ur monthly balance, etc.
      Getting a credit card is very important, u may have a lot of trouble when u do certain things, such as car rental, etc.
      Reapply credit card is very easy, but make sure do NOT apply too many cards at the same time. Too many inquiries is not good as well, when somebody requested ur credit history, it's recorded as well.
      Please note, my experience is based on my last 4 years in US, in Canada, it might be a little bit different.
      • 偶觉得difference还不小呢。偶是不是来的时间太短了?几乎深情了所有的银行,全都据偶~~~~真气人!
        • same in US.
          how long have u been here? but the first card is always the most difficult one, even in the states. In US, the best way to get credit card is to have one of ur best friend to be ur co-applicant, because his/her excellent credit history, u will get first credit card very easily with high credit line. once u get the first one, the rest is just piece of cake. u can get auto loan by this way as well.
        • This might help...
          Deposit a certain amount of money ($500 or something) into CIBC and you may be able to get one VISA with credit limit $500. You may also want to get a higher credit limit by depositing more as kind of security money (you can retrieve this money a year later). THis is what I did for my first VISA as a student visa holder :) Rememer, only CIBC dose so.
    • 要获得第一张信用卡,是不是只有交押金这一条路呢?
      • initially, they tried to let me do so, since you already work more than
        half a year, it should not be much problem. I insisted not depositing any deposit for it, and i called the institution, and i asked, i am this, i have that, what do you want?

        they issue me a card shortly, limit$3000
        • 你太棒了! 我有点觉得他们是很希望大家都去存押金的。能不能请你告诉我我打哪个电话号码?我也可以试试。万分感谢!
          • can't find it sorry
            you know, there is a monthly statement of your checking account, right? sometimes they attach a small appication (say, VISA), they I filled in it, weks later, i received a leeter, stating that i was refused due to insufficient credit info---wo wu hua ke shuo;

            very coincidentally, days later, i found another application form (in junk mail) from same institution, i completed the form again, then i received another anouncement, saying i am not quligied yet.

            i was kinda angry, i believe i dial a 1-800 # and got transfered (sorry, cant find it anywhere right now)--i wait awhile---if you want to kill me, press 107, if you want to kill youself, press 108, kind of things, they re-register my info, and i got approved.

            ok, if u happen to be with cibc (VISA), here it is:

            toronto 785-3233
            montreal 861-8877
            vancouver 734-5121
            rest of canada 1-888-377-7797
            good luck
          • forgot 1 thing
            cold calling dosnt work, when they refused you, they should have a file# (reference#) for your case, so when you call, you MUST use this #.
            • 非常感谢。我是找信用局还是银行要我的reference#? 我是在TD BANK 申请的,我原来的开户行是在中区唐人街的那家,现在我搬到了另外一个城市,但是没有换我的分行。请问有谁知道在不同分行申请是否批准的可能性不同?
              • not sure your case, i was given
                a ref# in the refusal letter, i do not see any 不同可能性 that affects your application if you only change the branch, besides, you can "relocate" your account to a different branch WITHIN the same bank, say, TD, without losing 1 cent of interest or continuity.
      • if you have been working over six months now you needn't deposit. 道听图说
      • 交押金又不是不给你利息。而且好象一有工作押金就可以解冻,和其他的存款一样了。有信用卡会方便很多。
        • 我工作都已经半年了!
          • 不好意思,我没搞清楚。原来你这么惨,银行这么无赖的,感觉就是让你存押金才给你办第一个信用卡似的。这样我到觉得楼上说的挺对的,看看有没有可以投诉的地方。不过,我来了两个月,觉得洋鬼子还是讲道理的,服务态度也不错,不象中国,有些地方你没有办法和他讲理。
      • I got a bad experience for depositing
        I put $2000 down for a TD classic VISA. After 2 years when I want to get the money back, they won't allow me to do that. So I have to cancel my VISA card in order to unlock the money.

        But once you got one card, it will be easy. The credit card application forms will flood in and every bank want to give you a card. Because you have built a credit history.

        So the first card is the most important one.
    • 你可能没说明申请信用卡的等级,一般有工作,申请classic visa没问题
      • no need to 说明申请信用卡的等级, if you are not qualified for Platinum, the degrade to Gold, silver, Classic...
        • 我第一次申请的gold没准,过了一个月申请classic,pass!
    • 我申请到了
      上个周六,我约了TD BANK的人谈,结果她又给我填了一张申请表。现在信用卡正在寄来的路上。
      • 交押金了吗?
        • 什么都不用交。我只问她为什么不能给我信用卡,她问了我在银行里有多少存款,目前在什么公司工作,工作了多久。然后就帮我申请了。非常容易。
          • 还是上次没批准你的那家营业部?
            • 不是。我原来是在网上申请的,现在是到我所在城市的BRANCH申请的。
      • 你来多久了?在TD开户多久了?
        • TD也有交押金开信用卡的
          • 人家不是说了什么也不交吗?
        • 我在TD开户有一年多了,在士巴丹拿那家分行开户,现在我到了外地,第一次是在网上申请的,现在是在外省的另一家分行申请的。
          • 哦.水到渠成.TD就是有一个开户一年的规定.时间到了.一般都能申请到.